There are tons of beauty don’ts:-
- Don’t pop pimples
- Don’t squeeze blackheads
- Don’t take too much sugar
- Don’t forget your sunscreen
- Don’t forget your eyeliner
- Don’t forget to use toner after cleansing
- etc … etc …etc…
The list is endless as beauty “guru” after beauty “guru” rolls out their “rules”. And you know what happens with rules right? That’s right – they get broken!
I’m perfectly guilty of popping pimples and squeezing blackheads – I try to resist but sometimes, you know how you look in the mirror and all you can see is that giant blackhead or pimple staring back at you daring you to squeeze it? I give in right about then.
I’m religious about daily sunscreen and I don’t take a lot of sugar because it does not suit my tastebuds. But salty and fried foods? Eeps! Guilty as sin! I do a whole list of things I’m not supposed to but popping pimples is right up there at No. 1
Your Say: What is one beauty don’t do you do anyway because you just can’t help it?
Paris B
Squeezing pimples! *guilty* I get conscious because I usually have quite a clear face so when I get a pimple it’s terribly huge. What’s worse is the pus is quite disgusting to look at. The few times I tried to be good and not pop it, I realised that the people I was talking to were completely distracted just staring at it! I even had a guy friend ask me “how can you stand not squeezing it!? I want to squeeze it for you so so badly!!!”
Now, I just squeeze it because I think it heals faster that way anyways :/
Haha… sometimes I do agree it helps the spot heal more quickly. its like you’ve gotten rid of the offending dirt so it can only get better!
I don’t moisturize my body as much as I should. I’m really dry! I’m trying to drink more water, and I eat a lot of sweet and salty food. I rub my eyes. Gah, there are so much more that I do but shouldn’t!! 🙂
Haha… guilty, guilty and guilty! 😀
Hahah, I only pop pimples on my forehead since the I realize I don’t get scars there. :p Squeeze blackheads?! Well, rarely. Only when I’m bored in school LOLOL SPF comes with the BB cream I’m using so I can consider that as ‘sunscreen’
And, not using a toner is not a ‘don’t’! I’ve read before that a toner is not really necesarry. :
Toner depends on the school of thought you subscribe to. I don’t subscribe to the toner school of thought so I don’t use it 🙂 For me, its not a “don’t” either, but for some it is 🙂
But it does depend on what kind of toner right? The ‘american’ toner and the ‘asian’ toner. :p I have one of both(Simple, and HadaLabo) and well, I rarely use them both. 😡
Personally I’d say its a matter of personal preference. I like Asian brand “toner/lotions” because I feel they help increase my skin moisture level. I have stopped using Western or clarifying toners because I just don’t like how it feels. Ultimately, its down to personal preference as I’ve summarized here. If you feel its doing nothing for you, then it probably isn’t 🙂
I never use toner after cleansing. But then I don’t think I need it as I couldn’t see any benefits when I applied it in the past.
Haha same for me! I prefer using a “lotion” because of the more moisturizing properties 🙂
I love pork charcuterie – like Jamon Iberico, chorizo and salami. Naughty!!
Oh yum! I’ll be naughty with you Jamilla!
I squeeze my pimples too D: Especially if they’re ripe with that white head… can’t help it if it’s satisfying to pop it though XD I don’t really extract blackheads, though 😮
I don’t really take care of my diet too- I eat sweet, spicy, fried/oily foods, everything! Eeek.
Oh, and I don’t take care of my heels well enough. I sometimes apply a heavy lotion on them and slip on socks before going to bed, but I do it for a day and stop for, what, a week? 😛
Heels! I do nothing about my heels. Nothing! :O
Gasp! I try, I swear! :O
Squeezing pimples 🙂 Sometimes they really have to go! I do leave them alone sometimes.
Hehe looks like we all break this rule yes? Pimples be gone!
I alwiz pop my pimples! Simply coz I’ve noticed that if i leave it to take its natural course it will leave my skin burnlike scar n bigger darker scar that takes longer to heal, than me popping them quickly & cleaning it properly w antibacterial stuff n applying antiacne gel afterwards.
Next sins.. Sugar, salt.. :p
Well at least the popping of pimples for you brings benefits. I guess you’ve worked out how to do it carefully so it doesn’t scar 🙂
Plucking my bulu ketiak! Hahaha.
I usually have them waxed. But during the in-betweens, I cant help but wanting to pluck them out with a tweezer. Such satisfaction!
But the downside to that is that my underarm skin becomes all bumpy 🙁
LOL!! This is a funny one! I didn’t know its a “don’t” to pluck underarm hair??
i touch my face way too much..i squeeze it too much too i think.that’s why i have deep scar on my face.
Oops! Time to keep the hands away from the face!