I don’t know about you, but I’ve always, ALWAYS loved going to the hairdresser. I grew up with short hair (Mom had no patience, and I didn’t mind) and my Mom’s weekly treat was a wash and blow at the neighbourhood hair salon. We lived in a small town so we took our luxuries where we could, and little PB would get a free trim now and then. There was something just magical about sitting in the high chair, with a huge sheet around little me, watching the hair scissors snip away at my fringe. I felt like such a big girl!
So, I grew up thinking that going to the hair salon regularly was a normal thing to do… until I moved to the big city and had to pay for my own haircuts and treatments of course. Ooh ouch!
We all know how hard it is to find a hairdresser and a hair salon that suits you. I’ve tried many over the years, looking for “The One” and if you’re fussy like I am, you’d know just how hard and stressful that is. At one time, I dreaded going for haircuts because I didn’t have a regular salon, and I’d always come out of each session feeling upset about the experience.
Happily, I’ve found The One and while I may entrust hair treatments and blowdrys to other salons, of repute or otherwise, I don’t allow anyone else to cut my hair. I did once, and while it wasn’t unpleasant, I knew I’d go back to my regular guy, the one to whom I can just sit in the chair and say “I need a haircut!” and he’d work his magic.
But today, it’s not about hair cuts or finding The One hairdresser. Instead, I wanted to know if you have any guilty pleasures when you go to a hair salon. Is it the plethora of glossy magazines to catch up on? Is it the tea and biscuits they serve you? Is it the “me time” that you get? What’s your favourite part about going to the hair salon? 😀