Hellooo Ladies!
I’m terribly excited about this one 😀 You know how I keep banging on and on about how much I enjoy my facials at the Kanebo salons at Bangsar (where I’m a regular) and Starhill Gallery (where I’m not)? Guess what? I managed to wrangle out one Kanebo facial to be given to a reader in conjunction with MWS turing 4! 😀
So yes, you get the Kanebo Impress Total Revitalization Facial Treatment worth RM368 and its 108 minutes long so that’s some nice lovely pampering time just for you.
For a chance to win this, find out how below!1 winner will win a voucher for a 108 minute Impress Total Revitalization Facial Treatment at any Kanebo International salon listed worth RM368. For a chance to win leave a comment in the comment box below:-
Tell us what impresses you? Could be anything 🙂
Deadline is 12pm on 14 March 2011 and this is open to those in Malaysia only because its only valid in Kanebo salons in Malaysia – Bangsar, Starhill Gallery, Gurney Plaza Penang and The Spring Kuching, Sarawak! So make sure you can get to any one of them if you win! 🙂 Voucher is valid to 31 August 2011.
Do join the Kanebo Malaysia Facebook page if you’d like to know of upcoming promos and the like.
Good luck! 😀
p/s If you are in Singapore and can get yourself to a Kanebo salon listed, please feel free to take part. Wasn’t sure if anyone might be interested 🙂
Paris B
Please read the general terms and conditions if you are new to giveaways here.
Update: Winner is Foong Jin and will be contacted by email
LOL am I the first ? *yeah*
Herm I think the way how Japan handle the recent disaster are really impressive. The disaster team are super efficient and the people in Japan are helping each other like a family. Some of the company includes 7-11 even offers free foods and drinks to the victims.
The cases like robbery never happens during the disaster (unlike the other countries).
I think Japan has really minimize the volume of victim as possible as they can.
God bless them all !
What impresses me the most are single mothers who could bring up their kids to achieve success, even without family or financial support.
Raising a kid while having a loving family, husband and a great job is hard enough, but being able to do so without? RESPECT.
A news few day ago about a Regal giving out some of his money to the poor. This is really something that impresses me..
What impresses me?? This happened in Singapore… I was queueing up at the grocery store to pay for my goods when this little boy in front of me, probably around 10 years old, offered to let my go first seeing that I was carrying a basket full of stuff and he was having a trolley with a few items in it… Another thing that impressed me also happened in Singapore… lol… The guy behind me held the door for me…
Little gestures like this make me smile 🙂
Gasp! Kanebo! Won’t you extend this promo to Singapore girls as well? 🙂
Hi Poppy! If you can get yourself to a Kanebo salon I’d be happy for you to enter! 🙂
What impresses me most? Everyday people who go the extra mile to be earth-friendly! It’s so encouraging to see Moms using cloth diapers for babies, your everyday Aunty bringing her own re-usable bags to TESCO, and youngsters bringing their own re-usable cutlery for a party! The health and vitality of the earth is affected by the health and vitality of every single person on it – and its really amazing to witness people from every corner of society getting into the reduce, re-use and re-cycle movement. Neo treehuggers, UNITE! :”)
We always see the selfish side of humans everywhere. It’s a dog eat dog world. Every man for himself. So it really impresses me to see how kind we humans can actually be. Seeing the cases in Libya & Japan.. Their generosity and ability to sympathize for others in times of need really moves me. However, I hope the same could be said when there aren’t any disasters.
Another thing that impressed me would be the power of the people, a small human voice. If united, it is strong (Egypt) and capable of doing things.
What impresses me is how social media such as twitter and facebook has brought the world together during times of disasters such as the Japan earthquake. Social media has brought a united front and has all of us praying for the victims of this terrible disaster.
What impressed me was when a Pos Laju postman went out of his way to make sure I got my parcel. The shipper had somehow omitted my company name and address, except for the postcode. This postman called me and it turned out he knew the place well. He left the parcel at my workplace, somehow persuading reception to hold it for me (not their policy to hold staff’s packages). This was a big thing to me as the value of my parcel was over RM500! I got everything safe and sound. *phew* 🙂
I’ve always been a sucker for intelligence. Not those in-your-face, know it all type, but the quiet, confident, unassuming intelligence that is so mentally stimulating. 😛 Think Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds. (plus, he’s really cute on season 6 :P)
Confidence impresses me. i met my bf’s colleague once at his boss’ wedding dinner. everyone else dressed up to the nines, some even went to set their hair, and it wasnt even their wedding. but she came wearing a simple sundress, makeupless and with glasses. and she looked really god because she oozed confidence. then just about 2 months later she contracted cancer and quit her job. she’s only 29 now. but she does not bother to wear a wig after chemo because she still looks great! now THAT really impresses me. i spend so much time on my face and my face stuff that i cant go out without at least some concealer and mascara. i cant imagine going out bald and makeupless, AND wearing glasses and still looking great! oh and by the way, she doesnt have features like angelina jolie or something, she just manages to look great because of her confidence.
What impresses me is how people can actually see the lighter side of things in the world we live in. With the economy down in the dumps, and natural disasters here and there, along with bouts of protests throughout the world, I find it utterly heart-warming that people are still able to keep positive and smile to face the world.
Either that, or I’m impressed by how ignorant they are towards the sufferings of the world, and are able to stay content in their little bubble. Well, it is the “two sides of the coin” thing. ^.^
People who know how to wear clothes that fit them and people that know how to put on make up properly. 😀
What impressed me, and continues to do so until today, is how my mom raised my brother and I after my dad passed away. We were really young then (respectively 9 and 8), and she was an unemployed housewife. Somehow, she scrimped and saved and took to tailoring again while juggling tuition and school drama until we both are who we are today. Hats off to you, mom!
The way my mom persevered and fought off cervical cancer impressed the heck out of me. She was diagnosed at the age of 42 and the initial prognosis wasn’t good as the cancer was detected quite late in stage 3 but she always kept a bright and positive outlook, always saying that she can beat it and will live at least another 30 years in order to see her children walk down the aisle and also see her grandchildren being born. It was quite a struggle not just emotionally and physically but also financially as my mom was the sole provider in my family (dad died when I was 4) and all three of my siblings (me included) was still studying in uni. All of us pretty much took a load off our course in order to do some part time jobs to support the medical bills as the insurance did not cover cancer treatment over a prolonged period of time.
I still remember when my siblings and I went with my mom to her first chemo session and I remember her smiling all the way in and when she came out, she looked so tired, but she was still smiling like she was trying to ensure us that everything was ok and we should not be worried, like it was us who was sick! Through out the whole fight, she became really frail (physically only!), lost all her hair but her good humour all ways remained.
After 5 years of intense therapy and multiple surgeries, she has finally gone into remission and hopefully will continue to do so in many years to come.
Personally? Dolphins impress me. They have always and will always continue to impress me, even if I just see a simple picture of them swimming under the sea.
it impress me how someone could be so dedicated to what they are doing!!!! no matter what they face in life they will get thought it they just are so positive !
My mother is, & shall remain, the most impressive person in my life.
From being the first in her family to obtain a university degree, then leaving her hometown of Penang to teach in rural areas before meeting my father & settling down in KL.
For having 3 children & taking care of all of us with utmost love & dedication.
For putting on a strong front before & after she had her gynaecological surgery done 10 years ago, when I was away studying in the UK.
For insisting on running the household herself without the help of a maid, although she is a working woman as well.
For always being there for me when I needed her 🙂
If I do win this competition, needless to say, the voucher will be my small gift to her in return for the many sacrifices she made while bringing us up.
Love you mum! 🙂
I have been following the news closely and am VERY VERY impressed by how the Japanese handle the disaster.
I am so surprised that they are still calm and organized….If its me i think i would be too scare to remain myself…
Gambate!! Japanese!
What impresses me most is the way some people truly stand up and speak up for what they believe in. Some people find this trait cocky, but I think it’s confidence. I’m getting there myself, and along the way, it may make me out to be a bitch (haha), but I’m happy that I’m true to what I believe in.