Hmm… quite a grand cafe this is…
Happy Monday morning, Ladies (and any gents lurking)! missed having this open no-holds barred chit chat sessions and have been meaning to have one for the longest time! I can’t believe that I last held one nearly 6 months ago. Yeah, MWS Cafe has been closed for a while, but we’re open and back in business again today! Renovations mean we now have a chandelier! My, aren’t we posh 😛
I’m working from home today (yay!) and what better way to jazz up a Monday morning than to have a nosey peek into your lives 😉 For the new and uninitiated, MWS Open Cafe is an open post where you can talk about anything in the comments, ask a question (beauty related or not, its up to you!), help answer a question, chat amongst yourselves and basically loosen up. It wouldn’t be possible to actually meet every single one of you for coffee and biscuits so we have to do this virtually for now.
I keep the comments box open for about 24 hours where I’ll answer any questions you may have, or even lend a listening ear if you have something you want to rant about (nothing too flammable so discuss within reason… but I guess you are all adult enough to know that 😉 )
So, onto the comments! 😀
I don’t know about you, but 2012 seems to have simply FLOWN by. I can’t believe its almost the end of May already and that means that we’ve come to the halfway mark of the year.
Have you done what you’ve set out to do? I’m not sure I have. I seem to be just going on one day at a time, and its starting to feel a little bit too routine. I need to break out and do something different.
What is a cafe without desserts?
Question is, what? Hmm… I think I’ll have an affogato while I decide.
Your turn. No set topic today – just talk about whatever’s on your mind this morning. Share your weekend, ask a question you’ve been wanting an answer to, share your concerns… someone out there maybe able to help.
Have some coffee and dessert while you’re at it. Open Cafe days are always fun, interactive and sometimes, insightful! 🙂
Paris B
Cafe is closed! Thank you for dropping by to chat, everyone. See you at the next session! 😀
Hallo hallo! Come I have a cup of tea with you while I start ranting about how cold and wet it is right now in Melbourne. Brr. Okay rant over 😛
Btw congrats on your lil’ brother’s wedding! I don’t know when my brother’s getting married or if he’ll ever get married, but in my eyes, he’ll always be this young boy who used to need Mum to tie his fringe up with crappy elastic bands because it’s always so hot at home 😛
Having morning coffee as we speak! Looking like another hot day outside (wish I could send you some sun and you could send me some cold!) Thanks for the well wishes. I didn’t think the day would come either when I’d see my little bro all grown up and married, but there you go! They grow up in a blink of an eye. Next will be when he has kids. Can’t imagine him a FATHER! Can you imagine yours? LOL!
God no! Ah Boy having another Ah Boy? NOOOO!! 😛 I told him that till the day I die, I’ll still call you Ah Boy. So if you’re old, balding with a beer belly holding two kids, I’ll still be calling you Ah Boy 😀
^Like +100000!!! Hahahahaha!!! You’re too funny!!! XD XD XD
HAHA!! Yes, I sometimes call my bro Ah Boy too and no, it will never change even after we are all old and creaky 😀
I still call my brother Adik too! Even though he’s already a father to 3 kids. It always turns head coz’ we look nothing alike & even though I’m 6 years older people usually assume he’s the elder. I think that’s more due to his balding head though. When we were much younger & happen to meet up somewhere unintentionally his friends who don’t know we’re brother & sister would usually ask him “Kenapa cakap dengan Ah Moi tu?” 🙂
HAHA! Its so funny right? Our little brothers never grow up in our eyes 😀 They can be a father to kids, balding, look older than us and they’ll still be “Ah Boy” or “Adik” I think they get the raw deal here kekeke… 😉
Eh congrats on your brother’s wedding! 😀 You look absolutely amazing in that dress! 😀
I know exactly what you mean when you say you cant believe that your little brother has grown up! I’m still grossed out by the fact that mine is interested in girls now (he’s 24 already, btw!! 😛 )… i think i will definitely have a moment when he gets married! 😀
BTW, happy monday! 😀 Being able to work from home on Mondays are the bomb! Wish i could do the same! 😀
Thanks Jenn! 😀 Its hard to imagine our little brothers growing up right? When he got a girlfriend we were like “Wah! Big boy already” and now, erm… yeah, big boy also LOL! Working from home isn’t all its cut out to be though. I’m actually waiting for tradesman to come in and being tradesman, they are NEVER on time and I’m starting to freak out! So yeah, minimal work will get done today 😛
Hahaha yes!! I still cant believe that my brother has girlfriends now – to me he’s still the gross, grubby little boy who needs to be cleaned up after!! 😛 😛 Hahaha!!! 😀
I find that i tend to be more productive when working from home! I work longer hours too – maybe cuz the house’s too comfortable and i don’t get the “cant-wait-to-get-the-hell-out-of-here” vibe as when i’m in the office! Hahaha!! 😀
I know right?? They’re never on time! Either that, or they don’t turn up at all and don’t bother to call! I hope yours come soon! >.<
Lol yes!! Working at home is more productive for me but also i tend to snack a lot and slum in shorts all day 🙂 comfy working attire ma…
The tradesmen are finally here, thank goodness!! Now i hope they get whatever they need to do done so my life can go back to normal 😉
I seem to remember that chandelier and wedding cake from somewhere… 😉
Sigh. I know exactly how you feel, PB. About living life one day at a time. Seemed just like yesterday I was young and idealistic and bursting with goals. Now? Dunno where all the fire went to. 😛
Am looking for something that can hold my attention for more than a few days at a time…
Yeah, it was a pretty chandelier seen from upstairs 😀 I too have no idea where my ideals have fled to. Started out bursting with loads of ideas, ideals to make the world a better place and now… hmm… happy to get through a day unscathed 🙁 We need a new project to challenge ourselves probably. Or a holiday break to recharge 😀 Any plans for a break any time soon?
I may be too old for challenges! 😛 Just thinking about it makes me feel tired already…
Next break is slightly under 2 months away and it won’t be someplace new… the folks are coming down and I’ll be playing tourist guide again. But I’m looking forward to that USS trip! XD
Actually yeah, challenges make me feel tired too. A break from routine is more what I had in mind 🙂 Good to know your parents will be visiting – there’ll be lots of places to explore! And what USS trip? I think I’m a bit lost heh…
Me too! I need to get myself out of this very huge and deep rut… 🙂
USS = Universal Studios Singapore! It’s a year of theme parks for me – first HK Disneyland and next USS. Maybe I should see if I can squeeze in one more trip to Australia for their theme park(s) at the year end… 😛
Alamak! I thought USS meant the US navy so I was wondering if there was a ship visiting that they allowed people on board as they do sometimes LOL!!! Didn’t think about Universal Studios at all 😛 I still haven’t been there – maybe I should make a trip down just to visit. Any good hair raising rides on it? 😀 I have heard the Gold Coast Australia theme parks are pretty good too. Not sure how hair raising but most theme parks are fun! 😀
Oooh, to visit a navy ship would be fun! I wanted to board the US aircraft carrier during the Singapore Airshow earlier this year, but didn’t manage to as they’d closed the queues by the time I got there. 🙁
At USS, I know there’s a rollercoaster ride that does the upside-down flip and that should be fun. I tried the 3D Transformers ride with Bee and that was ok ok only – not ‘chi kek’ enough for me! 😛
I didn’t get to sit the transformers ride when I went to USS. >.<" But I loved the Mummy ride!
I read that sometimes when the US ships dock in Singapore, they allow people on board. Maybe the next time that happens, I’ll make a trip down. Go press a few buttons and launch a few torpedoes 😛 I hate it when a hyped up ride doesn’t deliver that adrenaline high they promise. When I leave a ride wanting more, I know its not a good one 🙁 I love rides that flip me upside down too. So fun! 😀
Oh, must visit USS! It’s awesome. I would rather use the money for a ticket in than for a day at Batam/Bintan.
ooh themeparks..! I love themeparks. like you, I have been on a themepark trip as well. I went to Hong Kong Disneyland last october, Osaka Universal Studios and Tokyo Disneysea in april. I have yet to visit USS as well.
So many theme park fans here at MWS! 😀
Next time we hold a party, it has to be in a theme park right? LOL!
Awesome idea! I’ll be the first to sign up! 😛
So… this year’s edition of MWSAwards will be in Sunway? Or Genting? 😛
MWS Awards in a theme park ?? YEAH, COUNT ME IN !!!
Yeah,me too!lol!
Haha what an idea 😛 haven’t given thought to it yet or whether there’s going to be one 🙂
congrats to yr bro! my youngest sis is 21 this year, and i still think that she’s little >< cant imagine one day when she has her own kids to call me 'aunt'.
The day I get called an Ah Yee I think I”m going to have a heart attack. Suddenly age 20 years OMG! 😛 And thank you for your well wishes! I somehow think it a little weird seeing younger siblings get married but you know what? Nothing changes (in my family anyway). They still come running after me to fix their problems >.<
i have a feeling that by next cny, u will have kids running around u calling ‘ah yee ah yee look’ and your siblings might count on u to take care of them 😉
Sigh! Its ok I’ll be the fierce ah yee that the kids are scared of 😛 i don’t know what to do with kids anyway. Until they can talk that is, then they get a bit more interesting
Am supposed to be studying at my campus’ Starbucks, but it turned out to be a gossip session… about dead people. HAHAHA. Oh well, we are supposed to be studying history after all. ^.^
How very apt!! At least its subject related lol! Are you in 2nd year already? Seems like just a while ago you entered uni 😀 but i bet its loads of fun right?
Yep! Am finishing the first semester of my 2nd year. ^.^ Lots of fun, yes? But it wasn’t as… labor intensive. For some reason my parents have always told me that A Levels was more torture than Uni. I beg to differ >.<" Perhaps it's because am a little kiasu about stuff HAHAHA.
Wow that’s quick 😀 How long is your course for? Being kiasu is a good thing … but have fun while you’re at it too. Its going to be the best time of your life. Might have done things differently if I was back in uni this time hehe… 😉
My course is 4 years because am getting two degrees. Biz and communications ^.^ Yep can’t complain much now HAHAHA ^.^
I say, smart cookie! 😀 2 degrees! I struggled to get just one LOL!
Haiya ok ok only la ^.^ Am terrified of le future now.
LOL World maybe a little more different in another 3 years so don’t fret 😉
Oh and your campus has a Starbucks! Wow all i had back in my day was a canteen and we had to count ourselves lucky 😛
Teeeheee. It’s for the hostel students, apparently. ^.^
Re: the world being different in 3 years.
I do hope so PB I do hope so. Perhaps I should stay off the news to retain some hope for meself. ^.^
LOL! Don’t believe everything you read in the news. I take it all with a pinch of salt because honestly, its all hot air as far as I’m concerned 😛
Missy Paris!
i need advise on how to take care my skin! i took close look at my arms and the little brownish dots started to appear (esp from my upper arm) for quite some time already. any help how can i make my skin free from all this lil dotties?
Hi there! Your handle is quite cute hehe… I know what you mean about brown dots on arms – I have them too, and it sounds like freckles due to sun exposure. Are you already using a sunscreen on your body especially arms? Many of us remember to put it on our faces but not arms so that’ll be a start. Also, I previously used a whitening body lotion (Nivea works for me) and it helps reduce the freckling but you will need sunscreen to actually prevent it 🙂 Hope this helps!
Hi Paris,
Congrats on yr bro’s wedding! 🙂 The weekend over, I visited two new mums with their new borns 🙂 Both looking radiant despite being new mums 🙂
Btw, I will be going to Malacca next weekend, is there any nice big shopping malls there that I should check out? 🙂 I haven’t been there since more than 15 years ago? 🙂 I am definitely taking advantage of the exchange rates to haul some drugstore goodies 🙂
Thank you Esther, for the well wishes. I think new mums will always look radiant because they are just so happy and full of good hormones although I can imagine they’ll be exhausted looking after their babies.
I think there’s only one new major mall in Malacca now – the Aeon one that I visited once before. It is quite large and relatively new. It should be better now that its had 2 years to settle in so there should be more stores in there. I’m not sure what it looks like now coz I haven’t been since! I take it you are from Singapore? Then you will LOVE shopping here LOL! Everything will seem so cheap by comparison! I think Watsons is on sale for now so definitely take advantage of that and the good food in Malacca!
wow…good that you are doing work from home…me too!! my boss is on a vacation this week 😀 and, I am feeling damn sleepy right in the morning 🙁
btw, those deserts looks yummy 🙂
Hurray to bosses going on leave! I sometimes think that’s more fun because offices will tend to relax when the boss is away right? 😀 I’ve been wondering about the time difference between here in KL and in India where you are – I will have to look it up one day 😀 I’m working at home out of necessity as I have to supervise some tradesmen so better I do some work at home than watch them destroy the house LOL!
its around 2 n half hours…its 9:15 here right now.
And its 11.45am right now… and approaching lunch time! 😀 I think its so fun to have people from all over visit. Its like having a peek into another person’s world wherever they live 😀
you so right about that 🙂 it really feels different and then, it does make the phrase “world is a small place” come true 🙂
It most certainly makes us all closer! And affordable air travel too! If people realise that, they might stop fighting LOL!
haha…I so wish that 🙂
Anybody got good advice to remedy hairloss? Already washing my hair after work and before going to work using appropriate shampoo. Otherwise, it’ll look flat. Hubby thinks it’s because I eat too much cili padi.
Hmm… I have no idea myself ML. My hair has been dropping lately too 😛 I’m not sure of the cili padi co-relation but I don’t eat a lot if it helps. I sometimes wonder if its hormonal? I hope some other readers can help with more ideas!
yeah sometimes its just hormonal if no other change in environment or climate. if it goes beyong two weeks or a month, then, one can definitely take measures for it. and, also check for your dates this month. that does trigger hair loss sometimes.
Hi, long time silent reader and lurker here! Love your blog, Paris, you kindled an obsession for makeup in me.
I used to work at Lush, and they do this shampoo bar called ‘New’ which is fab for remedying hair loss, or at least encouraging hair growth. I worked in the Lush branch in Cambridge, UK, and we’d get tonnes of customers, especially tourists from the Far East (China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan) who’d come in and just buy bars and bars of the shampoo. I think the closest Lush outlet to Malaysia would be Singapore, and I’d really recommend giving the bar a try.
Hi NNoo! Thank you for the Lush rec! I’m not much of a fan of Lush, because the smells in there can give me a headache! But I do like Happy Hippy shower gel a lot. It was all I stocked up on although I found it a bit pricey. I’ll bear New in mind when I’m in Singapore and pass by a Lush store. I haven’t used a shampoo bar before!
Yeah I know what you mean about the smell. I used to walk by and it’d hit me like *whoosh*, major headache. Though after a while working there, believe it or not, I didn’t notice it anymore and was able to discern individual smells. I’d come back from work covered in glitter though, from demonstrating this bubble bar called sunnyside (glitter EVERYWHERE, kiddies loved it, but I’d get nigh unremovable glitter specks on every single item of clothing).
If you have friends in the UK, I suggest getting samples of their perfumes. It’s only the Regent Street shop and Lush UK site that stocks their gorilla exclusive perfumes, and they do ones called B Scent and Love which when paired with Happy Hippy give a bright citrus smell 🙂
Lol, hope I don’t sound like I’m plugging Lush like some crazy person. Just miss working there loads!
Well so long as you aren’t the Lush owners, its alright LOL!! 😀 I have visited them in the UK where I think the scent is more bearable in cool weather but in warm weather I can’t imagine how much stronger they can get! I got a couple of bar soaps but I never quite liked them very much. I’ll be sure to think about the bar shampoo though and the fragrance! 😀
Nah, not affiliated with them at all. Just a minor fan-girl, probably driven a bit bonkers from the fumes 😛
Hahaha that Might be it too… As well as the sprinklings of glitter 😉
hmm a shampoo bar.. thats a new concept to me.
i think i shall get one for hubby.. he is rather particular about hair loss. thanks!
One thing about the shampoo bars, they look really small but last about 90 washes. I did find that on first using them, they make you hair feel really SQUEAKY clean, as in you don’t get that normal ‘silky’ feeling one would get when using conventional shampoo, cos these bars don’t contain any silicones. And be careful not to use too much, cos they lather up really quickly. I find the best method is to wet your hair first, douse the bar under running water, work up some lather in your hands, then apply said lather to hair. If you need more, rub the bar on your hair, but not too much. It’s pointless getting the shampoo bar tins that lush sell for them though, as if you don’t dry your bar before putting it in the tin it’ll just melt and stick to it, and be impossible to move. Storing the bar in a normal soap dish will do fine.
Hey, I like the idea of working from home (WFH). Last time when I used to do that, my messnger status would be “WFH”. Lol, and when people asked what it means, I said I am Wong Fei Hung for the day. HAHAHAHA! Ok, bad joke >.<
Today, I am sitting in training today and have the liberty of typing from my laptop in a nice angle (on the pretext of ahem-work-ahem) 😉 So I can hop into MWS Open Cafe today whee. Cool-some!
I am still trying to get the hang of make up and noticed that I can look different under various lighting, all within a few minutes. For example, in the changing room of the gym, I look decent and when I leave to go to the shopping mall, under different lighting, I look like crap and battling my oil-field skin as well 😀
HAHA I like that, Wong Fei Hung – Kungfu master for the day, fighting the enemies in the email box. Take that and that! 😉
I don’t go for a lot of training in my field but everytime I ask people what they do, they say, sit around, listening to people and then having countless teas and food! 😀 Is that true for you too? And how cool is it that you get to hop in and check out the news as it develops. Never know what will happen on a day like today 😉
Lighting is terribly tricky with makeup. I usually just do makeup to look good in natural light. I’ve learnt that flourescent lighting is the WORST! I look like a demon in the office toilet. Ok maybe not a demon but I look terrible but when I get out into the sun or to the office, it looks fine. Speaking of changing rooms – how cool is it that you go to the gym? Everyone I know goes to one… but I just can’t get the hang of it 😛
Hey Paris. I do get to attend training once in a purple moon – due to organization compliance, promotion pre-requisite, self enrichment, sales and knowledge upgrade etc. Depending on the training budget and organizer/venue, in general, yes – we do get fed approximately 3-5 times a day. Training is a fattening scheme lol! However, being away for training means increased investment in my future capabilities, hence it comes with a hefty expectation from my bosses on return on investment of my training.
As for gym, lol, I am not a hardcore. Normally on weekends, I spend 1 hour on treadmill like a hamster. It takes a lot for me to go to the gym hahaha. I cannot run to save my life, so I just brisk walk, gotta keep the muffin top from expanding 🙂
Yes agree with you, flourescent lighting is really honest and blatant – it makes my flaws look really bad. Yellow/warm lighting usually compliments me the most but in actual fact, it may not be. I avoid the sun during working days like a vampire haha. Only when traveling, the sun is acceptable 🙂
I hope you’re having a fun day today 😀
I guess training is almost a pre-requisite to improve and will stand you in good stead for the future (food aside 😉 ). At the rate I’m going, I’m sort of stagnant already LOL!! Like my muffin tops that are almost more like bread loaves than muffins 😛 The day has been good so far although I anticipate a lot of cleaning up later due to the mess the tradesmen are making outside, and I’m starving right now!
Grab a nice yummy lunch, hopefully with delivery or easy enough to prepare in the kitchen. Lazy lunch to chill from the comfort of home 🙂
Tradesmen sounds intriguing and exciting, I am imagining lotsa trading and negotiations 🙂 Hmm, do you mind sharing what industry you do? Yeah, I can understand on the mess cleaning up part. As we speak, I try to reply to mails so that I don’t suffer from Monday blues come tomorrow.
Anyways, am hoping that Rockport will restock the Luciana plain pumps in black…Janae is too high for me because I am already 1.72m – no fair! Am in dire need of a new pair of heels and I think I am through with uncomfortable but fashionable heels. How’s your Rockport coming along? I recall you considering Rockport a while back 😛
Finally got my lunch! 😀 It was Subway – so not imaginative right? But there’s a Buy 1 Free 1 voucher in The Sun and a friend picked it up for me 😀 “Tradesmen” isn’t very exciting (just like my job 😛 ) It was just a nicer way of saying workmen LOL! Having some work done around the house so workers are in and I’m hiding in my room away from the dust outside. Hopefully it’ll be done by today and I can get on with my life! 😛
And as for Rockport, I ended up not getting the Janae pump! I was very sure I wanted it, but I went to a few stores and realized that the sizing wasn’t quite accurate. I was in between sizes so 5 feels tight while 6 is just too large. Or was it 3 and 4? One of it anyway. So, no Rockport for now 🙁 Is the Luciana pump comfy? And you’re 1.72m?! Ok just call me Ms. Shorty! >.<
Subway and friend delivery, nice combo la! Lol, workers and reno work eh 😛 I could not try a Luciana size 9 as they ran out of it, size 8 was too tight for this Cinderella. Yeah, I am 1.72m, passport states 1.73m though! Height can be a blessing during crowded sales but not nice when you see gorgeous heels because I ended up towering over the ladies and even men. I feel like a giant! Geox pumps don’t appeal to me unfortunately. So I am still on the quest for that pair.
Yeah, minor reno going on. Looks like it’ll be done by today though so that’s great! I now have to spend the next 2 days cleaning up! >.< I have a very tall friend too and she never wore heels because it just made her tower over everyone else. I guess we all want what we can't have eh? I hope you get to try your Luciana shoes soon. I have only ever owned 1 pair of Geox shoes. They are so boring, aren't they? Not remotely fashionable at all although comfy.
Heylo! I couldn’t help but spy the words Rockport and Luciana! 😀 I just bought myself Luciana in sandstone beige (cos it was on sale) and it is super comfy! I find Rockport to be more comfortable than Aldo or Hush Puppies when it comes to pumps. Love love love the Adiprene technology cos it feels like I’m walking on cushy, springy sponge (weird description, I know). I’d say get it; you definitely won’t regret it. 😀
If you didn’t convince Jennifer, you convinced me!! I’m going to have to try on a few more designs at Rockport. The ones I wanted didn’t fit very well 🙁 I can’t wear Aldo (too stiff for my princess feet 😛 ) and I haven’t worn Hush Puppies since I realised their quality had gone down the drain in recent years 🙁
Agreed with you that Hush Puppies quality has gone down the drain tremendously. I seldom look at it now and even when I do, I’m not tempted. Did you try Luciana? It’s not as high as Janae but the cut is roughly similar. Rockport does half sizes too, if I’m not mistaken.
Problem was the store here didn’t do half sizes so I was a bit reluctant to order online just on case it doesn’t fit. I’ll be taking a look at luciana 🙂
Hello! MWS Cafe? Where is that Paris B waitress?? Get her here quick to serve me some nice tea & scone! hahaha 😛
Just dropping by to say hi, as I don’t have any specific questions. Or you can ask me questions? haha
*scurries to find tea and scones* Would you like cream and jam with that? 😛 Ok my question: What’s it like in Dubai (where I believe you are now?) Is it safe to visit? Are there things to do/see? When’s a good time to visit? 😀
Yes, please. Now get me some cream & strawberry jam will ya, waitress B? hahaha 😛
I don’t live in Dubai, I am in the country next door where it is a lot less modern & developed than Dubai. But I have been to Dubai enough times to let you know a bit more.
The downtown of Dubai is where all the glam & glitz is. World’s tallest tower, biggest shopping mall, indoor skiing (with snow!), largest aquarium, water theme parks, 6-star hotel…You name it, they have it. You will probably go ‘wah, wah!’ if you ever visit for the first time.
In terms of makeup, all the big Western brands are here. Giorgio Armani, Burberry, Illamasqua, Inglot, etc.
Then there is the old world charm of souqs (Arabic word for market, a bit like pasar malam) selling gold, spices, scarves, etc, and dhow (Arabic word for boat) cruise along the Arabian gulf.
Of course, the sand dunes are a must see. You have to do a roller coaster ride on them and spend a night in the desert to see beautiful sunrise and sunset.
It’s generally safe to visit on your own but I wouldn’t encourage it. At least don’t go round talking to strangers that you are a single lady on your own! There are some locals who hold on to the age-old perception that females who expose their face & skin, which is perfectly normal in our world, are indecent and females shouldn’t travel on their own. They should be with their parents/brothers/husbands.
So if you wanna visit, I would encourage you to get a friend along. If it’s a guy, be sure to check that the hotel allows opposite sex singles to stay in the same hotel room. Dress conservatively and cock up a story that you are married. You & your husband is here on a visit. (Look, he’s somewhere there in the crowd! You can’t seee?) 😛
The best months to visit are from Nov – March. Lovely, mild winter for a lot of outdoor sightseeing.
Better still, there’s this jar of Boysenberry jam someone gifted me with… will it do? Hehe…
Thanks for all the tips re: Dubai. I have heard its a great place for shopping and an interesting visit because of all the grandeur that oil money can buy 😛 But I will most certainly want to experience an evening in the desert. The sunsets and sunrises must be breathtaking! Then I can wear a napkin on my head and pretend I’m Lawrence of Arabia! 😀 Oh and the souqs! I so want to visit one and be overcome by the smells of perfumes and spices 😀
Hiya Paris dearie!
Wow! Congrats on your brother’s wedding, Blessed Marriage 🙂
Gosh, it’s really coming to the end of May soon 🙁 Sob sob.. so much to do but too little time 🙁
Thank you AnT! Yes May is almost over and I don’t feel like I’ve done much this year … sigh… Have you any travel plans? I’m trying to plan a beach getaway – hankering for the beach and the sounds of waves and importantly, doing nothing at all!
Paris, long time no see (virtually XD).
Any remedy for red cheeks? It’s so noticeable that people have been asking me whether I put on blusher. Makes me think of monkey butts somehow.
Try color-correcting primers?
Hi Cece! Are you looking for a makeup item to hide them red cheeks or skincare? Do you know if its rosacea? Some people have that where the skin gets a little red and inflamed especially around the cheeks.
I have broken blood vessel around the nose 🙁
Any way to treat it? instead of putting make up to cover them up?
Hi Cat! I’m not too sure, but I believe the only way is through laser 🙁 I saw laser used on a friend’s broken capillaries on her leg before and it was quite wondrous. Otherwise,I guess concealer is the easiest and most painless way to go
sigh 🙁 i guess have to live with it. No way i am going to laser my face!
psst. i tried a session of laser once. It didn’t hurt or anything but since then, my skin has been going nuts 🙁 Its very upsetting because I thought it was pretty good before that 🙁 So yes, if it doesn’t trouble you too much don’t go with a laser. I don’t believe its for everyone
Ooo I love this MWS Open Cafe.
I’m working from outside too today. To be exact I ran away from my current office and work from my ex-boss’s new office haha.
Haven’t take any leave or holiday for the past 4 years. Just emailed in my leave application form for a whole next week 🙂
Hi Fiona! 😀 I love it too! Everything’s so random and its like we’re just sitting around chatting 😀
Wow! Does your boss know you’re working at your ex-boss’s office?! 😛 But if its a nice place to work, erm… why not eh? 😉 I don’t work from home a lot (because I don’t like taking work home) but when I do, I always get more done than in the office. Ironic right?!
Have you got a holiday planned for next week? I haven’t taken a break in a while too so I hope to slip something in soon. Will go nuts otherwise 😛
Hehe nope my boss doesn’t know. I’m at the situation where I can’t be at the same room with my boss and ex-boss (ex-partner actually) offered a table for me to work. One thing about my job is I can work outside or from home anytime 🙂
No holiday is planned next week. I thought I wanna do brow embroidery so 1 week is just nice to hide at home with that dark thick brow LOL. But I do have a blogger event next Wednesday. I’ll say hie if I saw you k? 🙂
Yikes. Sounds like a tricky situation. I was in that boat once before. Saying goodbye was the best decision I made 😉
Ahh brow embroidery will take a while to look normal right? I never dared take the plunge for fear that it gets screwed up then I’d have wonky brows FOREVER! 😛 I can’t recall if I am attending any event but yes, do say hi if we happen to bump into each other 🙂
Yea. But with the current bad economy finding a new job in less than a month is quite impossible especially when I’m in publishing line :). I have thought of leaving without a job but can’t risk it. Need income to support my beauty purchases hehe.
Don’t worry, they’ll draw with a pencil first before doing it hehe. It’s the 1 week of walking around with weird eye brow that I can’t stand.
LOL I know what you mean. We need that bit of income so we can fuel the economy with our purchasing power right? 😉 Who knows when a job offer will come along 😉 Ahh have you done it before then? I never really dared do it. I guess I”m just too chicken when it comes to all this permanent/semi-permanent looks altering procedures >.<
Everything is getting more & more expensive. Some brand had increase their price this year :(. Gotta earn more to buy more Meteorites Perles haha!
Done it twice before. I think mine is the tattoo version which looks natural maybe because I choose dark brown. Now there’s even more high tech version where the beautician will draw out the brow hair one by one. Can last for years!
Yeah prices going up all over the world for everything… only thing remaining static is salary 😛 Its good to know they don’t draw in those scary brows that turn blue over time. You know the sort you see aunties have? I saw that and told myself I’d rather just pencil in my brows everyday than be stuck with blue brows 30 years down the road LOL!
Is it me or what? My supposedly semi permanent eyebrow embroidery doesn’t last beyond 6 months! And it takes me just 4 days for the tattoo to look like it’s my own natural eyebrow.
And since I am away from home, there’s no place I can go to touch up on my eyebrow embroidery when it fades and then I have to fill them myself again.
I am hooked on my semi-permanent eyebrow embroidery, it looks so natural and it’s so convenient because no more bare looking above my eyes!
Hi, you sound like you having an affair with both bosses haha so cute! 🙂
LOL cat! Does sound like it right. Complicated management. First boss don’t see eye to eye with second boss. Second boss left the company and everytime I meet him for lunch or chat, I need to keep it a secret.
Hmmm, we’re talking a lot about working from home. Coincidentally, I’m actually considering an offer to work from home. Corporate, work from home, corporate, work from home !!??? I’m so undecided !!!
If I can choose, half of both is great 🙂
Totally working form home – you’d miss corporate world
I agree with Fiona 🙂 I think there’s benefits to working from home but its also good to have some interactions with others. It can get very lonely and quiet being by yourself all the time without external stimulus. Can you do a half-half arrangement?
not to mention dolling up for work in a chic shift dress, pumps, makeup and handbag. i think if i were to be working from home everyday, i will be too lazy to bother with my appearance!
Guess who’s slumming it right now as we speak?! 😛
It won’t be possible as the directors are expatriates based in our neighboring country and the operations are offshore. So, it will only be me in KL. Even my mom says it will be so boring being alone and not advisable to do so and I have never worked from home before. But managing staff as well as a demanding boss is not easy as well.
Hmm… sounds like that’ll be tricky, Mei Ping. To be honest, I don’t think working from home is hard although you will need self discipline. Its easy to just sit the whole day in your pyjamas 😉 But ultimately, I believe that ifs its a well paying job, no sense in turning it down either. I know of many people who are happy working from home because it gives them more flexibility to do stuff. Its worth thinking about it 🙂
I want to rant about the hot weather =( is so so hot out there and the air cond in my Uni decided not to work for today T___T worst is I gotta work after class in campus (outdoor) and I sweat like a cow…. sigh, need some rain here.
Oh yes! The weather! I think its been going crazy again. It was all cool and rainy about a month ago 🙁 I’m at home and sweating it out without the a/c so I know exactly how you feel! Carry some wet wipes with you so if you do sweat like a cow (ahem!) you can cool yourself down by wiping off the sweat with wet wipes or baby wipes 🙂
Anyone here watch the BBC series Sherlock? Procrastinating at work here (just had a client meeting with very demanding client who wanted more changes to his designs T.T).
Girl, you don’t want to get me started on Sherlock! <3 Officially in love with the series! I have put off watching the final ep of Season 2 for the longest time and I watched Season 1 3 times! LOL! I love it 😀 Demanding clients can be horrible - I hope they are paying an arm and a leg for your services 😛
Worst thing is this client is an in-law of one of the firm’s partners, so he’s getting this done for free! Have to bite my tongue, remind self to maintain ‘inner poise’, and think of all the lippies I’m going to buy with a very small salary.
I don’t know how you can resist watching the last episode of Season 2! I vegged out all Sunday watching Season 1 and 2, admiring Bandersnatch Cummerbund’s razor cheekbones and screaming at the tv 🙂 Am broken hearted that we’ll have to wait for 2013 for a resolution to THAT CLIFFHANGER!
Argh! Fussy and free! Worst combination ever. Hope you get what you need from them and that your job with them ends soon 😉 Thinking of Lippies will help indeed. As for Sherlock, I don’t know why I never watched the final ep. Maybe it’s thinking of that cliffhanger and knowing that we’re only seeing new eps in 2013 that’s doing me in.
It’s so cool you’re working from home! Wish I could do that. Just a short one to say hi. I’m at work anyway… Don’t you hate it when some people just like to mess things up to create drama? I so hate being in a drama. Don’t mind watching tho. Confession… I like k dramas. Lol! Random fact.
Managed to get a lot done at home today work wise, more than I get done in the office! 🙂 as for drama, yes. I can’t stand it when people make a big desk out of nothing at all. Drama kings and queens, everyone of them 😛 I don’t watch Korean dramas. Never quite got the hang of them esp the pretty boys 😛