My favourite hair treatment oil just got a makeover! I might have mentioned the Kerastase Elixir Ultime hair treatment oil before this, and its one I’ve been using quite regularly whenever my hair is feeling dry and frizzy. In fact, I had run out of hair conditioner for a couple of weeks now, and was only using shampoo on my hair. I know, bad girl!
Naturally, a few washes later, it was Hello straw hair!
Incidentally, I’d forgotten about this hair oil. I don’t take very good care of my hair. Again, bad me! But my eyes fell on a bottle of this which had fallen behind my dresser. I was doing a bit of clearing out last weekend and its a good thing the bottle is a plastic one! I applied the oil to my hair et voila! I had hair that moved properly again, and did not stick out in 20 different directions!
The Kerastase Elixir Ultime beautifying hair oil is a combination of various oils including Argan Oil, Maize Oil, Pracaxi Oil and Camellia Oil – and as I reviewed once before, is very light in texture and absorbs nicely into hair without weighing it down, nor making it feel oily. Do you notice the trend here? Body oils, shower oils, face oils and now hair oils! LOL! No, this wasn’t done on purpose. I didn’t even notice the trend till now 😀
The new limited edition bottle is designed by French jewellery designer, Yaz Bukey. She’s apparently descended from the Ottoman royalty and her family once ruled Egypt. I just had images of pyramids and pharoahs flash through my mind! 😛
I’d never heard of her, so I went to good ol’ trusty Google and found that she has some quirky avant garde jewellery designs. In designing the limited edition packaging for the Elixir Ultime bottle, Yaz drew on her Turkish heritage. The design is inspired by the Moucharabieh, which is something inbetween wooden windows or doors and a screen.
It gives a bit of a mysterious, oriental look to the bottle don’t you think? The coconut smell of the oil helps with the imagery too.
The regular bottle looks almost utilitarian next to this one. Best of all, the price remains the same for the limited edition bottle so if you have been toying with the idea of indulging in a beautifying oil for your hair, and have had your eye on the Kerastase Elixir Ultime, I think now would be a good time to pick it up. Apparently there are only 2500 bottles available worldwide so erm… don’t miss out yes? 🙂
Have you tried the Kerastase Elixir Ultime hair oil? Are you a fan? I am, and I have also shared some thoughts about this hair oil vs another more popular argan oil treatment and a budget buy. Check that out! 😉
Paris B
The Kerastase Elixir Ultime retails for RM138/125ml at Kerastase approved hair salons nationwide. Call 03-7727 1231 for your nearest salon.
I don’t think skipping conditioner is necessarily bad. Actually, one hair dresser even told me it’s nonsense as it gets washed out pretty quickly anyway. Leave-ins are better I guess. =)
I think most conditioner just have an immediate smoothing detangling effect on the hair so it’s temporary as your hairdresser has said 🙂 leave in treatments would make more sense!
ah.. a hairdresser tried to push this to me once when i asked for a good leave in! the new bottle is so much prettier 🙂 i’m using its cheaper cousin, the Loreal Professionel Mythic Oil which was quite highly recommended by a celebrity hairstylist i saw on the taiwanese beauty show. The hairdresser insisted the Kerastase was like an “amped up version” of the Mythic Oil. It does pretty much tame my steel wire-like hair but is quite silicone-y. I’ll definitely be checking the Kerastase out when I’m done with it (and have a little more money.. haha)
I’d heard of the Mythic Oil but never tried it since I’m not that into hair stuff and this one pretty much lasts forever heh… But it’s great to know that works well because I’ve read so many good things about it! I like how the Kerastase feels on my hair. Not too much silicone and keeps my hair soft and swishable 🙂
The Kerastase Elixir Ultime has been on my to-buy list for 5 months already. I fell in love with it when my hairdresser used it on my hair. Loveeeee……
I really need to stop procrastinating and just get this little (expensive) bugger. 😛
Haha on the upside, it’s just a one time cost. You don’t use a lot and it will last 🙂 I sometimes buy Kerastase products from Strawberrynet for convenience and I think the prices there are more competitive. Just me though. My hair dresser doesn’t use Kerastase 🙂
Lol, hair that sticks out in 20 different directions! I use the Loreal anti frizz, I have dry and soft hair but oily scalp. So I use it only once in a while in the morning when upon semi drying my hair, they look like bird’s nest and I remembered I have important meetings with the chief owl 🙂 I’ve been tempted to try the Kerastase serum because it smells good hehe…but my hairstylist seldom push it to me. She’ll apply some once we’re done with my haircut and ready to go.
This Kerastase Elixir bottle has a very exotic and luxurious design, befits the heritage of Yaz. You mentioned it smells of coconut oil as well? Hmm…this is a little tricky. Anyhow, the bottle looks good, so is the product and it’s a beauty on the dresser 🙂
“Chief owl” hehe… Yes there’s that hint of coconut smell too. It’s not overpowering so it smells like coconut but nice, if you even get what I mean 😛
Ahh ok, so it’s the soft lingering smell that’s not going to make me feel like a coconut tree swaying in the wind lol 🙂 I wish I can live in a hotel forever because my hair behaves for some strange reason (I reckon it’s because the air is dry in the hotel room) and my face looks better in the mirror too. Why oh why the same effect is not achieved at home other than my comfortable bed…
Ah, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kerastase Elixir Ultime!! But it’s a tad pricey in Aus…but then again, what’s new? I’ve been looking at cheaper alternatives but nothing has satisfied me yet. Love the new limited design too!
Get it off Strawberrynet hehe… Everything’s so pricey there!
this sounds nice Paris…btw, does it have mineral oil????
Um… I’m not too sure to be honest. I don’t have the ingredient list for this anymore. Tossed the box 😛
Sounds like something I’d love to try! I haven’t really tried leave-in oil in my hair, though I just got the Caudalie Divine Oil and apparently it can be used for hair too. I’ll have to test it out for a while to see if it indeed brings any long-lasting benefits, but what I really need now is a haircut and that has to wait till I’m home!
For me oils on hair have been hits and misses. Some, like these, are great. But straight oils like Argan oil etc feel a bit too oily for me. Hope you get a haircut soon. When I am due for a haircut, I know cos I feel horrible and my hair will have a mind of its own!
I went abit crazy with hair products as of late because I’m searching for the one that suits my hair.
My hair got really dry to touch when I decided to have it coloured of a light brown earlier this year. Regretted it (for drying up my hair) but I LOVE the colour though LOL.
Anyways, the best one for me (i have fine straight hair which goes beserk at the bottom) is a mixture of L’Oreal Elseve Re-Nutrition Night Serum with Royal Jelly (1 pump) and Skin Food Argan Oil Silk Hair Essence (2 pumps). Whenever I blowdry my hair with the brush (salon style – hehe i’m getting really good at it, bouncy hair! Yay!! :D), the hair is sooooooo soft, like it wasn’t even dried out in the first place.
However, I do find Ellips Hair Vitamin (in the red capsule one) to be equally as good as the combination above.
I’m so happy to have found really affordable items for my poor, poor hair. 😀
Oh by the way, I always apply like this – i pin up half of my hair up and coat the bottom part with L’Oreal+Skin Food combination OR 2 3 drops of Ellips and then another round for the top part of the hair, that way all of your hair is coated!
Thanks for sharing, Sharon. I tried the yellow Ellips once and it wasn’t bad. One capsule could last me 2 uses since I’ve got such short hair and I can just ruffle it through my hair and it’ll be done 😀 will give the red one a go cos it’s so affordable!
Hey Paris,
Maybe you could try using L’Oreal Elseve Hair Mask as conditioner to test out see if it softens your hair more?
I use this as the usual conditioner aren’t concentrated enough.
Oh FYI, I saw in Jusco that they are selling the Ellips 50capsules for RM30.xx. Which is cheap IMO.
I used to use the Elseve hair mask but more as a treatment. I’m using Rene Furterer Myrrhea for now and its really nice. Hair is behaving 🙂
I have just recently been recommendet this oil the last time I went for a quick hair trim. of course, sceptical me who has tried out numerous ‘miracle hair care products’ already – and none could really make my extremely hard to control, thick and brittle hair look or feel any better – didn’t have high hopes for this.
But wahh… from the first time of using it, I’ve been completely convinced! It’s a little hard to describe what it makes my hair look/ feel like, but all I can say is my hair never looked/ felt that good! Enough said? 😉
I will try to get one of this designer bottles as a back up! Let’s see, if it’s avaiable here!
Awesome, Jess! So glad it worked for you too! This is one of the best I’ve tried for my hair, despite the price tag. On the upside, i only use a little bit each time so it can last a long long time 🙂
I have tried the Kerastase Elixir Ultime hair oil before and loved using it too. I think its even better that the Moroccan Oil that most ppl raved about when these 2 first came out 🙂 the packaging in the new limited edition looks very pretty. Im a sucker when its comes to Moroccan style/design, they look so elegant and exotic!
Definitely! I think this better than the MoroccanOil too! The latter was so thick and siliconey.
I”ve always been a Kerastase fan before. Now i’ve stopped coz the prices keeps getting higher – can’t afford it, sniffs! Anyway I can imagine how luxurious this hair oil must feel on your hair – must be almost like owning a designer bag, lol. The bottle is absolutely gorgeous though!
Hmm… its not as pricey as many designer bags so erm… no hehe… But it is very nice on hair and I do think it helps my hair stay frizz free. I buy most of my Kerastase stuff online 😉
Paris, mind to share which online store you usually get it from? I hope it’s cheaper than retail price here. Thanks in advance 🙂
Sure! I use Strawberrynet but you can also get it on (never tried ordering Kerastase from them). I’m not familiar with the prices of Kerastase actually but I suppose with the loyalty discounts at Strawberrynet, it would be cheaper. I just use it for convenience 🙂
I’ve been using Kerastase for my hair and believe me it gives great hair effects. Even if its a little pricey but the longer I’ve been using it, it keeps my hair moisturized, smooth and youthful.
Thanks for sharing, Reena! 😀 Glad the brand works for you. I am looking to try some other Kerastase hair care too. Haven’t really used their shampoo and conditioner ranges, only the treatments. Any recs?
It sure does =) I used to have damaged hair due to styling. I tried on using Kerastase FIBRE ARCHITECTE and CIMENT THERMIQUE it works very well and revitalized my hair. Here’s the link =)
Thanks for the recs Reena! I might try these – if it worked on your hair, it should work on mine too right?! 😀
Your welcome! I hope you’ll like the product. Keep fingers crossed 😉