Early this week when I told you about the L’Oreal Infallible Colour Eyeshadows (still no news about availability in Malaysia) a reader Jen mentioned in the comments about wanting to see how I would use Forever Pink. Well, I wanted to know too! So, after a bit of hmm-ing and haw-ing, I decided that it was a bit dangerous to use Forever Pink on its own for fear of the dreaded pink-eye syndrome. But I’d learnt a trick or two after the Dior Rose Porcelaine episode!
Instead, I decided a darker shade will help distract from the pink, and will also add dimension and depth. I was going to go with a black shadow (and I’m sure it would be stunning pairing pink with black) but I opted instead to try Forever Pink with a deep navy blue in All Night Blue 🙂
For swatches of both the shades used, you will have to go to the earlier L’Oreal Infallible eyeshadow review post. You will see there that the pink is a light shimmery pink that looks quite scary in the tub, but which in fact, isn’t very scary on the skin.
If you choose to pair the pink with a deeper shade, you will quite easily avoid the pink-eye-oh-my-I’ve-been-crying-buckets look. The product has high shimmer with a slightly metallic edge which is less prevalent in the pink and less so in the blue featured here.
So this is how I wore it. Deep navy blue along the sides and to line, and the pink blended over. For some reason, Forever Pink on my lids pulls some golden tones, and sort of disappears into my skin colour. It isn’t quite pink at all, which can be disappointing, or a relief, depending on how you feel about pink eyeshadow 🙂
Where the pink meets the blue, you get an interesting purple tint so its really quite pretty and adds a nice dimension to the shadow. In real life, the blue I used to line the top lid is more prevalent and is very pretty when it flashes but I can’t capture it on camera. Just take my word for it will ya? 😉
And this is pretty much how it looked once I pull back from that close up. The eyes are defined so cheeks are kept softly pink with Benefit Hervana blush and Guerlain Rouge G Grace which is a pale blush pink on lips.
I’m quite pleased with this actually. I think its wearable to work, but my perception of what’s wearable to work is a little skewed since I can pretty much wear any sort of look to work if I like 🙂 But you have to agree that there is no dreaded pink eye, and its a nice defined look over all right? 😉
Dare you wear pink eyeshadow on the eyes yet? What other colour combinations would you pair with pink shadow? I’ve always been terrified of pink shadow and I still am, but am slowly also working around my fear and finding ways to make it work, because I love a challenge! 😀
Paris B
L’Oreal Infallible Colour Eyeshadows were previously reviewed in detail here. Regionally available in Singapore (limited selection) and Hong Kong. Unavailable in Malaysia until further notice
LeGeeque says
Hey, I like this look! Try pink with grey or pink with brown! The latter gives a very dark gold/burnt gold colour that I adore.
Lisa says
This is the way i wear my pinks too. Grey or brown.
Paris B says
Thanks! I will try it with a brown shadow soon. I might need to find a cooler toned brown though to balance off the warmth of the pink
rinnah says
If I come back from HK next week with a whole haul of Infallibles… well, I’ll know who to blame! 😛
Paris B says
You will need to get at least one. They are fab! Oh and I’d happily take the blame 😉
Phoenix says
Nice!!! Great job there Paris! I’ve always loved your EOTDs & this one is my absolute FAVE from you now…the colour on your eyes in the 2nd photo looks so intriguing, an ingenious combo i’ll say…& btw, you look really young & pretty in the last photo…keep up the good work Paris, love your honest reviews & looks! =D
Paris B says
Thank you Phoenix 😀 I never thought my EOTD looks were noteworthy compared to all the beautifully talented girls out there so it’s gratifying to know you enjoyed it 🙂
jen says
whoa! *speechless* *died for a second*
OMG! i’m so honored that you granted my request..*squeals*
i adore the look! i love how it turned out on you..
i’m really surprised that i giggled a lot while i’m reading this post and you mentioned my name.. haha!
super love it!! thank you very much! *overwhelmed* 😀
Paris B says
Haha you’re so cute Jen 😀 Thanks for pushing me to try this colour. It turned out surprisingly well so that’s 2 of us who are happy 😀
Margy says
Oh my, you look so lovely!
Paris B says
Thank you Margy 🙂
Isabel says
I actually love pink eyeshadow and i’ve found that they can soften a smokey eye very well – at least on my colouring. I’m really lusting over the Infallibles (as I shall call them)! I wonder if there is a possibility of picking up a couple at Changi as I’ll be passing through pretty soon.
Paris B says
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you find the Infallibles at Changi. I found it at T1 if it helps. I still am very wary about pink shadow but you’re right about it giving a twist to a smokey eye. We just have to be careful with the shade of pink 🙂
beetrice says
dammit because of this I just asked Rinnah to help me get some shadows! *eeps* the combination of those two shadows creates a LOVELY purple though – you know lah me and my weakness! 😛
Paris B says
Hahaha! You will not regret it, I promise! 😀
Juan says
sangat cantik ler….
Paris B says
Terima kasih, babe 🙂
Aisyah says
looks really pretty! :DDD I wish I can wear eyeshadow by simply layering them like this. My folds are too deep, the eyeshadow that I painstakingly blend there just disappear when I open my eyes. 🙁
Paris B says
Thank you Aisyah 🙂 so many people want to have that lovely deep fold that I never thought it might not look as nice with shadow on. I think you might have to find a different way of getting the shadows to show up. Maybe layer them from lash line upwards as opposed to from outside in? If I made any sense 😛
Hasegawa Ayane says
I found out through experimenting last October (for a breast cancer awareness event) that pinks goes really well with dark browns too! 😀
Paris B says
Yay for wearing pink for October and brown is a colour I’ll try soon! Thanks
Hanny says
I actually like pink eyeshadow ^.^ Like Hasegawa Ayane, I like to use pink with brown! Really sweet and natural.
Paris B says
Nice! I’ll have to give the sweet natural look a go 😉
Ana N. says
that looks really nice & fresh on u, paris. i’ve only started wearing pink eyeshadow to work in the past year, instead of boring skin colour brown. i think pink, if u dont overdo it, & apply just enuf, it will actually look amazing, refreshing on ur eyes. i think people will notice u as the girl who actually looks after her look & do, without being ott, very suitable for work.
love this look u’ve done here, paris 🙂
Paris B says
Thank you Ana 😀 I guess I’m just not a sweet sort of character to wear pink shadow, and maybe too it’s to do with dark circles I sometimes have. I do find that pink shadows tend to make tired eyes look even more tired. A sweet light shimmery pink will definitely look refreshing as you’ve said, and is much better than brown. I always wonder why people think brown is work friendly when I think it makes many look tired 😛
dani says
Such a pretty look!
Do you use a brush to apply the Infallible eyeshadows? I was tempted to buy some today, but I wasn’t sure how well they would apple with a brush. =/
Paris B says
Thank you Dani 🙂 I use my fingers with the Infallibles because I find that they apply better and are easier to blend for me. You’re lucky to be able to check them out in person in store!
Kel says
Paris, you should try the ‘really pink’ eyeshadow. I used to be super scared of the pink eye syndrome until i saw someone who just went totally overboard with it- just use it at the outer end of the eye & line the lower lid (end only)..the colour sort of ‘pops’ out…then again, i guess it depends on a few factors, skin-tone gotta be fair and shade of the pink used – i use the non-metallic, shimmer pink..i use the pink on my sleek make up pallate 🙂 hehehe…i somehow feel u would look good in it…
Paris B says
Thanks for the suggestion, Kel 🙂 I had a bright shocking pink shadow from a Clarins palette once. I think it works beautifully with black for a eye catching look. I don’t play well with pink because I think there’re a around my eyes can sometimes look red so wearing pink makes me look tired, but as you have said, a touch of it as liner or in a corner might just work! Will give it a go 😉
espenine says
You have a I-am-forced-into-corner picture today. Silly jokes aside, you made it with pink shadow. Congrats girl! 🙂
Paris B says
Haha that obvious? 😉 thanks for the encouragement!
gio says
This is one of my fave looks from you, it’s so pretty! What a nice way to pink eyeshadow!
Paris B says
Thank you so much Gio! I know you like colourful eye looks so you probably work with pinks quite often!
Ling says
No pink eyes here! LOL
You enabled Tine to buy these shadows and now they are tempting me too!! Noooo!!!! LOL
Paris B says
Yes!!! Well you have the luxury of trying these in store so you don’t have to buy them, just test them in store? 😉
passionflower says
Forever Pink looks more peachy with lots of gold shimmer on me without base. Perfect for spring and summer. I love to wear it bare on my lid and over a white base at the outer corner which turns the eye shadow more pink. Very lovely. Also try it with turquoise and green colors!
Paris B says
Thanks for the colour suggestions. It does apply more peachy pink gold on my skin too. Doesn’t look as intense as it does in the pan for which I’m quite pleased!
BunBunMakeupTips says
Pink eyeshadows are fun to work with coz they’re a good challenge haha! Pink goes well with green, orange, blue, purple, browns.. actually most colors as long as you know how to balance the look. A good eyeliner will do the trick too! 😀
Paris B says
Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll look to pairing it with brighter colours and see how it fares, although those would probably be less work friendly 😉
BunBunMakeupTips says
Pink eyeshadows are fun to work with coz they’re a good challenge haha! Pink goes well with green, orange, blue, purple, browns.. actually most colors as long as you know how to balance the look. A good eyeliner will do the trick too! 😀
(the prev comment didn’t get through!)