Some of you may remember that I have a thing for red lipstick. Or bold lipstick at any rate. It’s sort of my trademark. But I went through a phase not very long ago, when I’d only wear safe lip colours. Near-nude, neutral, rose tinted lip colours that were polished… but safe. It kind of coincided with a phase of my life where I just wanted to be, well, neutral and safe.
But a week ago, I decided I’d revert to my roots. I cut my lipstick wearing teeth on red lipstick and I’ll be back! (I also have a drawer full of red lipsticks that need some loving!) So I’ve been back wearing red lipstick for a week now, and I love it!
You might hear people say that it takes confidence to wear a red or bright lip and it’s true in a sense. It stands out, it makes you stand out and sometimes, because it does, you stand up a little taller and perhaps, feel a little better about yourself.
And while I’m at it, here are 4 of my favourite reds that I’ve been wearing most often in recent times. I’m going to tell you that yes, they are from high end brands. But I have a reason for picking these. For the most part, I find a good red lipstick needs a high quality texture, strong pigment and good hydration. Red lipsticks can be drying, and something that won’t travel and yet won’t leave your lips looking like a prune is important. For me, I find that these are more easily found in a higher end product than in the pharmacy/drugstore.
Also, with the accompanying glamorous packaging, it makes me feel a helluva good slicking these on – instant mood booster! 😀