Foaming. Mousse. Cream. Oil. Balm. Water. Jelly. Milk. Did I miss any?
The variety available these days is mind-boggling!
But, I have to know. What’s your favourite type of cleanser?
When I was first introduced to using proper skincare by my Mom, I was given a tube of foaming cleanser. Back in the day, everyone used foaming cleanser. Come to think of it, these days, everyone will use or will have used a foaming cleanser at some point. I challenge you to tell me otherwise! 😀
As I left home and started buying my own skincare, I stuck with the tried and true. Hello. Foaming cleansers were awesome! That squeaky clean feeling of skin after a long grimy day at college. Ahh….
These days, I run screaming at the sight of a tube of foaming cleanser LOL! 😀 In fact, I’d suggest you do too 😛
These days, my favourite types of facial cleansers are cream cleansers and cleansing balms.
You see, the thing about foaming cleansers, and that squeaky-clean feeling it leaves our skin, in fact mean that our skin is being stripped of its oils. And as much as we dislike the idea of oil on our skin, that oil is what keeps our skin protected from dehydration. The more you use a foaming cleanser, the more your skin gets stripped, and eventually, the more dehydrated your skin becomes.
Then, you find yourself spending more to rehydrate your skin and wonder why you’re discovering new lines and wrinkles where you shouldn’t. If I could go back to my 20 year old self, I’d pick up that tube of foaming cleanser and smack me over the head with it, before tossing it out the door 😛 Mom might have smacked me back for wasting money though LOL!
Cream cleansers on the other hand, are far more gentle, even if they don’t feel half as clean. I think we’re just conditioned to the idea that anything clean has to squeak. Case in point, dishes 😛
But a cream cleanser, used properly, nourishes the skin, cleanses it without stripping it of its oils, and importantly, doesn’t cause the skin to dehydrate. Also, despite popular perception, every skin type can use a cream cleanser – you just have to find the right texture for your skintype. If you have oily skin, pick something with a lighter texture. If you have drier skin, pick something more creamy.
The trick with ALL cleansers is this – MASSAGE.
Whatever cleanser you use, do not, for the love of all that’s clean, slap it on and then just rinse it off, thinking that you’re doing your skin a favour. You aren’t.
Cleansing your skin is the first step towards a good skincare routine. It is not a precursor to the good stuff. This IS the good stuff. A long time ago, when I was younger and more foolish, I boldly stated right here on this blog o’mine that I would save money on a facial cleanser, because you rinse it off and it doesn’t do much to your skin, so use something cheap. Oh foolish me! 😛
While I am all for finding an affordable cleanser, I no longer subscribe to this theory, because after a lot of experimenting, I’ve found that a good cleanser, that may cost a pretty penny, can be very beneficial for your skin. It is the first step of your skincare routine after all, and there’s no reason why you should treat it like a stepchild.
So, take your time, and massage the product into your skin, whatever cleansers you decide to use. This is where cream cleansers shine, because the creamy texture offers a lovely cushion between your fingers and your skin, and allows you to carry out a gentle facial massage. This act of massaging the cleanser into the skin helps the cleanser “lift” the dirt and oils off your skin, so when you wipe it off, or rinse it off, that’s what makes your skin clean. Not the soap suds.
For now, I use a mix of different types of cleansers in a day
- Cream cleanser in the morning – I use a cream cleanser in the morning, because I like how it feels. I pick one that isn’t too heavy, and that rinses off easily because I can’t be arsed to go the whole facial cloth route in the morning. Besides, my skin isn’t that dirty anyway. I just like washing it in the morning 🙂
- Balm cleanser as first cleanse in the evening – In the evenings, after removing my makeup, I go with a cleansing balm as my first cleanse.
- Cream cleanser as second cleanse in the evening – My second cleanse in the evening has been in a bit of a flux in recent times. I do tend to use the SUM:37 stick cleanser a lot and while it is a foaming type cleanser, it isn’t stripping nor drying to my skin so I like that. It is also perfect for travel, and on days when I don’t wear makeup, I use it as my to-go cleanser. Otherwise, I go with a cream cleanser for my second cleanse, usually something heavier than what I use in the morning. Sometimes, I use a non-foaming cleanser. It depends on what I’m testing out at any given time.
Wait, where’s the cleansing oil, PB? I hear you ask. I after all, was a huge proponent of using cleansing oil and have tried so many different ones! Well, I no longer use cleansing oils for the simple reason, I find them far too stripping to the skin. I’ve spoken to a few people about this phenomenon, in fact, and it’s turned on the lightbulb for many, as to why their once-oily skin are now dry like the sahara. Cleansing oils, with their “deep cleansing” effects do that – dry you from inside out. I don’t deny however, that they are very useful products. I just don’t think they should be used daily. I’ve been there, done that, and have the dry skin to show for it 😛
Over the years, once I got in touch and in tune with my skin, I learned what works for it and what doesn’t. I’m not saying of course, that you should throw out your foaming cleansers and cleansing oils. If you would, that would be great. If you like using it, go ahead. But you will eventually outgrow it and it’s always nice then to know of what else is out there!
So you tell me: What are your favourite type of facial cleansers?
Don’t be afraid to say foaming cleanser. I might come and smack you upside the head, but I perfectly understand why foaming cleansers are oh-so-satisfying. Been there, done that! 😉
Paris B
Haha! Back when you made that proclamation, I boldly disagreed because of my super fussy skin. I was using Dermalogica’s Ultra Calming cleaner because it was the only thing that worked! I then ran out and picked up Cetaphil and have stuck with it ever since.
I start my day with Cetaphil. I think it’s creme-gel. Non-foaming. Super gentle and fuss-free.
At the end of the day, I use Clinique’s cleansing balm. I’ve lost count of the number of tubs I’ve used this up. It’s a lot more affordable than cleansing oils and it feels a lot more soothing. Like you, I massage this onto dry skin to remove makeup, grime and skincare from the day. I then hop into the shower and use Cetaphil again to finish it off.
I’ll admit I sometimes sneak in a foaming cleanser when I feel the craving for foam. I get tiny SKII cleansers so I use those 🙂
Yes, what can I say, I was young and foolish! My skin was a lot more resilient as well. But at least I’m ‘man’ enough to own up to it being a mistake 😉 You know what? I’ve never used Cetaphil cleansers. I am not sure why, but I just haven’t! Up till about a year ago, I’d sneak in a foaming cleanser as my second cleanse. But these days I can’t, because my skin just siezes up! So much for getting older sigh. Oh I used to love SKII cleansers back in the day when I was using the brand. The sample sizes would last forever! But I found them drying even back then.
HI PB, after reading your blog on Sukin Cream Cleanser, I went to purchase it and I love it! But what’s your view on the Sukin Foaming Cleanser? (don’t whack my head as I just read that I should run away from the sight of a foaming cleanser!) But as far as I know Sukin’s one is non-sulphate based and relative;y ‘green’. I have oily combination skin and sometimes i feel that cream cleanser is not enough to fully cleanse my face.
Hi Esther, happy to know the Sukin Cream Cleanser worked well for you 🙂 And no, I won’t whack your head about the Sukin Foaming Cleanser haha! I remember using it a long time ago, and it was one of the better foaming cleansers I’d used, in that it wasn’t as drying. It’s to do with the foaming agents used, and because Sukin is organic, they don’t use SLS. I remember it was decent, and I can understand why oily or combination skin types may feel that a foaming cleanser does a better job at cleansing. What I like to do, if I feel that the cleanser isn’t doing enough, is to use my acid toner after that. Usually, I’d find that my skin is clean anyway, but the acid toner makes the skin feel a little fresher 🙂
Don’t smack me but I have been using foaming cleansers and cleansing oils my entire life, despite having dry skin 😛 This is why I have never been able to wash my face with these cleansers more than once a day because my skin just feels so stripped after that!
I just discovered how lovely cream cleansers are when I got a tube free from Antipodes last month… it’s the Grace cream cleanser shown in your pics and my skin loved it! 😀 I’m also really tempted to try the Su:m37 cleansing stick after reading your review… it sounds really lovely! Hehehe 😀
Have you tried the new-ish Advanced Night cleansing Balm from Estee Lauder? It feels so lush and wonderful on when the SA tried it on my hand, but I’m not sure if my wallet likes me spending that much on a cleanser! XD
Haha Jenn, you SHOULD be smacked 😛 Ooh but that Grace cleanser is super lovely isn’t it? The smell reminds me of a pau. Don’t ask me why LOL! But I like how it feels on my skin. I think you will really like the SUM:37 stick, especially if you like foaming cleansers. This ticks the boxes, while being a little more gentle on the skin than a regular foaming cleanser 😀 As for the EL one, erm… I have it… somewhere! LOL I will dig it up and try it – promise!
I’m so used to using Shuu Uemura’s cleansing oil I wouldn’t know what else to use! They did put out a slightly pricier cleansing balm a few months ago that I think I’ll try next.
OOh did Shu put out a cleansing balm?! That’s new to me! I could never use Shu’s cleanisng oils so I was a little spared that. Instead, I found that there were so many more affordable Japanese brands that did a much better job than Shu at a better price. Maybe you could try those if you’re into cleansing oils? I’ve nothing against them – but I just don’t think they should be used as regularly as many people do 😉
They did! It is actually a bit pricier than their cleansing oils but I bought one just to try. I did try a cleansing oil by Kanebo but theirs is even more pricier than Shuu’s even though it works fairly well.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a cleansing balm by clinique out in Taiwan…or I’ll go ask and try that next!
I liked Kanebo’s cleansing oil, but I used the cheaper Blanchir line. Some of their higher end ranges are crazy expensive! Clinique’s cleansing balm is a bit of an open secret. It’s not shouted about, but for me, it’s one of the best things they make! Look for it 😉
I was introduced to my first ever cleansing oil from shiseido,was so horrified cause it is too oily to be slapped on my oily skin,but all history,my skin been good after few years relation with shiseido but i really dislike the cleansing foam,i do feel it stripped my skin,and i don’t feel comfortable afterwards.
A few years later,thanks to your blog,I found my staple and how to mix and match my cleanser
Morning : eucerin dermopuryfier gel/cetaphil(still prefer avene gentle cleansing lotion for combination skin-peach colored gel,went through 6@7 of them,have to get them during guardian@watsons promo,if not 70ringgit+ for 200ml)
Evening: clinique cleansing balm,(2nd tub),been through 2tubs of banila n co but prefer clinique more
Followed with clinique mild cleansing gel for dry combination skin(I have oily combination skin thou) or sometimes with eucerin gel cleanser.feels good no stripping n no tight feeling afterwards.
I have steered away from cleansing foam long time ago, feels good to read that you do too.
Yay! I’m glad my blog was good for something Wan 😉 Yes indeed we can (and should) mix and match our skincare brands – after all not everything from the same brand is wonderful. I haven’t tried Shiseido’s oil, but I had tried their foaming cleansers. Wow. Talk about drying! I find that many Japanese brands are the same when it comes to their foaming cleansers – super drying to the skin!
I too prefer the Clinique to Banila. Only bought the Banila out of curiousity but I can’t even finish it LOL!
I started my journey on counter skincare and my first one was shiseido 7 years ago,now i am 36, those are my current routine that working for me,still got zits once in a while,my skin far from flawless,scars,dark spots n what not,but the feel of it that counts and how i feel in my own skin.
I too jump into origins moisturiser by you,have gone through 1tub of ginzing,1tub of night a mins,2tubs of make a difference,on my 3rd one,still using night a mins oil,all moisturiser in gel cream.In searching of other cheaper option like thebodyshop oil of life range in gel cream,they have one in cream too
Aww Origins moisturisers are pretty amazing! But I couldn’t get over how expensive they’ve become 🙁 Such a pity, because I really liked the Make A Difference Plus one. My skin loved it! I haven’t tried the TBS one, but I hear that Oils of Life range is a good one – hopefully it’ll work for you!
I purchased them during sale,but girl price this year has incrrased. That is why i’m looking for affordable alternative and easily found here in sarawak. Origins was posted to me from bangsar by their sales person.
P/s: love alpha h glycolic acid too
Oh yes, i saw the price increases and wanted to cry. Everything has gone up hasn’t it? Good luck finding an alternative, or maybe you can buy your favourites online? Sometimes, I find that buying from overseas can even be more affordable than locally 😛
Hey paris. I so hear you and I have been facing the same problem recently. Would love it of you could shoot out some recommendations as well including global brands, both affordable and luxurious, and also I have this Clinique balm. How do you use it? I love to slather on a huge dollop each on neck and face and remove with tissue or wipes. Is that even correct?
Hi Swati! Incidentally, I have a post planned about cream cleansers I’ve tried. While they’re all global brands, I hesitate to say that they’re all affordable, because I haven’t tried many good and affordable cream cleansers! I’ll keep an eye out though! As for the Clinique Cleansing Balm, this post I wrote earlier might help? You don’t really need very much, so warm it up in your hands, massage all over your face and then you can emulsify and rinse it off, or use a face cloth. You really do need to wash it off, not leave it on 🙂
I used foaming cleansers for a long time before my oily-combination skin became oily-dry-combination and I switched to a gel cleanser. >.< And your post helped to to wake up from my denial about cleansing oils being drying. I loved the eco-friendliness (no need cotton pads), convenience and the efficiency of it for removing makeup (I use a long wearing liquid foundation). Guess I should try to reduce the usage of it and explore cleansing balms instead. Meanwhile, I will try to use more of my micellar water for my face.
The thing about cleansing oils is that it cleans off makeup and skin so well, I never thought about the drying factor. It wasn’t until I started breaking out like crazy once due to dehydrated skin, that I made the connection. I then switched to cleansing balms and a face cloth and my skin has never been better! If you use longwearing makeup often, I’d suggest that you use a micellar water or cleansing water to remove most of the makeup first. Then, go at it with a cleansing balm so you use less product (Clinique’s cleansing balm is good, easy to use and less of a dent to the wallet) and finish off with a second cleanse of your choice to ensure your skin is really clean.
Everything that you have said in your blog abt your skin,i’ve been there,i’ve done that,maybe age is a common my skin is not dry just combination n sometimes dehydrated
Haha you hit the nail on the head! It’s an age thing LOL! In many ways, that’s why I’m still here, blogging at my ripe old Gen-X age 😀 😀 We need to have a place where we can resonate with other women of our own age group, and there are few enough blogs that cater to that. At least that’s how I feel when I try to navigate the blog jungle! 😀
I think it depends on the actual cleansing product as well, not just the type of cleanser. Some oil cleansers leave me feeling dry and some balms leave me feeling dry – others do not. Same with the foaming cleansers – some work for me, some don’t.
I like an oil cleanser when I’m removing makeup, but I did try quite a few before I found the ones that work for me. Lucky me – the ones that work best for me are cheaper and from the drugstore and the ones that I hated or that left me strip are the higher end oil cleansers. Tatcha’s oil cleanser was the worst and I may as well have washed with a bar of Dial soap.
You made a very good point about ingredients. The thing is, for the most part, anything that foams up tend to contain SLS or some coconut derivative (if it’s a green product) and I have found them both to be drying. More drying than products like balms or creams anyway, which would make sense. But like you, there are some products that work better than others. I actually found Tatcha’s cleansing oil far less drying than I remember a cleansing oil to be, so I’m sorry to hear it didn’t work as well for you 🙂 But you are lucky that your skin tolerates drugstore cleansers well – your wallet heaves a sigh of relief! 😉
It may be a skin type thing, my favorite cleanser IS a foaming cleanser- the Curel sebum care flaming wash. No, it doesn’t leave my skin squeaky clean, but rather calms it and rids the excess oil. Works for my combination, sensitive skin. It doesn’t come in a tube, but in a container with bubbles coming out upon pressing down, does it make sense? I’ve tried the Sukin cleanser after reading your blog post but unfortunately it broke me out 🙁 so that’s different skin types for you!
I haven’t tried the Curel, but it’s good to know that it works well for your skin. Oh I think I know the type of dispensing mechanism you mean – where it pumps out a foam right? The Japanese are good for that,and I think the fact that it dispenses out as ready made bubbles makes it less drying than foaming the bubbles on skin. Did that make sense? LOL 😀 Sorry to hear the Sukin Cream Cleanser didn’t work out for you 🙁 Did you try their foaming cleanser? I remember using it waaay back in the day LOL
That bar soap from Clinique’s 3-Step saved my life in university – my skin was angrier than a hormonal teenager and it literally cleared everything up!
Then it was the move to cleansing gels (love that squeaky clean feeling – still do, if I’m to be honest!).
Now it’s a toss-up between a cleansing balm and cleansing oil for 1st cleanse (cleansing oils are just so easy to use that i’m constantly falling back on them – just rinse and go!).
2nd cleanse involves a nice creamy cleanser – I love Cetaphil but am currently trialing the Bobbi Brown Hydrating Rich Cream Cleanser and I really, really like it!
I’m also very curious about the Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser but they don’t carry it in Malaysia – boo! Do you know why our Neutrogena selection so incredibly limited in Malaysia? They have great products!
You know what? I’d never used anything from the Clinique 3 step line till much later and nothing from it worked on my skin! LOL! I just bumbled through my acne-filled teens and young adulthood by putting a brave face on it 😛 Ooh wait. What BB Rich Cream Cleanser?! 😛 I don’t know what’s up with Neutrogena, but I remembered using a cream cleanser from them that I really liked! But I think it might just be that it isn’t a major player in our market so we get less stuff?
RE: BB Hydrating Rich Cream Cleanser. Haha! It was quietly introduced into the Hydrating Skincare line 🙂
Shame abt Neutrogena. They really do have good things. Suppose it’s the same deal with La Roche. That’s another awesome brand!
We don’t even get La Roche Posay here! I’m so sad coz it’s a great brand – but Malaysians don’t appreciate cosmoceuticals, apparently. That’s how Vichy died here but they are all thriving in Singapore. Go figure.
Hi PB!
I’ve been using the Clarins Shea Butter Foaming Cleanser for the last 4 years and have gone through quite a few tubes of it. The name is somewhat misleading as it’s actually a cream cleanser and not drying at all. I use a dime-sized amount each time (after wetting my face) so one tube can last me a good 6 months. I use this as a second cleanse in the evenings, after removing my makeup with Bioderma Crealine. I highly recommend it!
Hi Lin! 🙂 Glad to know the Clarins cleanser works for you! 😀 I think I’ve used a sample before – it’s the Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser with Shea Butter right? But I unfortunately found it far too drying for me 🙁 It might be because I have drier skin to start, so anything that foams up that way tends to make my skin feel stripped regardless. But good to know it works for you – stick to what does 🙂
I’ve always first cleanse with milk cleanser then second cleanse with foam cleanser that does not feel squeaky clean. As I’ve always thought milk cleansers are to remove grime and dirt. After your post for not using foaming cleanser, I stop my gel cleanser (foaming) and the occasional tiny red bumps on my face disappear. When I use the gel cleanser again, sometimes the tiny red bumps appear again.
So Yup, I love cleansing milk and cleansing lotion. I’m now only using tiny bit of gel cleanser after my milk cleanser, just to finished it.
And yes, my skin loves higher brand products, even milk cleansers. So instead of using a cheaper cleanser that does not help my skin because I have to wash it off later, I opt for pricier cleanser that shows me result. My pocket hates me for it though… Lucky for me, recently I found a decent drugstore milk cleanser – Avene gentle milk cleanser to help me save on my Sisley milk cleanser ^_^. Have not tried the Sukin cream cleanser that you liked.
Ooh happy to know that stopping foaming cleansers helped your skin! Sometimes, those little bumps could be due to our skin getting all irritated or clogged because of dehydration. I know, it’s a weird thing, but it happens. OOh wait, Avene milk cleanser? I shall have to try it! I don’t usually use milk cleansers, because the liquidy texture doesn’t sit so well with me, but it’s great to know you found a dupe for Sisley – now that one is pricey I’m sure! 😉
Wow.Fantastic post . You spoke my heart out. I am dealing with the same issue. I don’t think oil or foaming cleansers work for me .I haven’t tried cleansing balms yet .Recently i have used Infiore cleanser (4-2-4 method ) .I was pleased with the results but it’s too expensive for me. I have also finished my lovely honey melt cleanser and now i am looking for a good affordable cleanser .I am eyeing indie lee cleansers but they aren’t very budget friendly. 🙁
Hi Anusha, gosh I had to google what the 4-2-4 method was and the Infiore brand! I’d never heard of them haha! I actually think that many little indie brands and the more green/organic brands make very good, non-stripping cleansers. But they do tend to be pricey, and sometimes, hard to get hold of. It’s always hard to pay so much when it’s a product that you have to use so often, and sometimes, so much of!
Hi Paris,
You just smacked my head on the right spot. I have been a foaming cleanser addict and cannot live a day without it. My oily skin became even more dehydrated from my oil & foaming cleansing routine. And now I’m battling with dehydration to no avail…
I tried Clinique balm cleanser years ago but that dries out my skin & gave me red itchy rashes on my cheeks. Good thing I got rid of it & picked up Shu.
But now even Shu Ultim8 feels drying to me.
Got to pick up some moisturizing cleansing balm & cream cleanser & see how my skin behaves.
Thanks for the great blog post 🙂
Hi Claudia, here’s an ice pack hehe… But I totally know what you mean because I’ve been there! Never realised till now how stripping those lovely foam cleansers were for my poor skin till it was too late. Sigh. Sorry to hear the Clinique balm doesn’t work for you either. I do find that because it rinses off, it can potentially be drying. Anything that rinses off tends to be that way. Those proper BALMS that actually need to be wiped off are much more nourishing. I’m going to suggest that you try the Antipodes one, if you can get your head around using a wash cloth, and having to make a little more effort. It feels AMAZING! 😀
Hello Paris, I’m new here. I enjoy your blog. Greetings from Jakarta. Btw, you made me buy my 1st meteorites.. and I’m hooked. Some lady ask me if I change my skincare or not, and she pushed me to sold her my cleanser/moisturizer. Hahah. ? I love bebola effect..
Jump to cleanser drama.. I have tried milk, oil, then balm cleanser. They’re okay as first cleanser to remove my makeup, but I find those cleanser create white comedones on my “weird” skin that led to mild acne. Sad.. *I use gel cleanser from clean n clear as my 2nd*
Then I go back with cleansing water. Local brand one with alcohol. Gosh. It stripped my skin. My skin feel burned and my acne worsened ? *I still use my clean n clear gel*
Then I run to dermatologist. He prescribe me gentle water cleanser, Bioderma, and I’m hooked. I love Bioderma. He gave me gentle gel cleanser from Avene as 2nd cleanser and I love it too. I used cleanance & gentle series. When I feel super oily, I use cleanance. He prescribe something like OXY as acne treatment. Now my skin cleared (but I still have major PIH on my cheek. Sad). Twice/three times a week I only use Bioderma in the morning and surprised how my skin like it.
Early this year, I tried cleanser from Aussie’s natural brand (swisse/sukin I do not recall. It’s a foaming type. Smack me!) and my acne shows up again. Not cool.. so I’m back using duo Bioderma & Avene. No other choice or my skin is acting up again ? weird huh? Just a mere cleanser and my skin throws tantrum.. also I can’t use washcloth everyday. Like I said, my skin is a baby whom like to throw tantrums.
If you’re wondering how I exfoliate. I go to the derm and do chemical peeling once a month. They use Neostrata and I have no bad reaction or whatsoever with that brand..
For skincare, seems I have no luck with Korean brands. Tried them in the past, and they broke my skin. IDK what’s wrong. Every Korean cult favorites (from low-middle brands) just gone wrong with my skin ? so I’m little scared to try their pricer brands
Whoaa what a long post ?
Hi Yanti, thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts and don’t worry about long posts – I write long posts too! HAHA I’m so happy that you enjoy Meteorites too! They are seriously amazing products and I often forget about them, but when I go back to using it, WOW!
As for the balm cleanser, sometimes, the bumps could be due to the ingredient, but it could also be due to not properly removing it. Depending on the balm, I find that some balms are harder to remove, so when I use a balm cleanser, I always use a face cloth. My skin really benefits from using the cloth too! Just don’t be too harsh. That said, I am glad you managed to get your breakouts under control and to find a cleanser you like that works for your skin 🙂
I don’t use many Korean brands myself. The only one I’ve found to actually be of any benefit is Sulwhasoo. Anything more affordable is just too basic for me. That said, there’s no need to jump on the bandwagon. I’m not, and if you have found skincare that your skin enjoys, stick with it. That’s what I always tell everyone 😀
Sorry for the late comment but right now I prefer using creams and balms, in a perfect world I still have micellar water/foam/cleansing oil/towelettes for when I don’t really want to think about cleansing my face.
Right now I’m using Neutrogena Extra gentle cleanser, which I love and doesn’t need a flannel, as my second or morning cleanser and for first cleanser I gravitate between TBS balm for heavy makeup or Avon cleansing cream which it’s good and can work as second cleanse but you need to you use a flannel.
For towelettes Nivea pure ones are really soft and make most of the job; for micellar water Garnier is the best option price wise and I’m still looking for a foam and an oil that aren’t too expensive and doesn’t strip out my face.
Oh Neutrogena does do good, affordable cleansers! I want to try a cream cleanser I saw online but I’m not sure if we get them here. We get a really small selection of Neutrogena here, it’s surprising! Oh and I’ve heard so much about Garnier micellar water, I really must try it! You know, in general, foaming cleansers will dry the skin. It’s just how much they dry it out, that’s the tricky part
It’s funny because we don’t get all the Neutrogena products only less than 20 (I would even say less than ten but I’m not so sure), when we live near to the US, so I think you can find the Neutrogena cream cleanser. Garnier one is a keeper as far as micellar waters go, for me it’s as good as Bioderma.
You’re right about foams but some times you just really want to plash and go, and with many creams even if they wash off easily it takes more time than foams.
I use cleansing water, cleansing balm and *GULP* gel foaming cleansers. In the morning, I use the foaming cleanser but I only “massage” it into my skin for less than a minute because I don’t want it to dry my skin too much. I use the cleansing water as first step to remove make-up, cleansing balm as second step then foaming cleanser to get rid of the residue from the cleansing balm. I put on some heavy emphasis on the use of toner and serum, that’s the most important part of my own skincare regime. So, I don’t really care much about cleansers.
Haha hey, if it works for you Hani, go for it! 😀 Coming after the cleansing balm, maybe it’s not so bad? hehe 😉 Actually I used to think the same way you do – my serums will help my skin so cleansers pbfttt! But I later realised that the serums shouldn’t have to work extra hard to make up for what the cleanser has done to/for my skin. That’s when I changed my view. That said, work with what works for you – we all have different tolerances 🙂
Hey PB!
To remove make-up – cleansing oil.
If I am make-up free that day – cleansing balm.
Btw, tried your advice and added a massage. Instant bliss! Thanks for the tip!
Glad to know you enjoy the little massage with the balm Bernice! It’s so relaxing isn’t it? Especially when you’ve had a hard day 😀
Hi, i just found your blog and so glad you are a malaysian 🙂 it is easier to relate to. just wanna ask you. i think i have a dry skin but the saleswoman i met at Sasa told me i have a combination skin. My T-zone might appear shiny sometimes but i cant really feel the oiliness. i just bought Eucerin DermoClean Refreshing Cleansing Gel and after using it once, my face especially cheek and mouth area just turned red ( which i’ve never experienced before) and feels drier than before. My skin doesn’t even turn red under the sun so i’m surprised to see what the cleanser had done to my face.
My skin is not really problematic except for it being dry and i have this tiny little bumps on my forehead and cheek area. I’ve read that those bumps are not an acne but due to the clogged pores but im not sure. Do you ever experienced those little bumps or know the reasons behind it? Can u suggest any mild cleanser that you think could re-hydrate my skin? i personally try to avoid Cetaphil and Cerave because they contain SLS and Paraben.
Thank you very much 🙂
Hi, it sounds like the Eucerin cleanser isn’t working for you. It could be any one of the ingredients that’s reacting with your skin so I’d stop using it. To be honest, the SA might be telling you the right thing coz most of us have a form of combination skin. It depends on the degree to which we are oily and oily skin isn’t always bad! If you have a problem with clogged pore, it could be due to anything – incompatible ingredients in skincare, not properly cleansing your skin after wearing makeup or sweat etc Not knowing your routine or the products you use, I’d suggest that you not use any foaming cleansers for now, or try something gentle like the Antipodes Juliet Cleansing Gel, or in the alternative, use a cleansing cream (I like the one from Antipodes – Hallelujah- or Melvita or A’kin – check my reviews). In the evenings, double cleanse with a cleansing balm and the cleansing cream, and try using a facial cloth (it’ll help to gently exfoliate your skin) and I’d personally follow up with an exfoliating toner – Pixi Glow Tonic is a good option for something more affordable, though I hear that Cosrx is also good (but I haven’t tried) before following up with the rest of your skincare, using a hydrating toner – Hada Labo makes a good one. Hope this helps.
will try it 🙂 thanks for your advice 🙂