Some time last year, I embarked upon what I call my “Fitness journey”. I was hesitant to even mention it here on the blog, because I’m not known to sticking to a fitness regimen. Unlike many people who embark upon a fitness journey to lose weight, mine was primarily born out of frustration – a healthier way to beat frustration, more like, but truthfully, still frustration nonetheless.
I’m happy to report that I kept to it, doing brisk walks on the treadmill regularly, and although I fell off the bandwagon at the end of the year, I climbed back on this year. Not only did I climb back on, I managed to improve myself, by incorporating short bursts of running. AND I DID NOT DIE! Let me just say that this is a major achievement for me. For my whole life, I’d only ever aspired to be a sloth… or maybe a koala; once I knew that sloths and koalas sleep for about 23 hours in a day! LOL!

But I also realised that running was a little hard on my body, especially one so unused to strenuous exercise, and I decided to go back to practising yoga on the side. I had been, on a weekly basis for a few years, but this time, I wanted to be better at it. I also decided to create a new routine, as per my new year resolution, by starting my day with a yoga session. And you know what? It’s been amazing! 😀
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