If I had an award to give for the most boring name for a sequel, the award would go to Urban Decay for Naked2. Its not even Naked 2 : Return of the Neutrals or perhaps Naked 2: Because once just isn’t enough. Its just Naked 2.
But what a sequel! It literally had everyone on the edge of their seats waiting with bated breath as news about Naked 2 was leaked out. There were rumours it would be a cooler toned palette – right up my alley! If I had a complaint about Naked (The Original) it was that it was too warm. There were also rumours it would be more matte. But I didn’t hold out for that. What is Urban Decay if not shimmery and sparkly?
And then the photos of the palette leaked out and I felt a little crestfallen. At a glance, it looks just like the Original palette. It wasn’t cooler in tone, and neither was it more matte. It just looked … the same. And really, there is no real reason why you need two palettes. One is enough so just choose either since they are both permanent.
I got my hands on this one a little while ago through a friend in the USA, but have taken a while to blog about it because I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Also, I knew it was coming into Malaysia – I just didn’t know when. So it gave me a great excuse to sit on things. However, The Naked 2 palette launched here over the weekend so its probably an opportune time to tell you about the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette 🙂
I like that its a tin palette. Its sturdy and reminds me of my pencil case from school. Compared to the Original palette which was a dust magnet with its velvet cover, Naked 2 is sleek and compact.
Size wise, its the same. However, don’t be too pleased about it lasting forever in a tin box. The hinge is a plastic strip. That means that with a lot of use, you may expect it to break and fall apart.
I’m not sure why Urban Decay didn’t use a regular pin style hinge which makes more sense to me. It also clicks shut in the front and it is very stiff so opening the tin is a bit of a challenge.
The Original Naked palette came with a dual ended 24/7 Eye liner pencil (later replaced with a brush) and the iconic Urban Decay Primer Potion. Naked 2 comes with a dual ended synthetic brush and a lipgloss. I’d have preferred if they didn’t come with either, to be perfectly honest. I do not think much of the brush and I dislike the lipgloss. If they had to include something the Primer Potion would be better – I’m not a fan of UDPP but girls with oily lids will appreciate it.
Spot the difference? (Top: Naked 2 Bottom: Naked)
Naked 2, despite rumours to the contrary is a balanced warm and cool palette. The inclusion of a black (Blackout) is a good move because it does double up for lining. There is a repeat shade – Half Baked – which I didn’t think much of in the original and still don’t think much of it now. Otherwise, the textures are mostly shimmery with a few matte shades tossed in there, and is a fairly decent neutral palette…. if you do not already own one. If you do, I suggest you save your money.
Swatches Left-Right: Foxy (Matte), Half-Baked (Shimmer), Bombshell (Shimmer), Chopper (Shimmer), Tease (matte), Snakebite (Shimmer), Suspect (shimmer), Pistol (Shimmer), Verve (Shimmer), YDK (Shimmer) Busted (Shimmer), Blackout (Matte)
All the shimmer colours were swiped just once so you can see quite clearly that Urban Decay’s strength lies in their shimmer shadows. Matte colours had to be layered to get the colour to show up but Foxy right on the left wouldn’t show up at all no matter what I did. Its a decent blending shade but otherwise fails to show on my skin. Blackout swatched patchily. Its fine when you use a brush to use it as a liner, but I do find it otherwise not of very good texture.
As noted above, if you already have a neutral palette, or already have the original Naked palette, Naked 2 doesn’t add anything. But if you do not have a neutral palette and want one, then its worth considering because its quite good value – RM179 or US$50 for 12 colours.
Naked2 comes with a mini lipgloss. Hate it 😛
No seriously, I dislike it. Its got a strange sweet minty taste and smell and although it looks red, goes on my lips looking like nothing. I don’t know what the verdict is on this one, but for me, bleh…..
I’m also not keen on the included brush as I’ve said above. Its a synthetic bristle brush and if I were at home, I’d just use another brush. The bristles do not pick up colour very well and neither do they deposit nor blend very well. I get a better effect using a natural hair brush. However, if you commute or travel a lot, the brush is fine for that. Saves you carrying one anyway because the flat side can be used for shading and lining while the fluffy end can be used to blend.
And really, that’s what I think the Naked 2 palette is good for ultimately – for travel. The tin is sturdy and will bear some beating. The brush included does its job and the colours are safe for work and can be amped up for play. Its a very versatile palette just as the original palette is.
I’ve read some complaints about how the colours are all so light but I didn’t think so. I think there is a good mix of light and medium shades in there and if you mix the colours, you can get some pretty dark shades going. I think it is, overall a good and versatile palette, just not worth having 2 of 🙂
In a nutshell
Yet another neutral toned palette from Urban Decay. There is a fair mix of warm and cool shades as well as light and dark shades. Most of the colours are shimmery which I personally think is UD’s forte as their shimmer shades blend easily and are smooth. The matte shades by comparison tend to be chalky and apply patchily. The packaging this time is sturdy and the inclusion of the brush and a tin palette makes this a very good palette for travelling with. The colours can be used for work or play. However, if you already own neutral palettes or the original Naked palette, I’d suggest you save the money. However if you are a fiend for neutral palettes, then go right ahead and get this because no one could talk you out of it anyway 😉
Pros: Versatile palette in terms of colour and texture, Tin case makes it sturdy and less grotty looking, Brush included is serviceable on the go but otherwise do not do the colours and textures justice, Shimmer colours are soft and pigmented and blend very easily
Cons: Lipgloss is colourless and sweet and icky, Hinge of the eyeshadow tin could break in due course, Brush does not do the colours and textures justice, Matte shades apply a little patchy
Here is an idea on how I wore the Naked2 palete.
I think I used Snakebite blended with Chopper or Half Baked and I used Foxy to just tie the colours together, and lined with Blackout and Verve on the lower line. Its not overly shimmery and looks natural enough if that’s the sort of look you’d like to go for. Its also very quick and absurdly simple to achieve because the colours do blend easily and well 🙂
And just to put things in context, the rest of the face. Lips is with the lipgloss included and I switched it up later for something brighter. Cheeks feature Benefit Hervana.
As I’ve said, you do not need both Naked and Naked2 in your life. If you already have the first, I’d say save your money. If the 15th Anniversary palette was still around, I’d say grab that one because its one of the best UD palettes I’ve ever come across – perfect mix of neutrals and colour. But if you are a fiend for neutrals and a UD fan anyway… well I’m not going to talk you out of this because you already know you are going to get it, right?
In my case, for some reason after all these photos were taken, the original Naked palette has disappeared. My resident Pixies must have spirited it away so I’m left with just Naked2 for now. Maybe one day it’ll turn up but who knows eh? I’ve lost a lipstick pretty much the same way and its never turned up since 😛
Are you planning to get the Urban Decay Naked2 palette? Or perhaps you already own it – what are your thoughts on it?
Paris B
Urban Decay Naked2 Eyeshadow palette Price: RM179 /US$50 Availability: Sephora Starhill and KLCC (quantities are limited but the palette is permanent so wait for restocking) Limited Edition: No
Thanks for blogging this. I’m meh about it because it could be my eyes, they look a little too warm for my liking. I love colour every now and then but the Dior gold quint we both got from the Christmas release does it for me for neutrals. I also still have a Bobbi Brown Stonewashed Nudes palette from years ago. I’ve hit pan but there’re still a few colours that will work out for me. So, I’m passing on this as well as the Naked1. Besides, I need another palette like I need another arm! 😀
Yes they do tend to run a little warm but also a little more neutral than Naked. In terms of colour tone that Dior Couture Golds palette still takes the cake for being the best for my skintone 🙂 I didn’t get that Stonewashed Nudes palette. For some reason, that one was seriously boring 😛
I was so excited about Naked Palette 2 and wanted it immediately, although I already have the 1st palette. After thinking about it and a lot of discouragement from both mom and boyfriend, I decided against it. Thanks for doing this review, especially about the lipgloss (I can hardly see it on your lips!), now I can save my money for something else!
If you have the 1st palette, enjoy it 🙂 Naked 2 isn’t better or worse, its a little different… and yet the same. I’d save money for something better 🙂
I have Naked 1.. Somehow Naked 2 is not appealing as the first version. I an neutral
Eyeshadow fans so I’ll probably get them but provided I have extra cash. ;)) I love how honest your review is on this because lots
Of ppl are raving about this.
Thanks Cynthia 🙂 I felt people had to know that its not like Holy Grail material you have to run out and buy 😀 Having one is sufficient so now that there are 2 palettes, those who didn’t buy the 1st one have a choice! 😀
YAY Naked 2!! I didnt find the first one appealing coz they were too much shimmery shades. Somehow I fell in love with this one and managed to find someone from US to get it for me. I”m gonna collect this palette tomorrow from her, totally looking forward to it. Will probably leave another comment once I get to try it, lol but thanks for such a detailed review. But you’re right, there is no point having Naked 1 and 2 because the colors are more or less the same.
I hope you’ll like it Cas 🙂 The shades are just as shimmery in this one but perhaps because they tend to be a little lighter, its not as obvious? 😀
Okay I managed to get my palette yesterday and tested it out today. The color payoff is pretty good, and I’m loving the browns. But you’re right, one does not need 2 of the same shade palette. So it’s either Naked 1 or 2! But I do love how they’ve labelled each color coz sometimes I tend to forget which color went on the eyelids, lol.
Oh yes, I liked how the names of the colours are nicely labelled too. Sometimes, we just want to know what colour we’re using right? 🙂
I’m a very much a neutrals fiend but I think I’ll be giving this a skip. Just feeling a bit ‘bleh’ over it.
Wait for another neutral palette 😀 I’m sure there’ll be more 😀
I think I’m loving Naked 2 more because of the packaging, I am just into those tin can packaging though I think the cardboard ones are more friendly to the environment (shame on me Nikki)
but girl, the eye makeup came out really nice!
Hmm I think its either or, Nikki. The tin packaging can easily be battered out of shape too! 😀
My comment is similar to Cas, above. I didnt find Naked 1 attractive but then Naked 2 hooked me in! Mine arrived in the mail today… But I am a tad disappointed already with the inclusion of the lipgloss – and you cant see it on your lips. I love me a UDPP instead
Thanks for the informative review as per usual 🙂
Yay for liking Naked 2 but yes that lipgloss is total crap! 😛
i totally agree with your review. I loved Naked and somehow Naked 2 didn’t appeal to me (it’s like movie sequels are never as good as the movie :P) for some reason the lighter colours looked a little flat and it irks me that the colours are not placed in an aesthetically pleasant gradient (okay THAT’S nitpicking). but i was attracted to the colour snakebite and pistol… but i already have naked 1, sheesh.
thank you for the awesome review 🙂
LOL yes you are absolutely right. Few sequels are as good as the original movie but like movie sequels I can see the reason behind making one because look at the $$$ that comes rolling in! 😀
I have neither, but I do remember almost dishing out cash to get the first Naked. I’ll have to see Naked 2 for myself first. However, judging by the hype, methinks it will be quite some time before I see it on the shelves heh heh heh.
Haha yes I think it will be a while before the stocks arrive long enough for people to make comparisons 😀 I hear March for Sephora KLCC so there’s time to pool the ang pow money and wait 😉
I think they kind of rolled it out a bit too fast. I just bought the Naked last month. And here’s Naked 2. haha, feeling consumer fatigue. In addition, Naked is still sitting happily untouched, unphotographed, in my drawer.
I went “huh? Naked2 exists?” when I saw it on a youtube video just yesterday, as I am very sure I don’t remember it from last month’s walk in Sephora.
I must admit Naked is GORGEOUS for someone who hadn’t own a natural palette until then. I can see the way it graduates from brown to pink then blue.
Not too impressed with Naked2 as the colours shown here look too much like what I have in a few brown glitter quads.
Plus, I freaked out when I saw the tin box. That box is going to rust and dent… … I feel the velvet box for Naked is so much more steady. -1 for Urban Decay.
I wonder how a tin box is going to turn out when stuffed into luggage. =(
That said, another great post by MWS! =) I haven’t come across other Naked reviews that is quite as detailed and opinionated as this.
Oh yes! You’re right about it being too fast! Just as the Naked palette is being easily found in stores, they came up with 2 😀 I think both palettes cater to different people. The first to someone preferring something a bit warmer and smokier, while 2 caters to people who prefer something a little lighter and everyday. As for the tin box, I think it’ll last… if we care for it but yes, I do expect denting if taking it on travels!
Thanks for the review! I’m also really undecided on Naked2, loved Naked but don’t see anything vastly different in this palette. Not to mention despite using Naked almost every day, only 2-3 shades have gone down to the pan so I can’t quite justify the $50 price tag for another palette with similar shades. Your review is a clincher so will have to give it a miss.
I would suggest a miss too – $50 could be well put towards another more unique palette 🙂
I received my Naked2 3 weeks ago and I haven’t even touched it yet! I just opened the packaging, ogled the colors for a bit and threw away the lipgloss. 🙂
I wasn’t that impressed with the selection of colors in Naked2 as I don’t really like wearing cool shades on my skin and I much prefer having another mini UDPP rather than a lipgloss (I hate lip glosses! Chanel’s glossimers are the only exception).
I have used the original Naked to death, have hit pan on 2 shades, and the writing on the cover of my Naked is practically non-existent due to constanttravelling. The only thing I didn’t use from my Naked palette is the double-ended eyeliner as the formula of the 24/7 eyeliners just doesn’t work for me. 🙁
Overall, the original Naked is a WIN for me. 🙂
LOL I also tossed the lipgloss after this! Its icky 😛 I do quite like the colour selection in Naked2 but that said, I do veer towards cooler tones hence my partiality 😀 Oh and the 24/7 liners don’t work for me either! I never used them because they smudged all over 😛
Thanks for squashing my Naked 2 Cravings! Goodness that’s a new one for the Evurl girls aye? Btw, for some reason everyone’s not to keen on Half Baked but honestly, I love it. It’s way too shiny on its own but dusted over a darker brown or even a smokey eye it adds glamour and warmth. It can also make your shadow look multidimensional. Pretty!
Yes, we enable but there are times when sanity has to prevail yes? 😉 I’m ambivalent about Half Baked. I think it works prettily on warm skintones but on my skintone its a bit brassy so I don’t use it a lot 🙂
Hi PB. I was at the launch at Sephora KL on Sat. Before that I was reading through all the reviews available on the net on Naked 2. In actual fact, quite a few gurus actually said that if you already own Naked, there is no need to get Naked 2! But curiousity got the better of me and I wanted to look at the palette myself. Phew!! You are so right…….if you already have Naked, you don’t need Naked 2. Saved myself a few bucks and went CNY shopping instead! and I do prefer Naked.
Btw for those who are still keen, the palettes flew off the shelf and I think they are already out of stock in Sephora.
Wow you actually went down for the launch? I didn’t dare LOL! I’m sure you managed to pick up some nice stuff during your CNY shopping – money put to good use! 😉
It reminds me of a pencil case for school, too! The packaging looks cheap to me. I absolutely *love* neutral palettes and that’s all I wear on a daily basis these days, but I’m not lusting after Naked 2 enough for me to go hunt it down from another country. I like the look you did here (though I agree, made me miss your signature red lips!) and either Naked or Naked 2 would be a good palette for those who don’t own many neutrals.
I never quite pegged you for a neutral girl to be honest 😀 But I must say either palette works well for a dress up or dress down look – just no need to get both as this mad person did 😉
Thanks for the review. I love Naked but for some reason, Naked 2 just doesn’t appeal to me at all. Some of the shades look flat and I think the colors in the first palette suit me better anyway.
On skin I think the colours work better but hey, since you already have the first one, there are other prettier palettes out there! 😀
Ah, Naked 2. When I can wear eye makeup again, this is first on my list! I didn’t like the original palette ’cause I hate shimmer shadows, but even though these are shimmer too, they don’t seem as “loud” as the first palette? (If that makes sense haha!)
Haha! There are LOADS of shimmer shadows in this one, but I get what you mean. They can be layered for intensity or just dust it on for a light wash. Not bad and I hope your eye gets better soon!
It’s a pretty look, but I have so many neutrals (e.g. Suqqu) that I’ll give this one a miss!
Oh with Suqqu, I’d give this a miss too! 😀
without a naked 1, looks like i will do just fine without naked 2 too. there is no WOW factor to me :S
Yeah, no need to get Naked just because everyone has 😉
I have both Nakeds and the 15 Anniversary palette. Of all the 3 palettes, I grab the original Naked most often. The colours are just so easy to use. However, I love the taupey colours in this new one! Not a fan of them repeating Half Baked. What’s so special about that colour?
The colours must mesh well with your skintone 🙂 I reach most for the 15th Anniversary because its such a cool toned palette and I love all the colours in there 😀 Not sure why they repeated Half Baked. Maybe they ran out of ideas 😛