As the quote goes – Vanity, thy name is woman.
Women are saddled with societal baggage of conforming to the beauty norms of the day. In this day, it appears that being thin is still in. I would however, prefer if we were allowed to look like Ruben’s women! This pressure is, I feel, further exacerbated by visuals we are presented with, especially online. Just look at any ad campaign or successful blogger/influencer/model and the trend is there – you must be thin.
There is also the other movement for people to be lean. I often stumble on before/after pictures on Instagram, of women who have successfully shed a lot of weight, or who promote “clean eating” and exercise, and the common thread is this – they’re all fairly thin and lean.
So, how does that make you feel, when you realize that the clothes in your closet fit a touch too snug. Or that you have to hold your tummy in when wearing that favourite dress, that you’ve owned from 5 years ago, when you were a tad more svelte? Or that your butt looks larger than ever before 😛
Do you make a resolute decision to exercise and go on a diet, or do you say sod it! And size up in your clothing? I’m curious because I went through this exercise! 🙂