Hello friends,
My year-end missive is a little early this year, I realize. But it comes at a time when many of us are taking time off for ourselves and winding down for the year.
This year, I’m taking that time for myself too.

I’ve noticed that people are saying that this year is the end of a decade (2009-2019) and that the New Year brings us into a new decade. While I don’t subscribe to that theory (I consider 2020 the end of the decade because I’m contrary like that 😛 ) I couldn’t help thinking that I might embrace it this time.
I’ve had a fairly challenging year, and decade, and truth be told, it hasn’t been what I expected it to be. If I were to sum my 2019 up in a word, it would be… hard LOL! 😛
Instead, I’d pick 2 words – Seizing Opportunities. Are you able to sum your year up in a word, or two? 🙂
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