Celebrating 9 years of blogging here at MWS is a bit of a bittersweet moment for me.
9 years ago today, I migrated to my own space on the internet, hammering in foundations and building a slightly rickety structure with a leaky roof, hanging out the My Women Stuff sign over the doorway, and sitting on the porch, wondering if anyone would stop by for a chat. Over the years, as I went along, I eventually strengthened those foundations, built sturdier walls, and extensions, while making MWS a comfy home for myself, and hopefully for those who did eventually stop by and still stop by to chat.
At about the same time, I too started something else from nothing, which I also grew quite comfortably alongside MWS. However, it appeared the foundations were never quite as strong as that I put in for MWS, for while I find myself toasting the celebration of 9 years in my virtual home, the other venture folded last year, and is now a derelict, empty house, with its lights permanently switched off, leaving me feeling a little cold.
But I’m not going to dwell too much on the unsavoury past, for as I do at this time of year, I get a little pensive about my blogging journey 🙂
It wasn’t an easy ride coming to my 9th year of active blogging. The regular ones would have noticed that the past couple of years leading to this moment have been fraught with challenges, where I slowed down on blogging, took long leaves of absence, and just started withdrawing, stepping away from the blogging and social media scenes to deal with other, more challenging matters.
Yet, it was also in the past year that I started the MWS Companion newsletter and made a brief foray into YouTube videos. I know where my strengths lie, and YouTube, as fun as it is, will never be my primary focus, although I will try to keep my hand in, just for laughs 🙂
But some things changed this year, and I decided to step up my blogging game. Regulars may have noticed that blog updates and posts are appearing on a more regular basis, and in a sense, I seem to have found my rhythm again. It’s like almost like riding a bicycle. The first few times, you wobble and fall off, but soon, you’re coasting along, with the sun in your face (wear sunscreen please!) and the wind in your hair.
So celebrating 9 years of blogging today, feels almost like a rebirth for me. A renewal in my blogging focus, a renewed interest in navigating the beauty product jungle, and in some ways, a rejuvenation in other aspects of my life. I’m more willing to open myself to opportunities, and more willing to be candid and blunt. I’ve been around the block, and I’m sticking to blogging, because that’s what I enjoy most, even if rocking the boat doesn’t sit well with everyone.
But as much as I’ve struggled, I have one person to thank for keeping me grounded and bringing me back to my roots.
That’s YOU! 🙂
It is important for me to know that I’m on the right track with where I want to go, and when you share your experiences or views in the comments (even if you don’t agree with me) it tells me I’m doing it right. When you interact with me, and laugh with me at my tongue-in-cheek jokes, or ask questions and share your answers, it tells me that I’m in the right place.
Over the years, I’ve “met” so many of you right here on MWS, who have eventually grown up, left school, gotten your first job, gotten married, become mothers, and who may no longer lust after that newest and latest limited edition lipstick; yet you still read and you still talk to me right here in the comment box, in replies to my newsletters, or over on Instagram where I try to post pretty pictures while keeping to my irreverent streak, and that tells me that I’m doing it right. I may not have tens of thousands of followers on any social media platform, but I know my blog reach, and it reaches further and wider than any platform can take me, for I’m blessed to have people who talk to me, not merely stalk. For that, I am grateful.
I love that we have that relationship here at MWS – we’re friends. We’re not just readers, not just a blogger preaching to the gallery; but friends, sitting as equals around a table, sharing a coffee (or champagne or beer or whisky, pick your poison 😛 ) and a nasi lemak, talking about that newest foundation, trying to solve each others’ skincare problems, and perhaps even sharing some life tips and recipes.
I love that I do this in real life, with people I have met because of MWS, who are now good friends I know I can depend on to have my back, and be my sounding board, even if what I really want to know is where to find certain grocery items.
It wasn’t easy arriving at the doorstep of my 9th year of blogging, but I’m glad I made it, creaky cart and all, and it’s in a very large part, thanks to every single one of you reading and talking to me, so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! 🙂 Please don’t stop talking 🙂
Paris B
Congrats Paris! I already stopped since 2014 ha ha ha …but I really enjoy ready your blog. It’s inspiring n as though u r talking to me when I read your write up. It’s only 5am n I m up reading your post. Well, your blog is my company when I wake up in this wee hour to pump milk for my 2 month old boy. So keep writing and stay happy n healthy. God bless?
Sorry for the typo error. * enjoy reading ……
N God bless! (Not a question mark) I was using emoticon but turn into question mark. Sorry dear.
Oh haha not a problem! I’ve been trying to figure out how to get emoticons working, but apparently, they only work on phones 😛
Thank you Lavender and gosh, I remember those days when we used to meet at events! 😀 And now you have a little boy, congratulations! 😀 It must be far more rewarding than blogging – thank you so much for still reading my ramblings 🙂
Congratulation on 9 years! Although I didn’t read from the beginning, but it’s through your blog that I know of some good skincare brand out there. And do i ever tell you (although this sound cheesy, but it’s true), your blog is the only ‘local’ blog I read. Keep the good work!
Thank you so much iYing! 🙂 I’m glad to have been of help (and I hope your wallet didn’t protest too much! 😀 ) Also, thank you for trusting me! There are so many local blogs around these days, so it’s gratifying to have your trust 🙂
Congratulations, Paris! Sometimes, when I look at how frequent you update your post, I wondered how you did it. I’d started out doing 3 times weekly post, but now slowed down significantly that I’m pretty ashamed to share what the frequency is. And I’ve only been around for less than 2 years. LOL.
I enjoy reading your post because I love honest opinions and reviews! Keep it up and I will continue to support you as a reader. Cheers!
Thank you so much Nicole 🙂 A lot has to do with scheduling and planning ahead, and there’s no need to be ashamed of how often or not that you update! After all, we all have different goals in life and different lives. So, just keep going at what you do as long as you’re happy doing it 😀
In Mexican Spanish we have a phrase “Voy a sonar como disco rayado” which would translate like “I’m going to sound like a damaged CD” and it means “I’ve already said this a hundred of times”; and yes I needed to say that because every time I think about MWS I think when I started reading it (2011, with Bobbi Brown BB cream), when I started to comment (2012, if I’m not mistaken it was in post of bronzers) and that after so many years I still read and you have one of the blogs I really trust and won’t stop reading.
I’m happy we met because of your blog and we consider ourselves as friends 😉 and I’m happy that even though life is a roller coaster and you got some hiatus you’re still here and going strong. Btw when I started reading MWS I was in Junior High School and now if everything goes as planned I’ll graduate from college next year so yes time flies but MWS is here to stay.
You are very sweet Efrain, and thank you so much! I’d never thought I’d meet anyone from Mexico but here we are, years on! Makes me feel all clucky watching all of you young ones grow up 🙂 The nice thing is how it’s just one common thread of beauty that brings us together, and I think that’s absolutely worth celebrating! I’ll be seeing you around! 😀
It’s great that you’re still blogging and I just want to say thank you for what you do. You’re one of five blogs I follow (that’s a compliment not otherwise in case five sounds a lot) – you’re blogs I trust, value and really enjoy too because you come across as independent, knowledgeable, feet on the ground (but also able to dream) and of course so generous in giving your time and energy to your blog. Thank you again; here’s to the next however long you enjoy doing it which I hope is a long time x
Hi Tanya, thank you so much for the vote of confidence! It means a lot to me that you follow so few blogs (I used to have hundreds in my list! But not anymore) and choose to follow mine. I hope not to ever disappoint, but if I do, I hope someone will slap me upside the head and tell me so! 🙂
WOW! Paris, you’re a veteran, congratulations! I just started reading your blog just a year and a half ago when I started working here in Malaysia! I wish I’ll bump into you someday, get a proper thank you for the things you’ve written for us!
Haha that I am, Bee! And I have the birth date to prove it too! 😉 Thank you so much for reading, and if you ever do see me please say Hi! Odds are however, I might be so dressed down with no makeup on that I’d be unrecognisable anyway LOL 😉
Congratulations! :))) *throws confetti in the air*
Thank you! 🙂
Yours is the only blog i still follow after all these years, absence and all.
For obvious reasons. I can relate to your posts most importantly. 🙂
Dear PB, wishing you happiness always in all that you do.
Aww thank you Lisa! I am very honoured and very touched! 😀
Happy 9th, dear Paris! I have been a lurker so far, but can’t get enough of your writing! Here’s wishing you many many more fun years of blogging :).
Thank you for delurking, Musical! It always means a lot to me to hear from those who don’t regularly comment, because it means you felt strongly enough to this time! 😀 Thank you for reading!
Hi PB..
Congrats on the 9th years of MWS, it marks ur success on the journey you have embarked!
I am one of your “gotten married, become mothers, and who may no longer lust after that newest and latest limited edition lipstick” reader 😀
I have been stop following ur blog after becoming a mother, but one of day somehow something make me come back and check “r u still around” and “how r u doing”?
And after all these years I have skipped, I still love reading your blog as I ‘ve found them interesting and very informative (not just beauty junks)! Love tips you shared with us and love how you humor us thoughout your blog.
Continue what you love doing, PB…!
Hi Pearl, I remember you! 😀 Thank you for checking in despite the intervening years and I’m glad that you still enjoyed your visit 😀 I do try not to delve into beauty junks (haha 😉 ) and there is always the odd strange question/discussion that pops up so even if beauty isn’t your thing anymore, I do hope you’ll stick around. If only just to laugh at me haha 😀 Thanks so much for popping by Pearl! <3