You might have noticed Shu Uemura stores taking on a healthy shade of red recently. This is in line with the launch of the new Red:Juvenus skincare line by the brand.
The Red: Juvenus line replaces the previous BG line (green packaging) which I’d used for a spell, and is a rejuvenating skincare line targeted at reducing the first signs of aging.
The key ingredients are Amalaki – a red berrylike fruit found in ancient Japanese medicine, Pomegranate and Lycopene extracted from Tomatoes. All centered around the colour red hence the name and sleek packaging of the products. The Red: Juvenus skincare line promises to revitalize the skin, make the energy flow better, protect cells, hydrate and add nutrients.
Marketing aside, the key question is, how does it feel on the skin? I’ve tried some samples of the Vitalizing Retexturizing Emulsion, Intense Vitalizing Concentrate and Vitalizing Refining Lotion and have some thoughts on these.
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