I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge HUGE fan of Uniqlo. Sure, I’ve had people tell me that their clothes aren’t fashion forward, too simple and in some cases, very aunty-looking. To all that I say “Pfbfttt!” I’m not fashion forward, I like simple and why, I’m in aunty-category! Gone are the days when young kids will call me “Jie Jie PB”, now it’s “Aunty PB” and I’ve (thankfully) come to terms with it HAHA!
But this obsession of mine with Uniqlo means that I physically avoid the stores, because I’d always walk out with something, and now that they have online shopping, that’s even more dangerous. I have to physically stop myself from going to the online store! That said, I’ve also picked up some excellent deals online, so let’s just say that I don’t hold back that often. Hah!
What I really wanted to share with you however, is not my obsession with Uniqlo, but with the Uniqlo Airism range. (NB: I’m not sponsored, although I won’t say no to Uniqlo showering me with Airism clothing in all forms, thank you LOL) The Airism range is what I think was formerly known as Dry Lux, something I’d shared with you many years ago, and it is the anti-thesis to the famed and popular Heattech range which is targeted at winter-wear. But for those of us living where the sun beats down relentlessly on us for practically 365 days of the year (366 this year!) Airism is the way to go. In fact, if you’re suffocating in this heat, but are loathe to parade in the altogether, then get thee to a Uniqlo store stat! It’s the next best thing to going naked 😀