Most of us when we get a headache, automatically reach for pills – aspirin, panadol/ paracetamol – which are kept handy in our first aid kits or even in our handbags. I should count myself lucky that I’m not susceptible to getting headaches – when I do, its debilitating 😛
Because I’m a little paranoid about being overly dependant on drugs to cure my headache, I have been researching into alternative natural ways to cure a headache. Here are a few natural cures that help me and which I hope will help you too.
Take a nap
If possible, take a few minutes to nap. Napping relaxes your mind and body and when you are asleep, you don’t usually feel the pain of a headache. Often I find that when I wake up the headache is all but gone. If you can’t sleep, just closing your eyes and relaxing will usually work. If I have a bad head during the day, I usually have an early night and am right as rain in the morning.
Have a shower and wash your hair
I also find that having a hot shower and washing my hair helps relieve my headache. I usually have a hot shower and then end off with a cold shower. I find it helps my head. In the alternative, I go for a hair wash at a salon where they usually incorporate a head massage that does wonders for a headache!
Drink water to rehydrate
A common cause of headaches is heat and dehydration. So, if you feel a headache coming on, drink a few glasses of water over a stretch of time. There isn’t much use downing a huge glass of water as that will just make you full and uncomfortable and unbalance the electrolytes in your body. Instead, drink an average glass of water often, say every 15-20 minutes. Water will cool down your body and rehydrate and you will find some relief from a headache or even prevent it altogether.
Very often, headaches are brought on by stress so consciously relaxing or closing your eyes and indulging in deep breathing exercises can help avert or cure a headache. Anyone who works in a stressful office can tell you that just a few minutes away from the stressful environment can work wonders for your head. So, take a few minutes to walk to the water cooler for some water or just take a short walk and come back with a clearer head.
Massage your temples, neck and behind your jaw
If you have a headache or feel one coming on, take a few minutes and gently massage the pressure points at your temples and behind your neck or behind your jaw or wherever feels stiff. A touch of lavender oil or peppermint can help you relax and sooth the throbbing a headache brings.
Pinch the fleshy web between your thumb and forefinger
This is a reflexology point that corresponds to your head so pinching this part of your hand is supposed to ease a headache. Personally, I do find that my hand will be very painful and sometimes it eases my headache, but it does not cure it.
Stretch your neck muscles
If you drop your head gently to one side and gently stretch your neck muscles, you usually will find some relief from a headache. It doesn’t always work however, but it brings me relief if I’m having a particularly stressful day even if there’s no headache in sight.
Get away from the computer!
Eye strain is a common cause of headaches. So, if you have a headache or feel one coming on, get away from the computer. If you have persistent headaches, get your eyes checked – you may need glasses.
Do note that my tips are meant for people who have the occasional headache, not those who have migraines or recurring headaches. If you have headaches often without reason you might want to consult your doctor. If I’ve tried all of the above and all else fails, I pop 2 Panadol and feel alive again in a few minutes. 😛
Do you have any other tips on how to naturally cure a headache?
Stay headache free & beautiful!
Paris B
Tine says
I’d normally take a nap to cure a headache. Definitely have to stay away from the computer, as more often than not, that’s the cause of my headaches.
And also use Origins Peace of Mind. Great stuff. My friends called it “Tine’s Overpriced Hong Yiu” :p
ParisB says
Hey Tine
I haven’t tried the Origins Peace of Mind but “hong yiu” gives me a headache! 😛 Naps still work best for me 🙂
Syen says
Hoo boy, I can definitely relate to headaches but mine are usually migraines which can get really really bad. =(
Naps don’t really work for me unless I take panadol or something, or else I’ll wake up with a bigger headache.
What does work though is a cold shower, and a cold hair wash. This is not always possible though as I can get a migraine from the minutest things sometimes. Cold aircond room, to hot air outside, back to aircond room can sometimes spark it off, and even glare from the sun. So panadol or panadeine is my best friend for such occasions. =P
Amanda says
I feel your pain. I’ve been getting migraines for many years. Take a nap without medicine will never work for me. The only cure is take the panadol and sleep. There are times I’ll have aura before the pain comes.
ParisB says
Hi Amanda
I’ve heard of migraines but fortunately I’m not susceptible to them *touch wood* I know of people who get migraines and panadol does not help!
ParisB says
Hey Syen
My headaches are rare but too bright sunlight can trigger one. When all else fails its the panadol for me!
prettybeautiful says
when i am out for too long and dehydrated, i tend to get really bad headaches if i consume <2L water a day. so i guess the key for me is rest and plenty of water. sometimes honey does help!
ParisB says
Hi prettybeautiful
I never thought about trying honey. I’ll try that the next time I get a headache *touch wood*!
Nikki says
so true on your tips…i may need to look at it again as I have a feeling I’ll get it one of these days 🙂 Keep safe too PB!
ParisB says
Hey Nikki
Bad times to anticipate a headache! Well, keep pills handy just in case nothing else work 😉
lexo says
umm does these really workkk
jennifer says
how about a sip of tea or coffee? nowdays hard to find relax if in da middle of works, if too relax will end up sleepy hahaha.maybe at nite after work then sleep like piggy that how my relax treatment
ParisB says
Hi Jennifer
I’m not so sure about coffee. I know i’ll get headaches if I don’t have a morning cuppa! But for others, coffee brings on the headaches. I guess its what relaxes us that cures it yes? 🙂
geekchic says
Someone once told me to pinch the bridge of my nose. Not sure if it was the placebo effect but I did it and it sort of went away.
I’m a disgusting napper. I cannot nap. If all else fails, I take a glass of wine and just lie on the couch and do nothing. I find my favourite glass of wine helps me unwind well.
ParisB says
Hey geekchic
Wine can actually exacerbate my headache but it puts me to sleep so thats good 🙂
June says
i so totally agree with the massage your neck part.
but its hard to give the right amount you know.
too soft no effect too much it hurts worst.
ParisB says
Hi June
Haha… Yes I tend to agree about that but if it hurts more then I forget about the headache which is good for me! 😉
Ms. Blacklace says
I’ll sniff peppermint or lavendar oil. Helps a little. Other times, I just grab a bunch of my hair, and lightly tug at it… And grab another bunch or hair, and tug again…. Helps too.
ParisB says
Hi Ms. Blacklace
You know what, that hair tugging thing works! I think it probably stimulates blood or something… but be careful not to tug too hard! 😉
synical says
The pressure point between the forefinger and thumb also doesn’t work for me, so you’re not the only one.
My headaches tend to be caffeine withdrawal, or those heat-related. For that I take a couple of Panadol and lie in a dark, quiet room for a bit.
Even drinking coffee/tea at the onset doesn’t help for me cos it’s already too late for me.
I can’t do without Panadol – although you could always take aspirin as it’s better for you than Panadol..
ParisB says
Hey synical
All that point gives me is pain but my headache remains. I’ve read that aspirin isn’t that good for the stomach – thats why hospitals here don’t prescribe it. But it might be marketing… one can never be sure these days.
cynthia says
This is a trick I learnt from a sifu in China:
Touch your earlobes with your index fingers (with both hands!). Then slide your fingers horizontally around your neck till they reach almost the back. You’ll feel 2 slight indentations in your neck (one left and one right) just before you reach the centre of the back of your neck. Press really hard/ massage this indentation until your headache gets better.
I’m sorry but I really don’t know how to describe the indentation place in a better or clearer way. But it really works for me, and for the people I’ve tried it on! Hope you guys find this useful. =)
ParisB says
Hi Cynthia
I’ll try this next time I have a headache! *touch wood* Thanks for the tip!
Renee says
Like you, I don’t like to take medication for headaches. In fact I hate to take medicine and normally like to “tough it out” and get through it. But I had my first migraine two weeks ago, and I was screaming in pain so I just had to take drugs!
For normal headaches, I just massage my temples like you said and that does provide some relief, but sleeping normally works the best!
Great article! 🙂
ParisB says
Hi Renee
You sound a lot like me LOL… I hate seeing the doctor so when I do fall sick, its awful!
Jackie says
I had migraine headaches for years. They would start out with aurora’s, flashes of light and grey floating balls. My head would be sore for two or three days after the attacks. This was back in the 60’s. I always had to go in and get a shot to knock me out. Then one day, a pharmaceutical salesman came in and suggested that I take three aspirin and a coke at the first sign of an aurora, or at the fist sign of a flash of light and he said to lay down for 30 minutes. Eight out of ten times this worked. However, I later went to work for a chiropractor. He took xrays of my neck and promised he could get rid of my headaches. This was over 20 years ago and I have not had a headache since.
shina5 says
I have migraines all the time and I’ve tried numerous things trying to avoid taking too many different types of medicines!!