We talked about this last year and I thought it so interesting, I’m running it again this year 😀
There are so many pretty and effective beauty products we talk about and use, and I’m sure we all have our favourites. However, I’m curious to know what your favourite NON-beauty related item is for 2011?
It could very well be something you bought yourself, or was gifted with, or perhaps it could be a milestone purchase – care to share? 😀
You saw the picture and yes, my favourite non beauty item of 2011 is my Digital SLR camera! 😀
I had been balking at buying one for a while because I kept thinking it was too bulky, I wouldn’t get enough use out of it, I can make do with a point and shoot… loads of reasons why NOT to get it. But only one real reason to get it, and its simply because I have always secretly wanted one! 😀
Its also reignited my joy of taking photographs and I’ve been experimenting a lot. I don’t claim to be good at it, but I find a lot of joy in pressing on the shutter button and hearing that satisfying click of the lens shutter. Ahhh… 😀
How about you? What is your favourite NON- beauty item of 2011?
Paris B
My fave non-beauty item for this year is also my new DSLR! I got the Canon EOS 550D in July and I love it!
We’re camera twins =D
Snap! Camera twins unite! 😀
For me, it’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hands down. Heh heh heh. It’s a first person shooter game with a storyline that rocked my socks ^.^
Sounds pretty awesome 😀
Nice camera! My favourite non-beauty item has to be my to the knee laced all the way custom width(for my ahem, large calves!) I got in London from Duo boots. I feel so Victorian in them and love them!
OH your boots sound absolutely divine! I can’t imgaine you having to lace and unlace them in a hurry though 😀 I actually read about Duo boots some time this year so how opportune to hear you actually own a pair 😀
Same here! My Canon EOS 60D gives me lots of pleasure taking photographs! 😉
Yay for budding photographers! 😀
my iPad2! I’ve been using it on a nightly basis, watch videos and it helps me get to a good night sleep! 🙂
Haha watching videos won’t get you much sleep girl! 😉
My Galaxy S2!!
LOL A phone I was eyeing once before. It looks amazing!
Mine’s the same as every year. All the good food I’ve had! 😛
Amen! 😀
Currently loving my new Samsung Galaxy Note! (Now if only I had unlimited data in MY then life would be perfect 😛 )
Visit more wifi hotspots? 😉 The Note looks pretty awesome too – couldn’t choose between that or the S2 so I got neither hehe… 😉
I have to say for this year, I have a renewed love for my family – something I’ve been taking for granted so far. We went through a rough patch with my father’s near death experience, and it made me realise how much love there is in the family and how closely knit we are.
But if it’s a ‘thing’, then I’d say it’s my Canon G12. It takes good photos, and it’s a transition for me to a DSLR in the future. My best purchase in 2011 so far.
It must have been a harrowing year for you, but am very glad everything’s turned out alright in the end 🙂 I nearly got the G12! I much prefer the colours in Canon cameras and the G10 I had before was pretty good for a prosumer camera.
Not sure if this qualifies as an “item” or not, but I’m definitely loving my diving license! Can’t wait to go dive again! Haha! 😀
Wow, congrats! haha, this is something on my to-do list… …
Of course it does! How impressive that you dive – I was supposed to take up the course. That was over 5 years ago LOL! 😀
I would have to say it’s my Canon G12, which was a pressie from the husband for my 30th birthday. It may not be such a pro camera but it works well for me, esp when it comes to taking photos of the little one.
Hey, the G12 is an AMAZING camera! If I didn’t opt for the SLR I’d have gotten the G12. I had the G10 and I loved it (but lost it boo!)
Crispy & moist chocolate snack from Seven Eleven! LOL And it’s only 100 yen, but tastes about 100x more expensive and is so rich and yummy. It might not be THE best item of 2011, but I’m pretty darn addicted to it.
How fortunate your addiction will just cost you 100 yen 😀 It sounds delish you know. I’m not much into Chocolate but when you say crispy and moist, I could just imagine crunching down on it
my favourite non beauty item is my external hard disk! lol. without it, my laptop would be overloaded with videos… 🙂
Amen! Its so helpful and reminds me to back up!
I have 3 favorite items this year =D 1st item would be my laptop which I got for quite sometime. I use it every single day for entertainment purposes ( blogs and YouTube). 2nd item is my iPhone which I got mid year. It has saved me countless times from being lost while driving and to keep me entertained while waiting. I’ve also been taking loads of pictures with my phone. And last thing would be my car which I just bought this year. I dont need to rely on anyone to give me a lift anymore and it’s just sooo convenient! Hehe..k tht was a super long comment!
Wow you got some AMAZING stuff this year – congrats on the car! I don’t know how I could ever get around town without one, honestly! 😀
I’d have to say, like you, mine is a new camera! So happy, I posted about mine too, it’s a high-end compact, one step from Sony Nex, Sony HX9V.
Have been generating all the blog photos with handphone cameras for 2 years previously. And then when my Nikon Coolpix came, I had to go and lose it in less than one year… =( So took the plunge and splurge on HX9V.
It’s kind of special, because it is bought with the hard-earned money from my first year of full-time work. And in my birthday month… haha, so birthday present for myself.
I’ve always wanted a DSLR, but I am mad sure I will not bring it out because I have an old model high-end auto, which is slightly smaller than DSLR, and it’s sitting at the back of my cupboard right now, in perfectly usable condition.
Awww the Sony Nex is sooo cute! 😀 I was looking at it and liking how small yet now crisp the photos were. But I decided not to go the way of the Micro 4/3 system which on hind sight, might not have been a smart move, as those cameras are so much lighter and easier to tote around while taking excellent shots!
Hello Paris!
My best purchase of the year would be my Kindle as it has saved me so much money! E-books are a lot cheaper (and most of my texts are free) and it’s extremely portable, which is an extra plus! 😀
Ahh the Kindle! I thought of getting one because I kept seeing the prices of E-books and how cheap they were! Also, I can get all the latest titles much quicker instead of waiting for the paperbacks. But in the end I opted not to get one, because I read in bed a lot, and I didn’t want to bash myself on the head as I dozed off hehe… Also, I love the feel of a book in my hand 😀
wow, great introduction. I haven’t heard of such advanced e-readers! Hmmm, wondering if an ipad would be better?
Hello Jyoan, it really depends on what you are looking for. I use my kindle mainly for reading and the e-ink technology doesn’t hurt my eyes the way iPads do as the screen tends to be rather glaring after a while. If you are looking for an all-in-one tablet / e-reader I suppose the iPad would be more suitable but I love the kindle for its portability and battery life (lasts me easily 3 weeks with heavy use, without turning wifi / 3G on) 🙂
Hope that helps!
Paris, I used to love the feel of books too but after going through the trouble of having to ship my books home… I think I’d stick with the kindle for now! It’s surprising light btw.. Do give it a try if you get the chance, you might just change your mind! :p
Oh I remember those days of having to ship home my books! 😀 as of now, with pretty much unlimited space i’m still a books girl. I don’t commute and mostly read before sleep so it’s less likely I’d find a Kindle as useful. But as you said, who knows if it’ll change 🙂
Hmm, this is a tough one. Contenders are ebooks (agree with Sukie, so much cheaper) and my Ferragamo pumps (def. not cheap!).
Looking at people being able to buy e-books and the kindle makes me wish I could commute to work 😉 But then I look at our system and I’m glad I don’t LOL! Ferragamo pumps sound absolutely divine! 😀
iPad2 hands down. Got so much reading done! This ties very closely to the Xbox repair kit I collated to cure my stupid Xbox. I am now catwoman bahahahahhahaht
I’m going to have to learn to read on my ipad. I use it mostly for surfing 😛
Definitely my Kindle. It is easy to carry around and I can store lots of ebooks on it so I can read whatever I want wherever I want. And ebooks tend to be cheaper than paper books too, which is always a plus.
Ahhh another one making me want the Kindle 😀 I’m going to try reading e-books on my ipad and see how it fares before I decide if the Kindle fits in my life hehe… 😉
My Nook Color. Gotten it as a gift from my mum 🙂
Teehee, I had to google up Nook 😛 Awesome gift – I love what a literary bunch we all are 😀