Not long ago, our country was blanketed by a thick smog caused by forest fires in our neighbouring countries. A potent combination of fires, dry weather and a northwesterly wind saw the smoke drifting over and choking our airspace. It’s not just us here in Malaysia, Singapore is pretty fogged up too.
While the skies cleared up a week or two back, it quickly got hazy again this week. The air quality is so bad, schools are closed. I think it just plays merry hell with everyone’s plans you know, and with schools opening and closing at the whims and fancies of the air pollution conditions, I think it plays merry hell with education as well. But I won’t go there (Or we’ll be here all day!)
Instead, with news reports warning us that this haze (or I should say smog) is expected to stay with us for a couple of months more (yikes!) I thought I’d share some tips on how to protect yourself from the haze or smog.
If you’re wondering what I’m on about when I talk about this “haze”, you might understand better when you watch part of my video below, in my latest MWStv episode, where I show you just how bad things can look 🙂 Yes, my friends, we have video!