I’d never heard of a “wardrobe malfunction” until a few years ago. Does anyone else remember that epic half time performance at the Super Bowl with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake? Anyone? 😀
It was during the performance that Janet Jackson’s right boob was inexplicably (or as they said accidentally) exposed, something which was later attributed to a “wardrobe malfunction”, and voila! A phrase was coined 😀
Alright so perhaps most of us would not have had something that dramatic happen to us in our daily lives but I’m quite sure that we’ve had our wardrobe malfunction one way or another, when we least expect it and when we least want it to. I cannot possibly be alone in this right?! 😛
Go on, spill your stories 😀
In my case, other than the usual things about skirt hems dropping (and because I’m lousy at sewing, I’ve actually held it up with double-sided tape until I can get someone to repair it for me 😛 I have to learn to sew!) or buttons inexplicably falling off when I least expect them too (watch that diet!) or getting a run in my stocking when I used to wear stockings (clear nail polish helps contain a run!) I haven’t had a major wardrobe malfunction.
But 2 recent incidents did result in a rather embarrassing situation.
In the first, I’d pulled on a dark maroon chiffon blouse over jeans for a casual Friday look. It all looked fine at home, I felt great and it was perfect considering the day was incredibly hot and blanketed with haze. However, what I didn’t realise was that in sunlight, the top turned transparent! 😛 Ok, not it was not a magic blouse, but it became very sheer in bright light so it was pretty embarrassing when it was pointed out to me that my innerwear was on view to the world. Thankfully I had a cardigan on hand, so I quickly threw it on to avoid further embarrassment. Oh boy…
In the second incident just a week later, I had on a formal work outfit with a proper cotton shirt (not giving anyone an eyeful anymore!) and a pencil skirt. As I got out of my car, I heard a heart stopping rrriipppp! and what d’ya know? My skirt had ripped up the back! Sure, it was also a lot easier to walk in it now, but it was so embarrassing!
It didn’t quite expose my butt thankfully, and nothing that shouldn’t be exposed was, and also thankfully I had a jacket on hand, and had to sit down a lot LOL! So I got through the day mostly unscathed, keeping my back to the wall a lot of the time, sitting down a lot of the time and just doing my best to hide my torn skirt and get through the day.
I haven’t had anything else as dramatic happen, thankfully! So that’s my story 😀
Have you had a wardrobe malfunction? Was it an embarrassing situation for you?
Feel free to stay undercover of anonymity if you like. Heaven knows, these wardrobe malfunction situations can be quite horrifying! LOL 😀 Ok, your turn!
Paris B
Oh boy have I got enough to fill your bookshelves! (wardrobe?)
The earliest memory of this was when I was still in school. Exceptionally heavy period and good Lord, thank god for good friends who helped with the clean up and also all girls’ school!
That’s all I’d share in the interwebs. I reckon I’m so good at making a fool of myself I don’t need to do this anymore 😛
Yikes! I so get period stained clothes problem. It’s not even just in school, sometimes accidents happen in adulthood too! >.<
I was halfway teaching my Zumba class at the seam in the middle of my pants. Needless to say, my students had to see my underwear throughout the class.
Oh dear! That must have been distracting LOL 😀 Thanks for sharing Evan!
LOL! I tend to forget to zip quite frequently, and once it was pointed out to be by a male colleague. Gosh!!! i just wanted to bury my head in the drawer or something!!!
Oh man I know that feeling! Been there, done that >.<
The biggest embarrassment for me was when I was wearing a tube top. It had slipped down to reveal my bra and I’ve been flashing everyone for god knows how long before noticing it..
Eeps! Tube tops are so dangerous! When I do wear one I’m constantly checking just to be sure. Now I’ll be even more paranoid haha Thanks for sharing! 😀
oh girl don’t get me started! It all started way back in high school, with those sheer white blouses we had to wear! It was incredibly transparent, and in one decided to not wear another layer underneath, well lets just say the world will have a show to watch…
these days, the only robe malfunction I experience is the occasional top drooping a little too low and ‘ehem’ showcasing assets, and tight pencil skirts riding up. =P
URGH!!! School uniforms! Hate hate >.< As much as I hated the pinafore, it was probably a good thing as well on hind sight haha I think I'm the only person out there who ripped her pencil skirt! Definitely have to watch that diet 😛
I learned that term from Janet’s incident and since then I noticed tv segments and articles about celebrities wardrobe malfunctions.
I had my recent embrassing experience, too. It happened during my first running group, we had our first stop to do burpees and I had split pant LOL Luckily, my t-shirt reached almost to my knees but I was hoping no one would somehow saw the “crotch window” when we did exercises at our burpee pit stop. I laugh about it at that time but I still didn’t want to give free show at my panties 😛
Eeps! Thank goodness for long T-shirts! I guess it felt a little airy after that? hehe… Thanks for sharing Fathin!
I had an issue with ripping last Friday! Not once, but twice! First the dress I wore tore at the seam on my left back (definitely time to watch the diet), and I quickly headed to FOS to pick up a cheap replacement, but when I put it on, I snagged it on the door and it tore too! Thankfully I’ve learned to carry safety pins around with me!
Yikes! Twice in a row! Smart of you to carry safety pins around. Now that’s one thing I don’t even have at any time. haha!
I’m a bit of a clutz and frequently tear my clothes on sticking out nails that shouldn’t be there, sharp edges, etc… I’m with Arpita on the carrying safety pins around with me and then sewing it up quick sharp as soon as I get home!
Well that’d work if I could sew! LOL Good job on the safety pins
Oh my god, you reminded me of an incident when I was 12. I had accidentally gone to tuition class wearing my top inside out. In my defence, it was a plain long sleeved t-shirt so I didn’t realise that it was inside out until I had arrived at the tuition centre. I was the new kid and people were grinning so I thought they were just being friendly. A year later one of the kids in that class told me that everyone had noticed, and they were actually grinning because of that. Ouch.
Oh dear, kids can be so cruel! I hope they’re your friends now and that it now serves as a good funny memory 🙂 But I’ve had that happen to me too. Walked out in the mall with my T-shirt inside out without noticing one bit!
It was a good 8-9 years ago when I was walking to the lrt station after finishing work. I forgot to zip my pants which was sewn behind instead of front and since it was a one-piece outfit (short blouse and long pants), my panties could be seen from the back. A female stranger came up to me to inform me that I had forgotten to zip my pants. I think I nearly died of embarrassment that day. Suffice to say, I have always been careful when I wore that particular pants although it is no longer in my wardrobe since I cannot fit into anymore 🙂
Thanks for sharing Victoria! I am always grateful for anyone who’d tell me if my zip is down or something is wrong and save me from further embarrassment but gosh, what an experience eh? Another way to get around it is to make sure the colour of your underwear matches! That way, it is potentially less embarrassing 😉
Oh don’t get me started. 🙂 Two years ago I was swimming in the sea, in my full swimsuit (to hide my full figure). Turning back toward the beach, I noticed all these guys smiling at me – big, (overly) friendly smiles, when my daughter shouted “MOOOOM!”. I looked down and saw that both boobs were out… I turned back towards the sea, turned back to the beach – and it happened again. I have not been in the sea since. 🙂
Yikes! Now that was a wardrobe malfunction to end all malfunctions! Thanks for sharing
One time I was in the photo studio shooting photos for class and my ancient jeans ripped right up the center back seam! Luckily I had an extra pair of pants in my car (that were meant to be used as a prop). And I’ve also had the requisite lesson about why you shouldn’t wear bikini tops in the ocean….
Eeps! Both very good lessons to learn – no bikini tops in the ocean and always keep a spare pair of pants in the car! 😀 Thanks for sharing Nicci 😀
Few years back, I just got out from the cinema toilet and I was wearing a flowy slightly above the knee length skirt. I was happily walking ala supermodel because the skirt was light and flowy only to my HUGE embarrassment the back of skirt was stuck inside my underwear. Adding further insult, I was pointed out by a kind lady that ran back to inform me. So I can’t imagine how many ppl had passed by me..as it was right b4 movie starting.
OMG I was cringing all the way reading your story Leona! Oh my! Hopefully everyone was too busy rushing to the cinema to notice. Thank you for sharing 😀
Been there, done that! flowy skirts / dresses are dangerous!
Oh the period stains in school stories! Boy do I have lots of those.
I do remember one time when I was about 12yo, I wore this skirt to church. I didn’t realise that the zip had gone wonky (it was fine when I put it on) and it was somehow ripped apart. I walked around church, played with my friends, went out for lunch, etc with my knickers exposed no thanks to the zip. And I had absolutely no idea until I came home and saw the hole!
Fly down incidents are aplenty too. Sadly, no one points out to me until it’s usually too late. I make it a point to let people know now if their fly is down, even strangers.
Period stains in school is sort of fine but man, there’s no excuse for stains in adulthood >.< You know, I somehow feel that it's more forgiving when we have these accidents as kids but as adults, I think we're just not as thick skinned anymore LOL
It’s embarassing to admit but my wardrobe often malfunctions. :/ My main trouble is short skirts riding up when I’m walking- does this happen to anyone else? It always happens to me and its very embarassing to realise you are now revealing way too much. The worst incident though was during my time in student halls the firealarm went off at night so we all went outside in our sleepwear. It started to rain so I took off my sweatshirt to protect myself from the rain. my t shirt got caught in my sweatshirt as I was taking it off but I didn’t realise at first…and well, I wasn’t wearing underneath that. It was only a quick flash but I wanted to die.
I absolutely know how you feel C! I don’t have a problem with short skirts riding up as I walk but definitely when I sit down and then stand up. Must quickly tug it down before I show off more than necessary 😛 But oh boy, the sweatshirt incident… I feel you!!! Thanks so much for sharing your story 😀
I was saving your post on this till I had the time to tell you my embarrassing story. The zipper on my dress decided that it prefered to travel south and without me knowing it, it just slid lower and lower till my entire back was exposed. I kick myself wondering how the heck I didn’t realise why suddenly my back was feeling a little too breezy for comfort. Thankfully a colleague came up and rescued me in time. I could have sworn I was exposed to quite a few people who were too polite to say anything. I could have did of shame. Instead I pretended everything was as per normal smiled and did the walk of shame. Needless to say that dress has been banished.
Hahaha oh my Jacqueline, thank you so much for sharing! Don’t you hate it when your clothes conspire to embarrass you?!
OK, I’ll tell you a little secret. Back in early teens, I had finally persuaded mum to buy me the very first pair of Levi’s jeans (so cool man…). Feeling so smug and cool about it, I wore it to the last day of school (no uniform on this day). Then 2 guai-low kids sitting on the stairs called to me. I thought… oh wow this outfit must have attracted the right kind of attention??! When I went near them, they told me my fly was open. WTF??!??!?? I could have dug a hole right there and hid in there forever!!!!!! >:(
Argh! I so feel you Ting, and at that vulnerable age we feel it even more don’t we? >.< Thanks for sharing your story!
I am having it..
I love cotton baju kurung for working hours. What makes me dizy is what to wear during weekend outing..me is equal to blue jeans+ simple shirt..and my favourite is Padini’s line (shirt) and Levi’s for jeans.ooooooooo so boring for me..but I cannot deny that works best for me!!
I have tried other styles (hey..they are hung in my closet right now!!!)..but it is seriously killing when I have to wear a sheer shirt with an inner for more modest look , as to be suitable for a lady wearing hijab. iT IS HOT & HUMID!that is the most challenging part.