In the past, when I first started having some interest in skincare, I came across a quote by someone that said “Spend on what you leave on and save on what you wash off” It was something of that ilk.
Essentially, the idea was that when we were balancing our budget for skincare, we should spend more on products like serums and creams, to get the best possible quality since we were leaving it on our skin; and we could save on a product like cleansers, because we’d just be washing them off.
I thought it made sense, so it was something I practised for a while. I’d buy cleansers from the pharmacy, and I’d not consider spending too much money on them. Something that was foamy and cleaned my skin was sufficient, never mind what special ingredients might be in it, because I was going to wash it off anyway.
Much later, I realised that I was wrong about this.
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