Recently, I sat through a skincare presentation by a product trainer of a nameless brand, and I was very surprised when I heard some things that I had thought were skincare myths that had already been debunked. I picked out 3, before my brain went into a bit of a tailspin and stopped absorbing the info, because I just could not brain it. You know that feeling? It felt like my head was about to explode from the misinformation.
I thought I’d share them, because incidentally, I also heard similar things being touted not long after and I wanted to clear it up so we are all a little more informed, ok? It would be interesting to know if you have ever been fed these lines, or if there are other skincare myths you’ve been fed.
Myth #1: Your pores will open and close like doors
I’m serious. That was the analogy given and I was gobsmacked. I thought this is one myth that has been cleared up a long time ago! No, folks. Your pores are not like doors or windows. They do not open and close at will. When you use warm water, it does not open your pores. When you wash your face, it does not open your pores. Your pores have no muscles. Using a toner doesn’t close your pores either. The next time someone tells you your pores can open and close, ask them which muscle does it.
Myth #2: Double cleansing means using a cleansing milk or cream to remove makeup followed by a toner to make sure your face is clean
Goodness, how does a toner act as a cleanser, I wonder! This actually does toner a disservice. Double cleansing simply means cleansing your face twice. Self-explanatory. This is a cleansing step which you will find in the Asian or specifically Japanese skincare routine. You will also see it in the Korean skincare routine but I associate it with the Japanese because that’s where I learnt it. You can read about double cleansing, which I shared many years ago.
It usually starts out with a cleansing cream/milk or oil to remove makeup and skin impurities; then followed by a foaming cleanser. This ensures your skin is well cleansed before you move on to the lotions, serums and potions you will then put on your skin.
A toner is not and must not perform a cleansing function. I’d say that this is the general idea associated with a toner, which is why I stopped using one. But I do now, as a skin softener and moisturiser and to moisten my skin to prepare for the serum and moisturisers to follow. It has taken me a while to get round to the idea of using a toner, but I have derived benefits from it. But the last thing on earth I’d use it for is as the 2nd step of a double cleansing routine; and if you are, please stop.
Myth #3: Using a cleansing oil often will eventually clog your pores and break you out
The analogy given is that your pores are like a straw (??) and it “sucks” product. I’m not sure where that came from, to be perfectly honest. But what we were told is that regular use of a cleansing oil will clog this “straw” and therefore break your skin out.
Well, false, false and false. A cleansing oil can break you out if the ingredients do not suit your skin (it happens to me with some oils) and if you do not remove it properly. If you are using an emulsifying cleansing oil e.g. Shu Uemura and its ilk (see the many I’ve tried in my time!) then the method of removal is half the battle won. You MUST properly emulsify the oil before washing it off and that does not mean splashing on the water. You have to do it bit by bit, which is why washing your face can take a while. Don’t rush it. If you don’t do it properly, yes, remnants of the product can clog your skin and break you out. Do it properly and you will reap the benefits. If you are using the oil cleansing method then you need a hot towel and patience.
The other thing is to follow up with another face cleanser. The cleansing oil should not be your first and only face cleanser. It is the first step, of a double cleansing routine. Follow it up thereafter with a face cleanser that suits your skin. This ensures your skin is properly clean but also ensures that the traces of cleansing oil you may have missed, are properly removed.
If I may venture a suggestion, using a face cloth can help too. After you have emulsified the oil for a bit, use a warm face cloth to remove the product. You will find that a face cloth actually removes it a lot more quickly and effectively than if you use your hands. Then, follow up with your other face cleanser.
Have you ever heard these skincare myths and did you buy them? Have you been fed other lines about skincare you want debunking?
I have to admit I too used to fall for the “pores open and close” line back in the early days. But after reading and educating myself about it, I realised it was a mere fallacy. I can’t begin to get my head around the double cleansing with toner thing. That was just so mind boggling! What other mind boggling things have you heard about skincare? Do share, so we’re all better educated 🙂
Paris B
I’ve heard that steam opens up your pores the same way heat expands and cold contracts. Any truth in that?
Nope! It’s probably the most popular myth. What the steam does is soften and relax your skin so it is easier to dislodge blackheads or dirt. Doesn’t make pores open or close 🙂
Oh gosh! Pure rubbish. And they still go around training ppl. But then my beautician still talk about pores open n close thingy. I m lazy to lecture her.
Haha I think most people believe the pore story sadly enough. I suppose it’s an easy way to explain things but it irks me when people try to push things to close pores or tighten pores when it can never happen! Then they wonder why it doesn’t work.
Owh… i’ve always thought pores can open and close! Now i’ve been enlightened… but at the same time devastated… coz this means there is no 2 of getting small pores to have a smooth looking complexion… :'(
How then do some people have smooth skin like they have no open pores at all even without make up on?
Nope, sadly pore size is genetic and the older we get, and the more collagen and elasticity we lose, the larger they can appear. The best way is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, try to slow down the loss of elasticity, keep skin clean with good skin care and it’ll look better. Some people are just lucky! Yeah, I’m jealous of them too 😛
haha u crack me up with the doors and windows analogy. I agree with one of the comments here that the skin can be softened with particular products making it easier to remove impurities but I basically still have open pores. sigh…
Yep, oily skin people tend to end up with larger looking pores because of the oil. On the plus side, that oil is keeping you looking younger! 😉
I hear the one about the pores all the time. Salespeople are always trying to sell me something to spackle over them. I read on a dermatologist’s website that using those pore strips that basically rip the blackheads out of your nose will stretch the pores, and over time and make them bigger. I’ve never heard that anywhere else so who knows if it’s true. I’ve never been concerned about my blackheads.
As for cleansing oil and toner, I don’t do that (the toner) but… I most often just cleanse my face at night with the oil and then emulsify and rinse very well. I have fairly sensitive skin and some days it just can’t take double cleansing even with the most gentle of cleansers. I’ve never had a problem with just using the oil. I use the Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil from Kose. It is the most gentle I’ve found and it rinses clean, no residue and my skin feels very clean afterwards. Another plus is it’s cheap. A bottle is less than ¥500 and refills are even cheaper.
Interestingly Melanie, I’ve read about the pore strip things being detrimental to pores too! I too don’t know how true it is but it does sound logical. I’ve never used one so I can’t say. As for the double cleansing thing, if it’s working well for you just using it on its own then I suppose it’s fine. The key thing is to emulsify it properly and make sure your skin is totally clean or it can clog pores and break a person out. That might be why the Japanese skincare method advocates using another cleanser. Just an insurance as well 🙂 Oh and I love the Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil too! When I was using one, it was the best I’d ever used. Cheap and excellent 😀
A lot of products claim to be able to make one’s skin less oily after prolonged use.
I don’t really buy that as skin type is mainly genetic. How would using a topical serum for example for 3 months alter a person’s genetic makeup ?
For the most part, I’ve found that some products help skin look and behave better, but for anything that claims to control oil, I find it is a little cosmetic. It works, so long as you use it. Stop using it, and skin goes back to its normal oily self so I’m not so sure about those anti-oil product thingies 😛
Myth 1! i thought the facial saloon also use steam at nose area so that the pores will “open” and make extraction easier? but yeah.. i do agree pores will not open and close like a door. nothing can make it smaller if it is already expanded. >.<
Actually, it does make the extraction easier, but that’s because your skin is softened 😀
Thank you so much paris for this post .I never knew about this pore thing.i am gonna tweet this post ,post on my facebook .I think everyone should read it 🙂
Btw paris i love how you always use the pictures..hats off to you
Haha sometimes I think I just have a sick sense of humour 😀 Thanks!
I’m glad you found it useful Anusha 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I have to share this myth or misconception that I can’t stand… when people say ‘I use ______ sunscreen that is expensive but one bottle lasts me x number of months so it’s worth it.’ You are not getting optimal sun protection by scrimping on sunscreen!
Oh dear that is so true Adeline! Actually, it’s not the price of the sunscreen that makes it last longer, and using less of it doesn’t help protect your skin at all! Thanks for bringing this up!