Most of us when we get a headache, automatically reach for pills – aspirin, panadol/ paracetamol – which are kept handy in our first aid kits or even in our handbags. I should count myself lucky that I’m not susceptible to getting headaches – when I do, its debilitating 😛
Because I’m a little paranoid about being overly dependant on drugs to cure my headache, I have been researching into alternative natural ways to cure a headache. Here are a few natural cures that help me and which I hope will help you too.
Take a nap
If possible, take a few minutes to nap. Napping relaxes your mind and body and when you are asleep, you don’t usually feel the pain of a headache. Often I find that when I wake up the headache is all but gone. If you can’t sleep, just closing your eyes and relaxing will usually work. If I have a bad head during the day, I usually have an early night and am right as rain in the morning.
Have a shower and wash your hair
I also find that having a hot shower and washing my hair helps relieve my headache. I usually have a hot shower and then end off with a cold shower. I find it helps my head. In the alternative, I go for a hair wash at a salon where they usually incorporate a head massage that does wonders for a headache!
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