Do you have one? A bedtime routine, that is. I’m sure you do, one way or another 😀 It may be beauty related, or it may not. Maybe it involves you catching up on the news of the day?
I was thinking about it one evening, while getting ready for bed. I go to bed early, mostly because I suppose I have that luxury to be able to 🙂 I know some people who have kids etc have their bedtimes dictated by that, but since I don’t, I eschewed keeping late nights, and pop off to bed fairly early. I’m usually in bed by 10pm or 11pm at latest. I can’t even keep my eyes open past 10.30pm these days! (Psst! Sleeping early is also better for the skin ahem! 😉 )
Oh yes, I’m lucky and I know it 😀 However, I do suffer from bouts of insomnia now and again so keeping a fixed bedtime helps me. My body winds down on its own and when the Sandman comes a-visiting, I’m usually ready.
But I do have a routine before bed that I slavishly adhere to. It’s very simple really, but the routine tells my body that it’s time to shut down.