Lipbalm and I aren’t quite the best of friends. We aren’t arch enemies, but we only have a nodding acquaintance. If I see Lipbalm across the room, I’d nod at them to acknowledge that yes, I know you’re here, and they’d nod back to say yes, we are and some day, you’re going to regret not wanting us. HAHA!
So, when the Dior Crystal Coral Voluptous LipCare Lipbalm sashayed into the room, I did the same. Give it a cursory glance and then promptly forgot about it. However, one day, I was in a bit of a hurry, and left the house without apply anything to my lips. Do you realize how odd someone looks when there’s makeup on, but no lipstick? Trust me, its odd.
To my surprise, the one and only item in my bag was this Crystal Coral. I usually have a whole pouch of lip colours and on this day, there was nothing bar a tinted lip balm. Meh… I thought. But I used it anyway and lo and behold! Did the skies open for me? Did I throw my hands up and say Hallelujah for Lipbalm!