One of the more interesting questions I get about skincare routines is whether you need to use different products for day and night.
It most certainly does look that way, when you read most people’s skincare routines. Day and night time routines often differ, and their choice of products too.

I discussed this a little while ago, if you’d like to read it 😉
But what about cleansers? Couldn’t we just use the same one both in the morning and night? After all, they serve the same function don’t they? Or perhaps, we should use different ones that have different textures?
What do you do? Do you have just one cleanser for day and night or do you use different ones? 😀
You can use the same cleanser for morning and night
The short answer is of course, yes. You can most certainly use the same cleanser for morning and night!
In fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the same skincare products for both day and night. Please don’t let anyone guilt or push you into thinking otherwise. Skincare is not a competition.
If you love and enjoy skincare, there is so much pressure out there to use different products all the time. All the beauty ‘gurus’ seem to, and it seems like you should too, to achieve skin clarity like theirs. Or so it seems.
Well, how about if I tell you that you don’t need different cleansers?
If you wash your face in the same place all the time, it makes practical sense to use the same product both day and night.
The only difference is that at night, you may want to add an oil or balm cleanser into the mix first, before following up with your regular cleanser, when you do your double-cleansing routine.
That’s it! There’s no fuss and no muss, and you don’t have to think that hard about it.

You may want to use different cleansers instead
Well, I can just as easily make a case for using different cleansers for both morning and night. It is what I do after all, and I can perfectly justify it LOL! 😛
The first reason would be if you wash your face in 2 different places. In the morning, I use my en-suite bathroom for my morning ablutions, and in the evening, I do my double-cleansing routine in the bathroom where I shower.
For this reason, I have separate cleansers, and as I said, it’s justifiable and practical 😛
Another reason you may want to use separate or different cleansers in the morning and evening is because you use different products for a different purpose.
In the morning, as my skin isn’t very dirty from a night’s sleep, I usually use a very gentle cream or milk based cleanser. I like that it isn’t drying or stripping to my skin, yet it cleans my skin well enough, and it’s comfortable.
RELATED READING: This natural brand cream cleanser is a personal favourite! READ HERE
In the evening, I always double-cleanse, even if I don’t wear makeup (as I haven’t, for the past 3 months at least!) There is a good reason to – you wear sunscreen don’t you? You don’t? You might want to think about doing so! 😛
It is also noteworthy that your skin does accumulate grease and grime throughout the day, even if it doesn’t feel dirty. Before you proceed to treat your skin with all your masks and lotions and potions, you need a good clean canvas. And nothing gets it cleaner than a good double cleanse 🙂
After double-cleansing, I usually follow up with a lighter gel-based cleanser (this one’s a firm favourite!). I prefer not to use a more heavy cream or milk style cleanser because it can feel a bit heavy after using a cleansing balm (my preferred first cleanse)
RELATED READING: What are the cleansing balms I’ve tried (and liked, or disliked)? READ HERE

Work within your budget and skin tolerance
I’d like to remind you at this juncture, to work within your budget and your skin tolerance. While it is tempting to want to try everything out there that comes highly raved, it is irrational to do so.
We all have different skin tolerance, which you would do well to understand first, before delving into revamping your skincare routine, or blinding following any internet ‘guru’s advise.
RELATED READING: Do you truly truly understand your skin? READ HERE
If you use 2 different cleansers in the morning and evening, that’s 1 extra product that could potentially irritate your skin. If you already have a product that works for you, stick with it, even if it means that you are ‘boring’. Remember, your skin does not need excitement – only you do 😛
Do you use a different cleanser for morning and evening?
I do, but then I’m quite aware of how my skin will react to different products, and I never chuck on a slew of new products all at the same time 😀 What about you?
Paris B
Thanks to sunny humid S’pore and my aging skin, I need different skincare for morning and evening. I just recently started double cleansing in the evening (skin clears up really well, almost not needing facials anymore) However, I don’t use cleanser in the morning, just good old damp flannel. I use the flannel once and replace with a fresh one daily. An ex-colleague of mine from Korea has porcelain complexion, she’s early 40s looking like late 20s. She uses Fresh soy cleanser in morning then double cleanse in evening with different brand. When time frees up for me, perhaps I’ll consider using cleanser in morning. For now, flannel in morning and double cleansing in evening work for me.
A gentle, hydrating cleanser for my mornings and a more luxurious cleanser for my evenings. I don’t double cleanse nowadays if I’m not wearing makeup (new habit from the lockdown) but I make sure that the cleanser I use will be one of the more heavier duty ones. I probably have 5 different cleansers to choose from anyway so I will say I rotate them according to my mood. XD
I use Jan Marini C-ESTA Cleansing Gel in the morning and Glowbiotics Probiotic Acne Treatment Cleanser after Bioderma Sensibio H2O cleansing water in the evening for years. Happy with that combination.
I always used a salicylic acid cleanser twice a day, but recently i purchased a vitamin c serum, which I use in the morning. Because of that I bought a gentle cleanser and only use the SA one at night. Works quite well for me!