The number of cleansing oils I’ve dabbled in is mind boggling (read about all the cleansing oils I’ve tried here if you have the time 😛 ). The number grows day after day because I’m always a little curious about the cleansing oils out there. But how did I fall into this trap then?
Let’s start at the very beginning… 🙂
I was first introduced to cleansing oils and the concept of double cleansing through Kanebo. I’ve been going to their salons for facials for years and still am! I picked up my first bottle of the Kanebo Blanchir Make Off Conditioner there. Despite the rather strange name, what this is, is a cleansing oil – or the first step in the double cleansing routine.
I went through quite a few bottles in my time, before I started branching out. Recently, I decided to go back to this (Its gone through about 3 changes in packaging since the first time I used it) and wouldn’t you know? I fell back in love with it! So, here we are, revisiting my first love and wondering why I ever strayed 🙂
I must say that I love the packaging. The tall red bottle is elegant and I love how it looks in the shower. Superficial thoughts, but there you go 🙂 The pump is very good. It dispenses just the right amount you need, and 2 to 3 pumps is what I use every evening. Its pricey, but I’ve also learnt that you need sufficient oil to do a decent cleansing job of your skin. (You can read some of my tips for using cleansing oils effectively here and also here)
There is no scent and unlike many cleansing oils I’ve used since, the texture of this one isn’t very oily at all. Its in fact, got a slightly thick viscous texture and does not feel like oil on the skin, rather like a thick clear liquid gel. I’m not sure if I’m making any sense, but it feels different.
2-3 pumps of this product coats my skin with a layer of the oil and allows me enough lubrication to massage off the day’s dirt and makeup. I find that sometimes, while massaging the oil on my skin, I feel these little gritty bits under my fingers which I’m told is dirt getting dislodged from our skin, and sometimes also, when I run my fingers over a congested bit of skin (usually around my chin) I find blackheads being dislodged. This is part of the reason I like my cleansing oils. Those that do work for me, do an excellent job at cleaning my skin and contrary to the name, do not clog my pores (unless the ingredients do not agree with my skin). This one however, seems to do a better job than many others I’ve used and I’m just noticing it recently, now that I’m reusing it.
The only down side is that I’ve found that this one does not remove waterproof eye makeup very well. I therefore take a little time to remove my eye makeup first these days, before using this to remove my facial makeup. There are additional benefits to doing this as I will share with you in a later post 🙂
When water is introduced, the oil turns into a milky liquid and cleans off quite easily without leaving my skin feeling dry or tight or over-cleansed. This is something I like. Some cleansing oils leave my skin feeling stripped but this doesn’t, and my skin feels soft and clean. I love it! 😀
In a nutshell
The Kanebo Blanchir Make Off Conditioner is a cleansing oil that does not feel like a traditional cleansing oil in that it does not feel oily like most. It feels almost like a thick viscious gel and the clear liquid does not get everywhere when you apply it to the skin. The thickness of the liquid makes it easy to massage the skin and it cleans my skin very well without drying it out. My skin feels soft and very clean without feeling dry or stripped. Although its pricey, I find that I use less and it lasts longer than most.
Pros: Skin feels clean and soft and smooth without drying out, I like the slightly thicker texture, Emulsifies easily without leaving an oily feel on the skin, Packaging looks good
Cons: Does not clean off waterproof eye makeup as well as some other cleansing oils, Pricey
The Kanebo Blanchir line is also a skin brightening range and I believe that this cleansing oil also helps the skin look brighter and clearer. Does it work for this? I’m not sure, but I do like this one and my skin is presently looking much better than its had for a long time. I’m not sure if its related. Its pricier than most cleansing oils I use, but it feels like it does a better job than most and I actually use less so it lasts longer.
I’m fickle about my cleansing oils, and I rotate them a lot. I have the ones I like from the lower end of the price scale, which I am always more generous with when I use. I however do not try many higher end cleansing oils, this being one of the rare few I have. I am curious though … as always 😀
Has anyone used the Kanebo Blanchir Make Off Conditioner and like it too? Do you like cleansing oils too? If you do, which is your favourite? 😀
Paris B
Kanebo Blanchir Make Off Conditioner Cleansing Oil Price: Last known price was RM125 /150ml Availability: Kanebo counters and salons nationwide
As I am a huge fan (and hoarder) of cleansing oils, I definitely want to give this a try. The way you describe it makes me want to run out and buy it now! 🙂 I’ve tried a lot of cleansing oils and by far my faves have been the MAC’s Cleanse-Off Oil and Josie Maran’s Argan Cleansing Oil. Both have very liquidy & light oil textures and have a very slight but nice smelling fragrance. As I do use waterproof mascara and eyeliner every day, I do use a separate eye makeup remover (Lancome Bifacil FTW!) beforehand as I don’t really think cleansing oils remove my waterproof eye makeup well. On lazy/exhausted days, I just cleanse my face with a cleansing oil and then use the clarisonic before heading to bed, I will always wake up with raccoon eyes. Bugs the hell outta me when it happens.
Ahh if you like the lighter liquidy feel of oils you may not like this as much. I haven’t tried the MAC one though. I used to just use cleansing oils to remove eye makeup but these days I’m back to using a separate remover. I think it’s better overall 🙂
i’m currently using dhc cleansing oil- my first and it’s really good at removing my bb cream and makeup… in the past, i was using bb cream and did not double cleanse- my skin broke out like there was no tomorrow… on another note, have u tried bioderma cleanser- i’ve heard that apparently all makeup artists have it part of their kit… do u think its cleaning power is as good as cleansing oils?
Ah DHC, another oil that breaks me out 😛 but I have to agree with you. If we wear makeup or even sunscreen daily, there is a need to use a cleansing oil or some sort of remover to ensure our skin is properly cleaned. As for Bioderma, I just picked up a bottle on my most recent trip to Hong Kong. Some readers have given some ideas on what they think about Bioderma here. Im still testing so I haven’t formed any thoughts yet. Once I do, I’ll share them in a review post 🙂
When I saw the title of your post I actually sang it out ala The Sound of Music xD I still don’t like using cleansing oils though, it takes so much time to get off properly without using a foaming cleanser
Haha the power of suggestion! 😉 a good cleansing oil will not need a foaming cleanser follow up, or even using the oils properly. It should emulsify totally although I will agree it takes more time than a wipe off makes remover 🙂
I am also using the same thing and I pair it with the foaming cleanser too. I like them both, the foaming cleanser gives it a squeaky clean feel but can be a tad bit drying, so I don’t use it in the morning.
Oh someone who’s actually using the same one I’m using! 😀 I don’t like the Clay Wash very much as I find it much too drying for my skin. It does leave the skin feeling absolutely clean though, doesn’t it? 😉
I love Cleansing Oils too! I always have back up cleansing oil because I can’t help but buy them when I see a good deal. =P
Cleansing oil is recommended by my beautician!
I have a whole shelf of cleansing oils from different brands. I can’t stick to one for very long. Way too fickle lol!
How would you compare this to the Shu uemura’s cleansing oil?!
I prefer this simply because Shu Uemura oils break me out so I would probably be biased 🙂 I do find this less drying than Shu Uemura oils though based in memory.
My fav is shu eumura 🙂
That’s a popular one!
I only started using cleansing oils in the past 2 yrs, prior to that either straight to my cleansers or facial wipes before proper cleansing.
My favourites now are the Skin FOod Black Sugar cleansing oil. Its small, and I can only get it whenever I go back home to Malaysia/ Singapore. But usually 1/2 or 1 pump is sufficient to remove my makeups, oh well I have small face but somehow I do use waterproof mascara & longlasting foundation. I use more if I wear more make ups like in a function or sth.
Have tried Shu Uemura but didnt like the think oil texture. Now waiting for my Skin Food one to finish (its a 170ml bottle, believe it or not, its been with me for almost a yr now, I’ve used it only 1/2.. haha). I have the Hada Labo ones yet to try. I tried my friends ones, I loved it.
Ur review on Kanebo makes me wanna try this 🙂
I haven’t come across the Skin Food one but it sounds like it works well for you. And just a pump? Wow very small face indeed! I usually go with 3 pumps for good measure because I prefer working with a thicker layer of the oil for lubrication 😉
cleansing oil breaks me out 🙁
Some oils break me out too. It’s a matter of finding one that doesn’t but perhaps they aren’t for everyone 🙂
wow i love that red bottle! sorry im a fan of secondary products too.. hee.
anyway, i would love to be able to use cleansing oil but after a couple of cleansing with the oil, i would get tiny raised bumps on my face, especially above cheekbones… i will stop using the oil and switch it back again after awhile and the bumps will come back! that is why im sticking to bioderma makeup remover.
Good to know the Bioderma works for you. I find that some cleansing oils will give me problems too and I’ve identified them so i know which to avoid. Sometimes too, it could be due to the oil not properly emulsified before washing off so it clogs pores but that said, perhaps cleansing oils aren’t suitable for all skins 🙂
My last oil cleanser was Biore which does leave that oil feeling on my face and my chin and jawline started to breaking out (I stop using it but the dark scars are still there.. I swear off Biore once and for all). I used to like this “Tiss oil cleanser” years ago but it got discontinued 🙁
Do they have sample sizes? I don’t really like it when I buy something but it wreck havoc on my face. (Thats why I stay safe with my current Garnier white which helps clearing the dark spots)
I remember Tiss! It was good but yeah, I think its no more. You can try asking at the counter if they’ll let you try any samples – they might let you have a sachet or two to see if it will irritate your skin. Good luck!
You should try the Kanebo Impress IC cleansing oil. It smells wonderful! It’s a light rose scent. And from your description of the Blanchir Superior cleansing oil, I think both of them might have the same texture.
I love the Impress IC one, went through 3 bottles, before I stray to Shu. It took me one huge bottle to realize that Shu is causing all the breakouts on my face (I was blaming stress before that). Now I have another huge bottle of unfinished Shu sitting in my shower. Sigh… 🙁
Ooh I didn’t know Kanebo Impress IC had a cleansing oil. I used to use Impress skincare (not IC) but after a while, it didn’t work for me so I stopped. I’ve been hearing quite good things about it so I’m thinking of going back to it now – fickle me 😛 Maybe try to find a friend to sell the Shu oil too? Many people can’t resist a deep discount 😉
How about Origins Cleansing Oil? I find it gentle on my dehydrated acne-prone sensitive skin, I’m doing double cleansing with my Chanel rich foaming cream cleanser, find that it work great on my skin. Cleansing Oils I’ve tried from Estee Lauder, EASECOX, SCINIC etc but I felt that Origins does the best for me
Haven’t tried anything from Origins I’m afraid. Will bear it in mind though.
When you said “…when I run my fingers over a congested bit of skin (usually around my chin) I find blackheads being dislodged.” it is sold!! I am gonna grab this baby as soon as possible!!!