Now who hasn’t heard that I love body oils? None of you regular ‘uns I’d warrant 😀 For the uninitiated, I am a huge huge fan of body oils and any body oil that even remotely looks interesting ends up in my ever growing collection, one way or another. I do use them daily so they don’t go bad, thank goodness! I’m in fact already on my way to finished a large bottle which is quite an accomplishment!
The “problem” I’d say is that body oils aren’t terribly popular locally here in Malaysia where body lotions and creams still rule the day. I don’t use the latter. Dislike them in fact. So, when I find a body oil available locally that feels good and importantly, which I found to actually help my skin look better, I just have to tell you about it 😀
The body oil in question is by Antipodes and is quite aptly named “Heavenly Body Oil” 😀 Antipodes, as we have previously learnt here, here and here, is a brand of natural and organic skincare originating from New Zealand.
I had been using the Heavenly Body Oil for quite a while but I never felt the need to talk about it until recently when I noticed that the skin on my arms weren’t looking as crepey as they sometimes do. It in fact, looked and felt smoother than it looked previously. So that got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, not all body oils are made the same way. And maybe, just maybe, the Antipodes Heavenly Body Oil has given my skin something a little extra.
There is one thing I’m not terribly keen on though, despite loving the texture of the oil. I dislike the packaging. The body oil comes in a lovely glass bottle, which is great but it comes with a dropper style dispenser, pretty much like that of the face oil.
In some ways, perhaps it helps keep the oil fresh for longer because exposure to the air is minimized. In other ways, I dislike it because its fiddly. The margin of error is also very high. If you aren’t careful, you could quite easily topple the bottle when putting the dropper back in or taking it out of the bottle. Or, if you are careless, as I’ve been, you drop oil all over your bedside table. So I do think a pump dispenser is a much better alternative.
The oil as you can see, is a yellow colour and despite what you may think, its not thick or viscous as you would expect an oil to be. It is in fact very light, almost lighter than the face oil and absorbs quickly and beautifully into the skin leaving it feeling soft and velvety.
Based on what I can see, the oil is a blend of jasmine, lavender, ylang ylang and avocado oil. Avocado oil, if you did not already know, has a very light texture which may explain why the texture of this body oil is so light.
I love the scent. The musky ylang ylang scent does come through overlaid with a slight sweetness that makes me think of warm, thick, rich… honey. I kid you not! Haha! 😀 It smells lovely but I think not everyone will agree because it does not smell conventionally wonderful. It smells very natural and earthy. Antipodes says it smells of “a New Zealand summer’s night” and I can’t vouch for that because I’ve never been to New Zealand yet, much less on a warm summer’s night. Some day if I do, I’ll report back and tell you if it does 😉
I use it nightly just before going to bed and I use 1 pump each time for each limb because its so light, I find it absorbs too quickly for me to be able to spread it out a lot. I suppose how much you would use would be your preference, but I am quite liberal with my body oils.
As I said, I did not quite notice the benefits to my skin until I’d used this for quite a while, when I noticed that my skin was softening and looked and felt smoother and softer to the touch. I almost did not notice it, because as I said, its such a light oil that you almost think “Ah, I’m not sure if its doing anything for my skin” but it was, and I think that’s the most important of all 🙂
At RM178/100ml bottle I actually hesitate to say its pricey because the initial outlay is, but because it lasts so long and because I know a good oil is usually pricey, it sort of evens itself out in the end. This is firmly etched in concrete in my “to replenish” list when the day comes 🙂
In a nutshell
The Antipodes Heavenly Body Oil is a very light oil that absorbs very quickly and easily into the skin, even dry skin. I like the slightly musky earthy scent which I find comforting. The smell isn’t very strong and does not linger very much on skin. I found that with daily use, it helped my skin feel softer and smoother both to touch and to the eye. Even hardened skin feels softer after regular use which surprised me because I did not expect it. Not all oils work this well on my skin so I admit I was quite surprised. It is a little pricey, but most good body oils are, so if you prefer going to natural, organic route, this is definitely one to keep an eye out for!
Pros: Lovely scent and texture, Regular use softened and smoothened my skin quite noticeably, Not oily or greasy and absorbs very quickly
Cons: Dropper packaging isn’t very user friendly, A little pricey initially but it will last a while
Who will like this: Anyone who enjoys using body oils, Anyone who wants to try a body oil but are afraid it is too oily because this isn’t
Here is the ingredient list.
If you apply this right after a shower, it will absorb more quickly as is the case with all oil application. But I don’t because the dropper dispenser is a disaster waiting to happen in a bathroom, and besides, I like taking my time to relax before bed and that’s when I use my body oils.
Is this a body oil that would interest you? Do you like using body oils?
I’ve been using this very regularly for months and it doesn’t show signs of running out yet so although the initial outlay is quite a bit, it’ll last you a while if you are more economical with use than I am. Besides, that little bit of pampering right before bed is… heavenly! 😉
Paris B
Antipodes Heavenly Body Oil Price: RM178/100ml Availability: TNS Skinlab stores and online or find your local retailer on
I love using my body oil too before going to bed. It also relaxes me. This is an interesting product.
I’m glad someone does the same thing I do! Its such a nice way to unwind just before slipping into bed 😀
Hmmm. Thanks for this review. Interesting. I may want to try it!
You’re most welcome Liyeun 🙂 I do like it a lot!
As I’m reading this, I’m screaming (in my head) WHY paris, WHY do you have to tempt me like this????!!! haha…
hahaha! Sorry Kel! >.< But you can't hide something good right?!
Hi Paris, I’ve read a few posts about your love for body oils and now it intrigues me! I take a bath before bed and apply hand and foot lotions which I usually cover with thin socks and gloves because I don’t like things getting on my sheets. That was one of my objections to using body oils…but I notice you say that it’s not greasy and absorbs quickly. I also was concerned that certain oils could cause skin sensitivity and photosensitivity. Do you have any information or comments about this? Thank you.
Hi Kay, I personally find that lotions and creams tend to stick to the skin and leave a layer on it but oils rarely do so, for me anyway. So I don’t have a problem with it marking my sheets. That said, I think it depends on the oil. Some are lighter and absorb better than others. I have some that stay on my skin longer too. I’m not too familiar with oils causing sensitivity although I know some will, especially citrus based oils I believe; but I tend to use lavender or rose oils and I only use them at night. I do usually use a sunscreen on my arms in the day too so photosensitivity isn’t so much of an issue for me, if any 🙂 Afraid I’m not the best person to ask with regards these issues
This body oil looks really interesting. I am new to body oils so the question I am going to ask you seems a bit silly. Do you apply body oils all over your body or only certain parts that tend to be drier such as your feet, legs, knees and elbows?
Never a silly question, Victoria 🙂 I apply body oils wherever I’d apply lotions/creams i.e. wherever my skin feels dry and needs moisturising. So I apply on my limbs – arms, legs and massage in a little more on knees and elbows 🙂
I need to start being diligent to my skin. Sigh. Another stockist for this for us in Down Under- spotted it in David Jones Perth CBD, will confirm if there’re any in the DJ in Melbourne.
I’m not very good with caring for my skin too but establishing a routine and getting a product you like, that smells good helps! Hope you find Antipodes in your neck of the woods. It would be awkward if its not available since you’re so near New Zealand!
The only body oil I’ve used is L’Occitane Almond Almond Supple Skin Oil. I used it diligently when I was pregnant, and then slacked off. This post reminds me I should pick it up again. Skin looked radiant when I was on it!!
Oh I remember that! I went into the L’Occitane store to see if they sold any other body oils and they didn’t, only the almond LOL! I don’t like the scent of almond so I passed on it but it must be such a treat for the skin!
Thanks for this post. I’ve been reading a lot of amazing things about different Antipodes products, and now this oil. I will definitely have to try something from the range later, as now I have more than enough of products 🙂
I also like that it is from NZ.
I think this is a great little brand, Marina! I do hope you get to try something from it or maybe just this body oil 😉
I really need to try Antipodes ASAP! My skin has been find this year, and regular lotions/creams have kept it happy. If I ever need more I’d look into this for sure!
Its nice that you like using lotions and creams. I can’t bear it and I don’t even know why LOL But oils, I’d happily slather them on. Strange eh? 🙂
I love body oils! I wanted to try that one from Antipodes for a long time. Sadly, my skin is so dry, that I use up every oil (used 2x daily) within max 2 weeks, I have to use something in the morning and evening, otherwise my skin is really meh and super dry. Anyway, I really feel and see the difference between different those different brands I used, haveing and using a good quality oil makes such a difference. Antipodes, here I come 😛
I don’t usually use oils in the day but one thing I found about this oil is that it seemed to “help” my dry skin on my arms so it just got better over time and didn’t feel so dry all the time. I think you’d know what I mean about feeling the difference between oils and how they fare on our skin. Some feel good but don’t do much in the long term, while others like this one did. I think you’d love it Claire! 🙂
Hi Paris,
Thanks for the lovely review. And I too find body lotion/cream sticky and does not do much for the skin as they tend to leave a layer on the skin and washes of the next minute you get in contact with water.
I am a huge fan of body oils. Been using them for the longest time ranging from the drugstore brand like Ginvera Olive oil to Body Shop to the high end products. I am currently using the Moroccon Rose Oil from REN. Have you tried it? It is lovely on the skin, absorbs really well and leave the skin nice and smooth. However, now that I’ve read your review, I am definitely gonna give the Antipode a try once I am done with this one.
Hi Shasha, its wonderful to find another fan of body oils! I have to agree fully with you about lotions and creams washing off so easily. It sort of defeats the whole purpose 🙂 I never tried the ones from the Body Shop – the new ones released last year? Did you try those? I didn’t like the scents. I’m a huge fan of the REN Moroccan Rose oil 😀 (review here) Its a very lovely oil and smells so wonderful! 😀 I hope you’ll enjoy the Antipodes one as much as I did
Puts it immediately on “buy” list. I love facial n body oils too.
Yay for another oily fan teehee 😉
This stuff sounds…heavenly, as you said. I too am a huge fan of face/body oils. Have you tried Lierac Sensorielle before? It smells DIVINE, my favorite at the moment.
Oooh no, I haven’t tried the Lierac one – I’m not sure where we can find Lierac locally but I’ll be sure to check it out. Anything that smells DIVINE must be worth a try! 😀
This looks really perfect Paris. Can I ask if it has a strong smell of jasmine and lavender please? I think that’s such a great combo!
Hi Tammy, the strongest scent is ylang ylang I believe. Little to no scent of jasmine or lavender so this is a fresh musky scent that smells very “natural” if you know what I’m referring to 🙂
Great Post. I have used body lotion only and yes it doesn’t always relieve me of my dry skin. Also, how long after applying it can you slip between the sheets without leaving any “oil” marks on the sheets? My husband would “hate” that! :0
Love body oils just because I’m lazy and cannot be bothered with lotions and creams, too much work. Body oils are perfect, I slap some on while skin is still damp in shower then just rinse with cold water all over (the Clarins method), pat dry and I’m done. Got the Antipodes from Lifesense (a chain health food / vitamin store in NZ) for I think under NZD 45 so it works out to be just slightly over RM100. It does smell beautiful, a little piece of heaven on earth.