Other than nails, the other area of beauty I’m pretty low maintenance with is my hair. It behaves itself, it isn’t too unhealthy, it isn’t oily and I don’t have dandruff *touch wood* All in all, I’m that lucky girl to have good hair days most days of the week. I know you hate me now, sorry 😛
But you know, I wasn’t the only one who thought so. When I was invited by Aveda to try their Botanical Therapy for Hair and Scalp at the newly opened Aveda-exclusive salon Restyle+ at Nu Sentral (super convenient mall linked to public trains. And there’s a Sephora there too 😉 ) the stylist was at a bit of a loss as well as to what to do with my hair LOL! 😛
He pronounced a healthy scalp and healthy hair that was just a wee bit dry. He was surprised that I didn’t colour my hair (it’s been years and my hair’s all natural and yes, it’s brown) nor did I treat it in one way or another. I’ve been there and done that. I’m not going back till I turn grey 😛 In the end, we settled for a Moisture Treatment. I’ll just quickly tell you what to expect and if you’re looking for a natural option to all the chemicals you put on your hair and head, you might want to check out Aveda treatments.