“Is blogging dead?”
Ironic, considering that I’m writing this on a blog, and inviting you to share your thoughts on this. If it were well and truly dead, then no one will read this little musing of mine, will they? It’ll provoke no comment, and it’ll just disappear into the ether.
I’m not going to whine about the way things are or were, or what goes on behind the facade of the blog that you see right here, or what nonsense bloggers have to face. I have a genuine curiosity as to whether you feel that it’s just too much to read blogs anymore. Or perhaps, you feel that blogs are now too commercialised. Or maybe, the blogger you used to read no longer blogs about things you can relate to, and you just feel that blogging as a whole is just passe.
We all grow up and along the way, our interests wax and wane in different areas of our life. But that’s looking at it from the reader’s side of the fence. What about bloggers? Is it even worth starting a blog anymore? Has blogging been driven to its grave?
I was giving all this a lot of thought recently, after speaking to a few people – bloggers and PR people alike. Among the PR people, I find that there is a bit of a divide. For the most part, brands and PR (locally) place a lot of emphasis on numbers, but they aren’t that interested in learning about Google Analytics or seeing a blog’s statistics. They want something quick, easy and visible. Yet, there are some who still prefer the written word as a medium for disseminating information, but they are in the minority.
Bloggers I spoke to have a sense of fatalism because they feel they can’t get anywhere on their blog, so they feel the need to concentrate on other aspects of their social media profiles to grow followers and numbers and therefore gain attention. Everyone is doing it!
Bloggers are now known as Social Influencers
Social media platforms make things easy for justifying number counts. Follower counts and likes are easily visible on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. As a result, we now have social media celebrities, who boast impossibly large follower counts, and as a result, can command up to RM4,000 (approx US$1,000) an Instagram photo and be feted with luxury products. I know of international social media celebrities a.k.a. influencers (catchword of the day) with MILLIONS of followers, who can boast of 5 digit payments, in USD, for one picture. YouTube celebrities have mushroomed and blossomed, in almost all subject niches. I’ve been blogging for 9 years, and there’s no way anyone will pay me that sort of money – it’s a fact. I’ll be told “Yes, we like your blog and your style, but what we really want are big follower counts, and you don’t have those, or rather, we can’t easily see it.”
5 years ago, everyone was a blogger. All you needed was a space on the web, and tada! Now, everyone is a “Social influencer”, because who blogs these days?! Only those who are left behind by technology do, apparently 😛
You know, I don’t begrudge them this. It is hard work in every area of social media promotion, and I take my hats off to them. Instagram, in particular, seems to have gained a lot of traction in the most recent 6 months, and I predict, will only get more important in 2016 going forward. It’s quick, visible and numbers are easy to justify on all counts.
“No one has time to read anymore”
From a PR/Brand point of view, bloggers seem to be now secondary media. You know what I was told by one? People don’t want to read anymore. They just want quick, fast information. If it’s contained within a picture or a short video, all the better. No one has time to read. Blogging is effectively dead, so go and concentrate on something else, like growing your Instagram follower count.
I merely kept silent, because I know it’s partly true. What I didn’t say is that no one reads Instagram captions either and I dare say so because I slip in little side comments into my Instagram captions all the time and only a handful of people actually read it, and get it enough to interact with me. Everyone else just scrolls, double-tap to like and move on.
My primary outlet is still my blog. I blog, not because of the subject matter (which I enjoy, but really, I’m quite happy to write about anything) but because I enjoy writing, and perhaps, I’m “old-fashioned” but I enjoy reading. Reading helps you learn, and in many ways, it helps you broaden your mind, because when you read something, it makes you think. Reading helps your imagination grow, because not everything is put before you in a visual fest, to mould your mind and way of thinking. Words are powerful, and they can teach you to think for yourself, and you form your own impressions.
While I dabble in other forms of social media, none bring me as much joy as my blog, which serves as my primary creative outlet, and reading other blogs in different areas and of varying subject matter. Nothing makes me as happy as to carry on a conversation with someone right here in the blog comments, which is another dying art – no one really wants to talk to you on your blog anymore. Yet, I realise that I’m probably in the minority.
Technology and social media apps are growing at an incredible rate. Not content with visual feasts like that on Instagram, there are now apps like Snapchat and Periscope, both of which feature shortlived videos, that for me perpetuate this whole concept of “fast-food information consumption”.
I’m old-fashioned, not only in my way of thinking, but also in my food consumption. I eat the occasional fast food meal, but in the main, I enjoy a whole-food meal best – proper meat and grains and vegetables that I can identify. Similarly, I enjoy my time on Instagram (I can’t get my head around Snapchat and am not planning to even try), but when I need something meatier, I head to Google and I run a search on the item or subject I’m interested in, and I then read.
Is blogging dead?
So, is blogging really dead?
My answer is both yes and no.
Yes, from the point of view of marketing and advertising, because of the perception that the youth and people of today have shorter attention spans and no time to read, and would therefore prefer everything being spoon-fed to them in a visual manner, whether by way of a photograph or a video. Words are secondary, or even optional. What is important is having large numbers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, and the perceived reach and influence. This has given rise to people buying and selling likes and followers on Facebook and Instagram – it’s a quick and easy way to boost your numbers. No one has ever offered a service for sending more blog traffic my way – it’s something you have to earn.
Yes, if you’re blogging in a niche that could benefit better from a more visual art-form or are teaching something. A sewing blog for example, might do better on YouTube, because it’s easier to see someone show you how to do it, than to merely visualise it. I learned to hem my skirts watching YouTube! Cooking blogs as well, can definitely benefit from YouTube channels, but recipes are in the main, tied back to a blog. It’s easier to just print out a recipe or view it in a static page, than to watch a video. Similarly, if you’re teaching how to apply makeup, videos help a lot. In other aspects, I don’t perceive a lot of value in YouTube (except as entertainment) which is ironic, seeing as to how I did start a YouTube channel 😛 But beauty definitely benefits from being accompanied by Instagram.
That said, I’m going to go with the answer being “No, blogging isn’t dead”. It isn’t, so long as there are people who want information and something to read. It isn’t, so long as the internet is used as a source of information. It isn’t, if it’s something that you enjoy doing, even if it doesn’t bring in the cash, as much as that may suck.
As bloggers, ultimately, the answer will lie in what you choose to blog for. If money and fame is your ultimate goal, you’re better off on a different platform where numbers are more visible. I choose to blog for me, and that’s why I blog. Sorry guys, I know I should say I blog for you, but the truth is, I don’t and I’ve said so before 😛 I’ve turned down fairly lucrative deals because it didn’t sit well with me, my principles, my policies and my blog. I’m not saying that anyone should, but all you should do is be comfortable with yourself, doing what you do best.
As much as having to deal with dismissive PR and Brands gall me, I will stick to my blog. It’s what I’m best at doing, and while they tell me that blogging is dead and that no one reads anymore, I’d like to think that like the whole-food revival, there will come a time when people will return to reading. Time is what we make of it, so there’s no excuse to “not have time” to do anything that we enjoy. If there’s anyone out there who still appreciates the written word, then I welcome you to my world.
What say you: Is blogging dead as far as you’re concerned? I’d love to know what you think
Not all of us have the gift of charisma and of the gab, to sit before a video camera and make a 5 minute video interesting. Not all of us can create beautiful photos and flatlays. But with a little practice and a lot of effort, we can all write. Blogging maybe entering a twilight state, but that simply means that we can look forward to a new dawn. I’d like to think that day is not too far away 🙂
Paris B
Such a poignant entry! I’m a silent reader but I’ve been compelled to say a few words because this rings true in so many levels. I’m a fan of reading and when blogs first came into the picture, I jumped on it. I might not have blogs anymore, but reading it is still what I do everyday.
Working in advertising exposes me to a lot of the new-age social influencers and while I think that’s great and all, I can’t help but think all of these are just fame and fortune. At the end of the day, we all want something substantial to live with and a blog, filled with meaningful written words certainly trumps an Instagram photo.
Please don’t stop blogging, I enjoy your words very much!
Thank you for delurking and sharing your thoughts Izyan 🙂 Incidentally, I’ve met quite a few people in the advertising/marketing/PR line who are just a little bit tired of the new age social influencers, but who have to play along for the sake of the client who wants the numbers. It’s a pity – writers and readers will lose out eventually 😛
Wow I never really thought about it, but I think I am kind of agreeing? And not agreeing hahaha! I do think brands are really focusing on Instagram lately and want you to have huge followers there. And some people have huge numbers of followers there, yet hardly any on twitter or Facebook or their blog in terms of readers. Which again points to bought followers. I can tell that’s true, because shouldn’t you have the same amount of followers everywhere? And wouldn’t your picture likes get a couple thousand likes if you have almost 20,000 followers on instagram? But nope, they only get about 200. But brands don’t care and are I guess DUMB and can’t see what I see. Seriously.
I like writing just like you and as you know, I’ve tinkered with quitting a few times. But eh, I’ve slowed down A LOT and you know, I’m more happy now blogging on my own terms. I think people closer to our age will still read blogs, or people who like reading in general. It’s funny because I’ll get some brands -more indie natural brands-find my blog and send me product to review, while the people who DO have those huge Instagram followers don’t get that stuff. So, really, WHO is the real social media influencer? Who has clout when it comes to reviews? I think and believe it’s still us bloggers in the end. Scroll and look at pics and tap away and not learn anything if that’s what you want. And Youtube, man I just shake my head at it. I only stick to real makeup artists these days when I watch, and even that makes me fall asleep HAHAHA!
I’ll always read your blog, no matter what you write about. It’s your writing style I adore, your personality, and your friendship I treasure! Brands can BITE ME hahahaha. 😛
Yep, yep! Agreeing with everything you say. Sometimes, I wonder what these brands/companies are thinking going just for numbers. Not that big numbers is a bad thing, if it’s reflected in the corresponding numbers of likes and comments. But we all know there’s a lot of follower buying going on out there, and that pisses me off. You know I’ll always read yours too because you call it like it is 😀 As for Youtube, I look up tutorials on there for life hacks – sewing, mending something, but rarely for makeup LOL! 😀
Good work! From a reader’s point of view, I do not think blogging is dead. I enjoy reading (be it English or Chinese). Nothing is gonna last forever. The one who can stood in the test of time is the one who persist (oh, this sentence does make sense, doesn’t it? :p). Keep on writing, Paris!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts IYing 🙂 Persisting is all we can really do at this stage, actually, but I’m glad that as much as there are bloggers who still enjoy writing, there are people who are still reading, so thank you! 🙂
I love reading blogs!! Especially yours in particular! Of coz most of the time people do enjoy Instagram because they say “picture worth more than a thousand words”. I find social media platforms works very well in conveying message for advertising purposes- new products, launched etc. Blogs has its own market especially for reviews, swatches, tips etc. But to find one blog who has comprehensive and fair reviews isn’t much easy nowadays. Some blogs and reviews has been too commercialized that everything seems too good. (lol!)
Nevertheless, do what you are happy with and continue blogging!!
Thanks Cynthia 🙂 While I agree about most social media platforms being a good “shout-out” platform, I also think that brands/companies have accorded it a lot more worth than it really deserves. But then, that’s me – most brands/companies would prefer a quick shout out vs a critique – what if the blogger hates their products?! LOL 😀
I think every platform has its audience. Personally, I love reading other blogs and getting a good idea of who the writer is as an individual – not what a PR person wants them to be. Keep writing!
I hear ya on the different audiences. While I’d say that blog readers are on the wane, in particular in the beauty/lifestyle niche, I think what it’s also spawned are people are may be a little more dedicated to blogging, as a platform and correspondingly, people who are interested in reading. Makes for a more connected audience, which is great 🙂
Not to me… i know lots of blogger stopped writing or they moved to youtube, but i still prefer to read about the things i am interested…
I am not the kind of person that goes to youtube for a review or a recipe…but i do prefer tutorials in youtube…
There was a time where blogging was a fashion trend…lots of people stopped doing it after a while…but the ones that keep bloggin now are the ones that truly feel blogging like some sort of social service and not just a trend to follow.
You’re right about the shift to YouTube. Some people actually find that easier. I’m not a fan, particularly because I don’t even watch YouTube videos myself, so making them seems a little hypocritical LOL! But I might still turn to it occasionally. Some things are just easier to show than they are to describe, although I believe that often, a little imagination is what we need these days 🙂
I prefer reading meaty blogs and think there is a place for them as long as there are people like you who enjoy writing them. So much more can be shared instead of little sips that often leave me feeling thirsty for more information…and somewhat frustrated and annoyed. I say “Blog on!”
What a nice little foodie analogy right there – I love it! Thanks too for reading and enjoying in my literary “feast” – what’s food for thought if no one partakes of them? 😉
I second everything you said and I kind of wish I could high-five you right now.
I do love my flatlays and I personally enjoy instagram a lot, but I don’t really use it for more than the scrolling and double tapping thing tbh. When it comes to products and everything that involves me spending money, I need a lot more than a facebook caption such as ‘swoon’ or ‘omg you need to buy this!!’, because I want to know why? is it really worth it? and blogs cover that for me. Videos are lovely to watch but they rarely answer all my questions, and I always go back to google and look for some more reading material.
I read and write because I love to do so, and I’m pretty confident that in the long run substance will matter. Keep up with the good work!
aww thank you Beatrice, I’ll virtually *high5* you 😀 I enjoy spending time (sounds better than wasting time eh?) on Instagram too, and marvelling at all the artistic visual creations that some accounts have. Yet, like you, I find it hard to equate all that skill with a beautiful IG photo with one liner beauty advice LOL! I just took a look at your blog and I like what I see! Keep up the awesome work, and here’s sending you loads of good vibes, all the way to you in Italy 🙂
I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been thinking about this subject a lot lately and I’ve come to the same conclusions.
I’ll keep writing anyway, it makes me feel good 🙂 And I’ll keep reading your blog as long as you keep writing, I just love the way you talk about products and about anything to be honest.
p.s. I came back to read the comments on these because I knew they’d be super interesting to read -and I was right!-. So no, I guess blogging is not that dead after all 😀
😀 😀 You totally cracked me up S! 😀 You know, sometimes, I think of revisiting an IG picture that I might have noticed some interesting comments on, but I can’t find it! 😛
You know what? Maybe we’re experiencing social media fatigue hehe 🙂 Thank you for all the support all this while, S! I truly appreciate it and one day, I’m going to eat all those lovely Italian food where you are! 😀
Blogging isn’t dead, YET. I feel like a lot of bloggers are going into Youtube to do something other than blogging, which I am guilty of too but I’m doing it because I want to make videos but anyway. People prefer personalities and they like seeing it in videos but I still prefer blogging than vlogging. There’s so much I want to articulate into words that one single vlog isn’t enough. Also, I am actually pretty annoyed how far “social media influencers” go without having to vlog or blog. All you have to do is be pretty and post pretty pictures. I don’t want to generalise and I’m pretty sure there are people who’ve done a lot to be recognised on social media (like Essena O’neil, google her if you don’t know hahah!) but looking pretty IS the easiest way in! To be honest, I’m always hunting down for good Malaysian blogs to follow but I keep on stumbling upon pretty girls with broken English (lol so mean, it doesn’t sound that extreme lah hahah)
I think YouTube appeals to a much younger, more visual crowd, and it might just to do with a whole generational thing. Like you, I too dabble in YouTube, but I’ve quickly learned that it’s not my forte, so I’m going to change it up a little this year and give people what they want – bite-sized info. For the rest, there’s the blog LOL! 😀 But yeah, what is popularly known as “social media influencers” these days are mostly Instagram influencers aren’t they? I don’t quite understand how numbers on an Instagram account or Facebook page can automatically make you an influencer, but there you go! 😀 I hate to say this, but I’ve almost given up looking at many Malaysian blogs within the beauty/lifestyle niche because I just can’t find any that I’d want to actually read. So many just seem to be showing the same thing in the same way with no individuality, because their social media “coach” says thats the way to be famous. Meh, I say! 😛 Looks like your new blog is going strong this time! Keep up the work!
That’s the problem — everyone’s crazy about numbers! That’s what Essena O’Neill went on about in her crying video where she cried and cried about how social media is fake and how she faked her life around Instagram to earn a thousand dollars per photo and to get free stuff! I might not be as pretty and as bubbly as all these social media influencers are but I stick to my gut. To be honest, I’ve been through a couple of hiccups with this new blog where I really just doubt myself, scared that I might be just following the trend and doing what everyone is doing instead doing what I enjoy doing. My biggest fear is to lose some originality and personality on my blog! But yeah, for 8 months, so far so good!
Yep, I saw that video. Astute girl, except I felt it was a bit overplayed LOL. I suppose you can’t take the social media user out of the girl 😉 But it was quite eye opening to read the lengths she had to go through for some of her photos. Didn’t think it was easy, but gosh, it sure put things in perspective! Sometimes, I think it’s easier to be an individual, if you don’t think too hard about things. Sure, there will be that topic or item or style that might mirror someone else, but if it all meshes up well, it’ll be still yours. So don’t sweat it, just enjoy it 😉
Since 2 years ago, many bloggers tend to ask those working in the IT industry, questions like…
1) can you like “all my links, each of my posts”
2) I did EVERY THING! How come my blog is still not on page 1 (and stay that way!)
Meanwhile I silently laugh whenever some SEO/SEM/Internet Marketing expert try to explain about Ads., how to be famous amos, land on page on by just spending X amount to get likes, fans & etc.
Search engines (results) tend to filter content, always upgrading (which is good :)). Many bloggers tend to have the same content template, in fact some direct copy paste from the PR (including the PR contacts). So if it’s the same info. , most time visible from the search results excerpt, it will lead me to click to read or close.
I still find blogging are important mainly for reviews and to know if that product/service availability. E.g. my outstation friend asked me check if a list of products are available in Malaysia, I can say whatever brands that I googled from Sephora does not give me much info. but it leads me to your site. Compared to other sites, I get real reviews, price & pics. then I spent more time reading the comments on your posts to get the additional feedbacks. Although some of it leads to posts dated 2014. I continued reading because it’s all in the same site. It’s like a library/Wikipedia. Overall a useful blog has quality content, unique useful information sticks on like an add-on/plugin.
As for whether anyone comment, it depends on whether your post has any “call to action” style. I am sure many reads your blog but may not comment as sometimes some comments sounds the same and sometimes it’s faster to comment at FB/IG coz. the readers are already at those platform.
I find that there are a few types of blogs. Some are so serious competitive because it’s their full time job/income. While some are casual like summer breeze that comes & goes. I tend to enjoy reading personal blogs those with combination of different views and sides. So even if that person appeared without makeup or with a pimple on the face, yups that is what I liked and can relate to compared to a blog that mentioned all products are awesome pawsome and all pictures were touched up photoshop like from the studio. 😀 Yups, that is just me.
Hey Vera, glad your comment went through and thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂 As for the questions you get, ah, the folly of youth and insta-fame LOL! If only it was as easy as paying someone to get you to Google’s page 1 as it is to buy 10000 Instagram followers eh? 😛 As for comments, this is a known “problem” for many blogs and niches, primarily because of the rise of other forms of communication via other platforms. Nothing against it, just that I personally prefer communicating with someone on their blogs if I have a question about a specific post, rather than read it then asking them on social media where I have to click to and fro. Just me, but I know that’s how the tide is turning 😀
Hi Paris! It’s been a long time 🙂 you’ve outlined so many good points, so I don’t think I need to repeat them but you are so right about these “fast” times.. Everything should be done in a snap and appearently no one has any time to stop and smell the roses. That’s too bad. I love reading! I usually read blogs in my spare time (which is very rare after my new job, this is my first coffee break since november..) and I only watch youtube videos if I want to learn more about drawing eyeliner or any similar applications… Other than that, I believe people’s interests change during time. Since last year, I’ve been more aware of brands that I’m using and trying to cut down the level of (harmful) chemicals from cosmetics. So I changed my interest, and this reflects on my choice of blogs. For me, blogging is not dead, but I don’t think written material will have any value for people in ten years..
Hi Casey! How have you been? 🙂 Good to know you have a new job that keeps you busy – a good thing in these tough economic times! You are also right about people growing up and moving on – just that more people are moving on and fewer people are taking their place 😀 But again, now that everyone would rather just look at a pretty picture, I suppose that’s the future of engagement LOL! Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!
This is a very interesting topic, Paris. I don’t think blogging is dead at all, just evolving. I can certainly see a rise in Instagrammer’s popularity, and then there’s Snapchat, Periscope and all the new things the future brings. I think it was last year that I saw many bloggers turn to YouTube. Then some shut down their blog to do short form blogging on Instagram. What shall we call those? Shlogging? LOL!
I do think social media focus on pretty visuals (things and people included). Those images are attractive. And like you said, viewers just scroll and ‘like’ and scroll some more. Many don’t bother reading the caption because sometimes they ask questions which are already answered in the caption. As for PR, do they not know people can buy Instagram followers and likes? I clicked on some popular Instagrammers’ blog link before (Malaysia based) and man, some of their blogs are not even updated. Some are nicely shot and written like a magazine, and there is ZERO interaction with readers, ZERO comments. Product reviews are just a few shots of said product, no swatches. Some have crappy photos, even worse write ups. What gives? But on their Instagram account, I see lots of photos of events, freebies, etc. Maybe they’re the sweet young things you mentioned before 😉 That, or maybe they’re PR punya geng. Senangla!
You’re right that not many people can do videos or take good pictures, but not everyone can write well either. It takes a mature mind to assess a product in all angles, and write it as such, good or bad. That, PB, you do well 🙂
Oh absolutely, blogging has evolved, sometimes beyond recognition. Not always a bad thing – I like to think that it weeds out the poor performers LOL! But I don’t quite get those “Instabloggers” Oh yep, that’s what they call themselves! I’m like erm… OK, good on ya 😛 But sadly, that’s all people want these days – numbers. Blogs? Who has the time to blog?! 😛 I’ve given up even looking at any of these “influencers”s blogs. As you’ve said, they’re either not updated, or just updated with photos from their instagram account, with zero interaction. Not surprising, when there’s zero content LOL! 😛 But I happen to know how some of these people grew their numbers on IG so quickly so I’m not really that surprised. Basically, a pretty face and a young skinny girl will go places – ’nuff said 😉
I agree on everything you wrote!!! I love my instagram scrolls and the instant gratification of likes on there, but whenever I am looking for actual information blogs are my go to! I (virtually) met amazing people thanks to blogging and love the way I feel when I share my passion on my blog. Social media is fun, but blogging is soul 🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Alice! 🙂 And you know, I’ve met the most amazing people while blogging too! I love what you said about social media being fun while blogging being soul – It’s so true! All the best with your blog too!
Hi there, sorry to say but i’m going to comment something totally irrelevant to this topic. Have u tried the Pantene Aqua pure line? The claims seems to be really similar to your once beloved Pantene Aqua Light shampoo and conditioner. I tried the Pantene Aqua pure in Singapore recently. Keen to see your thoughts on that in comparison to the Aqua light. 🙂 oh and please don’t stop blogging. Love reading your reviews and more.
Hi Amber, no I haven’t tried the Pantene Aqua line (I didn’t even know it existed 😛 ) But since you’ve reminded me of the Aqua Light, I’ll seek it out! To be honest though, I can’t remember much about Aqua Light anymore since it’s been years, but if I try this new one I’ll be sure to share 😀
I am 24 and I still enjoy reading your blog. I can hardly find quality blogs like yours in Malaysia now. However blogging is still popular in places like Taiwan and beauty blogs are still highly influential ( in my opinion ) perhaps due to different PR strategies over there. Maybe in Malaysia our reading habits are not that strong that’s why blogging is not being regarded as something as important as Instagram or FB.
Hi Hui Min, thank you so much for your kind words and it just struck me that I am close to being twice your age! LOL 😀 I have heard that blogging is still going strong in Taiwan, and I do know that bloggers there are accorded quite a celebrity status. Maybe it’s just to do with their society being more literary? But yeah, here’s its all FB and IG and I’m like “yawn” LOL 🙂
Blogging isn’t dead. A well-written review beats a video review anytime. Video is good for demonstrating how to apply makeup and what makeup looks like on someone’s face. However, it’s quicker for me to read a blog post than to wait several minutes for the reviewer to babble on and on about a product on YouTube. Instagram is an unreliable source of accurate information about what a product looks like on someone’s face because many of the photos have been manipulated.
Excellent point about video Esme! I too often fast forward videos to get to the bits that tell me what I want. Which teaches me a lesson to get to the point in mine! 😛 Much easier to skim words than to try to fastforward babble 😀
For me I love reading and seeing pictures. One isn’t better than the other but they do both go together perfectly. I am always googling something and I have yet to have an Instagram/Twitter post come up in my search, but I always get blog posts! Keep writing, I am sure there are a lot of people like me who love reading and seeing!
Thank you Sandie 🙂 I have noticed Instagram popping up in searches these days, but too often I’ve clicked through to find it isn’t the information I want, so these days I actually ignore the links to Instagram photos. Facebook never turns up in searches at all! All the best in your blogging journey as well 🙂
No because some people will always want something to read. Whether they’ll have the influence with PRs etc, then maybe not so much. But it depends whether you blog because you like writing or as a means to an end. I can’t flat-lay to save my life!
You know, flat laying takes a LOT of skill and I don’t have that sort of skill (or time or patience) LOL 😀 But I think we can balance blogging for our own interests and earning a living. Those who do blog for a living will have different ways of earning their income – but I also think that it may be to do with the regional interests. Here, people seem to be more visual. In other parts of the world, where people read more, I have noticed that blogging is still going on fairly strong, albeit growing a little more slowly.
I’m old school. I like blogs for the depth of information. They’re meatier. Photos are pretty and all but in the end I need more than eye-candy. I do love to read though. I’ve always found people who complain about reading tv/movie subtitles to be odd.
It’s like Lisa Eldridge vs. Charlotte Tilbury. Both are great makeup artists (arguably Tilbury is better), but Eldridge’s videos are informative and interesting. Tilbury’s are superficial and boring. (Of the ones I saw). It doesn’t detract from her skill, but I’m still going prefer Eldridge’s content.
Likewise, I love your informative content and the way your personality comes across. I’ve stopped following blogs that are just eye-candy.
Thank you Kuri 🙂 I like that I’m meaty and that you think there’s content worth reading 😀 It’s funny you brought up both the big Makeup Artists guru people on YT. You know, I’ve come across some of Lisa’s videos but I’d never watched anything by Charlotte Tilbury! 😛 So I remedied that haha 😀 Nothing against either of them, but I just can’t seem to concentrate (or be as enamoured with either guru) as so many people are. >.<
By the way this was a great topic for a post!
Haha, you are definitely not alone in that. I don’t have any friends in real life who would watch makeup videos…
I have noticed that I’m more lazy about blogging myself these days. I need to get fairly fired up in order to want to actually post.