I just received the official news about the upcoming Guerlain Blanc de Perle skincare and makeup range yesterday and I just had to show you the one item in the whole collection that I have my eyes on. Not eye, mind you, eyes!
I believe that the Blanc de Perle skincare range is released only in Asia but do correct me if I’m wrong. The reason this is so, is because this is the whitening range for Guerlain, and as we all know, Asia is where whitening is all the rage. I personally have not used anything from the Guerlain Blanc de Perle skincare range although I’ve been told that the sunscreen isn’t bad. I plan to pick up the Super Aqua serum soon so I’m not about to delve into the whitening products of this brand just yet.
This is one of 2 images for the Blanc the Perle range, and as you can see, it reflects the luminous ethereal effect which is promised when you use the Blanc de Perle skincare and makup. The pink on the cheeks appear to be that of the Blush G Sakura blush – a beautiful pink palette housed in a lovely white compact.
If you like pink blushes as I do, you might have to go and lie down after this to slow the pitter patter of your heartbeat after viewing the picture of the blush 😉
Here it is then, the Guerlain Blush G Sakura Cherry Blossom blush.
I have to confess that part of the reason I’m lusting after this wonderous beauty is because I see it as the perfect counterfoil to the Blush G Serie Noir released about 2 years ago! The Blush G Serie Noir comes housed in a polished black case and I can just see them sitting side by side – black vs white. Eeee….!!!! 😀
I have no idea as yet what the texture will be like or if it will be pigmented, or if it will be pale. If it is anything like the texture of the Blush G Serie Noir blush then I will tell you that the quality is sublime. The powder is lovely and pigmented yet blends beautifully to impart just a soft blush of colour on the cheeks. Blush G Serie Noir was more coral-pink and I expect this one to be a bit cooler, just based on the images.
According to Guerlain, the Blush G Sakura blush was inspired by the tenderness of Spring and blooming cherry blossoms. The striped palette contains white, coral, and petal pinks. Blend the 2 top shades of coral and white to give skin a flush of “nude pink” and blend the lower two shades of fuchsia and soft pink to create a “pink explosion” and highlight cheekbones.
To be honest with you, I”m not sure what this all means, but all I do know is that I have set my eyes and heart on this one and I can’t wait till its available in stores. At present, I’m told it will be available locally in February 2013 and perhaps around mid-February 2013 so keep a look out for it then.
I had the impression that this Blush G Sakura is exclusive to Asia but its available on the Selfridges website so perhaps, not just Asia after all, but it certainly has limited distribution.
Here are 2 more shots of the complete Guerlain Blanc de Perle collection for 2013 for your viewing pleasure.
Yes, there are Meteorites Perles too. They come in a tin of white pearls of varying shades of ivory and white, and you maybe wondering why I’m not making a big song and dance about it as I usually do. The answer is simple. I already have them! Mwahahaha! 😀 They are available permanently here in Asia so I picked up a tub a while ago. I’ll post some pictures and talk about them soon 😀
Have you tried anything from the Guerlain Blanc de Perle skincare and is anything worth trying? Does the Blush G Sakura blush make your heart go pit-a-pat?
I can’t wait till its out at the counters because I swear, this is about the only item I’m actually excited about during this quarter of 2013 and that is saying something! 😀
Paris B
Guerlain Blush G Sakura Cherry Blossom Blush Price: RM198 Availability: Guerlain counters from mid-February 2013
Teri says
I have the white balls too! Haha :). That blush gives me a heartache, love it so much but it’s not available here :(. I missed out on the other blush since I was still a bit of a make-up rookie back then :p.
Paris B says
Yay for white balls! HAHA! 😀 I don’t know if the blush is only an Asia exclusive but I suppose its always worth asking your local Guerlain people just in case its brought in in limited quantities 😉 The Blush G is one of my faves! I’m not sure a fan of the blush duo which is why its so hard for me to write a review 😛
Jess says
Wow wow wow that blush is gorgeous! Those Meteorites Perles look amazing as well, can’t wait to hear what you think 🙂
Paris B says
I can’t wait to hear what I think either, Jess! 😀
Claire says
what a pretty collection, for the first time I am’a little’ bit interested in the skincare form Guerlain. But ‘blanc de perle’ … that sounds amazing and I just want the collection, because of the name 😛 I am very curious about the base, especially the pink and white one. But to be honest, I need a lavender base.
Paris B says
It just trips off the tongue doesn’t it? Blanc de Perle 😀 I don’t know how the base will fare either but now that you mention it, it does look interesting hmm… I find lavender bases really impressive for brightening the complexion and lifting sallowness. I used to use a lilac tinted sunscreen from L’Oreal. Perfect!
LeGeeque says
Pink! PINK! PINK! How wonderfully pretty 😀 Can’t wait to land my grubby paws on them! 😀
Paris B says
Soon! Your Purveyour of Fine Goods is working on it 😉
Ting says
Wow in this collection all focus is on the cheeks (very pretty, by the way). Reminds me of Snow White as everything is so fair and white! I suppose it’s not quite as good for darker skin tone then?
Paris B says
Ooh you’re right about Snow White! 😀 The collection actually focuses on the skin – the makeup is subsidiary to the skincare which is the main focus. But with a blush like that, who’s really looking at the skincare eh? 😉 I do think the blush will suit most because of the lower fuchsia and pink shades but we won’t know till we see the real thing 😉
JoanneP says
Ooh, I love the formula of Blush Gs, and everything else about it. Too bad it’s not available here. I’ve tested Guerlain skin care and really like it. It’s just so pricey. Hope you will review the blush 😉
Paris B says
I will be definitely reviewing the blush when I get it JoanneP 😀 The Blush G had a gorgeous formula. I don’t know why they didn’t keep it and made the duos instead 🙁 I’ve only tried the Super Aqua range and I quite liked it. Am thinking of getting the serum to try because my skin needs that hydration boost!
Lily says
I am definitely waiting for this. By that time, my no buy is over. *evil laugh*
Paris B says
Hurrah for the end of the no buy! 😉 What a way to celebrate eh?
beetrice says
Those white balls look interesting…will wait to hear your thoughts on it. But can’t wait for the blush to arrive!! 😀
Paris B says
I’d be careful with white balls and white powder especially when travelling LOL! But in all seriousness, they are more sparkly so I use them as highlighter 😀
Tammy says
ah….this palette looks amazing!
Paris B says
Quite definitely! (psst! Its on Selfridges.com! 😉 )
Tracy says
Oh. My. I WANT. I missed out on the Blush G and regret it! But it was impossible to find here. This is PERFECTION to me. I wonder if it’ll be released here too? Oh please I hope so.
Paris B says
Oh Tracy, you would have loved the Blush G Noir! Sorry to hear it was so limited where you are. Fingers crossed you get your paws on this one 😉
Tine says
YAY can’t wait to get this and place it side by side my black Serie Noir blush. How freakin’ awesome would it look together?! 😀
Paris B says
Eeee!!! I can just see it now! 😀 😀
Issa says
That blush is gorgeous! *heart beats* 🙂
Paris B says
Did you need to lie down from the excitement? 😀
Sunny says
Ahh that blush is so cool! I missed out on Serie Noir (it was before I really got into makeup), and if it’s so limited I’ll probably miss out on this one too! Bummer! Can’t wait to see you review it though!
Paris B says
Oh bummer for missing out on Noir! Would it be possible for you to find out if you’ll get the Sakura one? Maybe its available in very limited quantities 🙂 I’ll be sure to talk about it when I get it!
Sunny says
I haven’t got the press release yet, but we normally get press releases kinda slow so it could go either way. Can’t wait to see it here though!
Paris B says
I hope you get it so you don’t have to scour the world for it! 😉
Jacqueline says
Yes the blush makes me drool, I will wait for swatches of it to show up before I decide whether to get it.
Paris B says
I’ve been hunting down swatches too but no luck. Looks like its really not out yet (or I’m not looking in the right places!)
S. Drama&Makeup says
I’m usually not into spring collections but this is just amazing!
Paris B says
I have to admit I feel exactly the same way you do! Nothing wowed me this year except this 😀
Catherine says
It all looks so lovely!! We have blanc de perle but it looks like you gonna get plenty of new whitening tubes and beautiful jars in Asia! 😛 We have only basic products I think. Whitening meteorites look beautiful, I dont know if they would suit my skin tone but in packaging the pressed ones are just gorgeous!
Btw is someone else bored of seeing Natalia on the adverts? I understand she dates son of the owner of Guerlain but changing something a little wouldnt hurt? 😀
Paris B says
I’m afraid I feel the same way you do about Natalia, Catherine! She’s beautiful but its all starting to look the same. Or maybe some new art direction may have to be employed? I didn’t know about her dating the son of the owner of Guerlain – now it sort of makes sense 😉 The white perles Meteorites mostly serve as a highlighting powder for me. Its very sheer and imparts a beautiful glow on skin but is a bit too shimmery for all over use unless you’re channeling the Snow Queen 😀
Deepa says
OMGeeeeeeeeeee, I nearly died and went to blush heaven!!! Omg, I AM REALLY HOPING IT WOULD SUIT MY nc45 skintone Paris!!!! It looks like it could. Hopefully the white strip and the light pink are not the frosty type….
Paris B says
I wouldn’t know Deepa but I do hope it’ll suit your skin! If the quality of Guerlain powders are anything to go by, it shouldn’t be too frosty although it might be a bit light. Still, the lower 2 shades seem to ground it a little so lets hope that it’ll all tie in some how 😀
krisz says
“If you like pink blushes as I do, you might have to go and lie down after this to slow the pitter patter of your heartbeat after viewing the picture of the blush” – you are extremely funny 😀 I LOVE your blog, it’s so fresh and professional. Greetings from Hungary 🙂
Paris B says
😀 😀 Thank you Krisz! You’ve just made me very happy 😀 Some day I hope to visit Hungary. My parents visited last year and said its beautiful! (Oh and my dad acquired a taste for Goulash!)
Wojis says
Stop it with the blushes you are killing me :-). As with the Shiseido blush I don’t know if this will come to Holland, I think so but I haven’t read anything about it yet on blogs. The Shiseido blush was no go for me, there was no time to go to Amsterdam and by the end of the festive season I had bought more then enough other goodies… and shoes. So if I ever run in to it I might buy it, but for now I will be checking the spring collections for a beauty… and I bought my first Dior Blush today… with your love for Dior in the back of my mind 🙂
Paris B says
hahaha sorry, Wojis, I can’t help it when I see a pretty blush! 😀 Its too bad you didn’t manage to get hold of the Shiseido blush but never mind, there will be more to come I’m sure! Which Dior blush did you end up getting? I do love them – they’re lovely and soft in colour and very pretty on skin 😀
gio says
That blush is gorgeous! I’m gutted it won’t be available here.
Paris B says
I don’t know if it’ll turn up but I suppose there’s no harm asking just in case 😉