Come on, let’s have a show of hands who does this already?
Do you wash your new makeup brushes before first using them?
I always make it a point to for basic cleanliness concerns, the same way I wash my new clothes before wearing them.
The primary reason is : You do not know where your brushes have been.
Yes they look new and pristine in their plastic packs, but really, do you know just where they have been? You don’t. They could have been lying in a box in some storeroom, or in a factory somewhere and you just don’t know what or who has been all over them.
I sometimes find that when I wash my brushes the first time, there might be some colour bleed or some stray bristles will fall out. Washing takes care of that initial fall out, so you don’t have to spend too much time picking off stray bristles from your face when you start using the brushes. I also sometimes get a glue smell from new brushes, that go away after the first wash.
I also just feel its cleaner, knowing I’ve washed them, before putting them near my face. Its a personal quirk 🙂
I use Johnson’s Baby Shampoo to wash my brushes and its served me well thus far 🙂
So do you wash your makeup brushes before first using them? If you don’t, will you? 😉
Paris B
Rainy Days & Lattes says
Johnson’s Baby shampoo? What a great idea! i admit I don’t always wash them first but your personal quirk has encouraged me to think otherwise 🙂
ParisB says
Yeah its worth thinking about eh? 😉 I like using baby shampoo – smells lovely too!
LeGeeque says
I use J&J baby shampoo too! Pour some into a cup, add water, lather and swirl my brushes in them 🙂
ParisB says
Yay! *high 5*
S says
Yes I definitely wash my brushes before using them! I normally use facial cleansers that come with GWPs because I’m cheap like that! =p
ParisB says
That’s a great idea! If it works for our faces, it’ll work for our brushes yes? 😉
Jess says
Yes, I always wash my new brushes thoroughly before I start using them on my face! 😉
ParisB says
Oh goody! I’m not alone! 😉
stephy says
Wow….finally u got Sigma brushes already? =)
ParisB says
Yup! I picked up a few – a blush brush and eye brushes 🙂
Hanny says
Oooo!! Thanks for reminding me!! ^.^
ParisB says
Timely eh? 😉
Iza says
Paris, the natural bristles used by Sigma brushes what are they? Have to make sure its ‘halal’ for me before I order 🙂
ParisB says
I’m sorry dear, I have no idea as its not stated. Perhaps their site will help you? Although I can’t find info there either. Maybe best to stick to the synthetic brushes if in doubt 🙂
iffazainal says
Iza, I emailed Sigma in April last year regarding this matter and this was their reply.
“Thank you for your email. All of our brushes are handmade, and the majority of bristles that we use are made of goat hair. Sigma Makeup will be launching an all synthetic line of brushes in approximately two months to better fit those customers who prefer using non-animal products. Thank you and please let us know if you have any other questions.”
I’m interested in their brushes too, but still holding on.
Cynthia says
I always wash my brushes weekly using my Liquid Neutrogena. I don’t have any JnJ shampoo, so I guess it’s mild enough for my brush bristle. So how’s Sigma brushes?
ParisB says
I find the eye brushes very good thus far. Face brushes are just so-so in my view. Will have reviews coming up soon 🙂
shuaddict says
I use J&J too but don’t wash my brushes as often as recommended. I also sometimes don’t even wash new brushes … if they feel … sorta .. clean. Oopsie 🙂
ParisB says
heh I always wash new brushes, but I tend to cycle my brushes so I don’t wash them as often as I should. Usually once every 2 weeks or so 🙂
synical says
I wash mine before first use for to get the colour bleed out.
I’m between using this makeup sponge detergent from Daiso (pink bottle – works great for RM5) and whatever sample cleansing oil I have lying around. Learnt the hard way that dish washing liquid is a little too much for makeup brushes 😛
ParisB says
I have that Daiso detergent too! Cleans brushes a treat but not something I particularly like very much. I tried using cleansing oil on my brushes but they don’t wash out very well and I was afraid of having residue left on them.
xin says
same! i will wash everything before i use 😛 of coz, except for shoes
ParisB says
HAHA! Better not wash shoes that shouldn’t be washed!
Esther says
OMG, you just alerted me that I should wash my makeup brushes 😛 I normally don’t wash them before I first use them, ok ok, I will start washing my new brushes from now onwards 🙂 And thanks for the tip on using J&J baby shampoo. Cos I normally use a puff cleanser $2SGD from Daiso.
ParisB says
Timely reminder! 😉 I have also tried using that Daiso cleanser but its not my No. 1 choice. I still go back to J&J 🙂
Nikki says
Yes on washing new brushes before use, at times you can actually see the dirt coming out! Imagine how dirty is that to put it on your face?
ParisB says
I know!! I haven’t seen dirt coming out of my new brushes, but I have seen them bleed out and shed.
lynne says
I didn’t use to wash new brushes when I first started using makeup. But recently I’ve become more diligent when it comes to washing my brushes so I’ve taken to washing any new brush over the weekend together with the others I’ve used during the week before I start using them. My skin hasn’t been behaving so well lately (probably due to a combination of hormones, work stress and schedule) so any little precaution must be taken to prevent it from worsening!
ParisB says
That’s good practice 🙂 When I put any brushes to wash, I always include every other unwashed one to save time.
Issa says
actually, i don’t wash new brushes before but after being a regular reader of Miss Nikki’s blog (Askmewhats) i now do wash them before use! thanks to you beauty bloggers out there because I learn so much from you guys! mwah! 🙂
ParisB says
Aww Nikki is a fount of information! 😀 I’m glad you have taken away some good practices from blogs 😀
Stephanie/Yukaeshi says
I do wash all my brushes before I use them too! But I use MAC’s Brush Cleanser. Maybe I should try using J&J shampoo 😛 Can’t use cleansing oils either because they leave residue on the brushes :\
ParisB says
I haven’t used MAC’s brush cleanser but I prefer to use a brush cleanser for in-between washings and use a shampoo otherwise. I only use J&J coz its cheap and it works lol!
Jytan says
OMG!!!! Sigma!!! ?~~
ParisB says
yep? 😉
Monstro says
Oh. I don’t remember doing that. My first use must have seen me rubbing nasty stuff all over my face–LOL! Thanks for the tip!!! When I do wash my brushes, I use Cetaphil.
ParisB says
Actually, we could just use anything within reach eh? I reckon if its safe for our faces, its safe for our brushes 😉 And time to put washing new brushes into practice young lady! 😛
Denise says
*raises hand* Even though I’m excited to use them, I wash new brushes first! Can’t risk a breakout or have some bacteria or other nasties near the face. And I use J&J too! A nice big squirt of that and a small squirt of antibac soap. Lather rise, dry! Plus I use some olive oil on my natural bristle brushes to condition. :0
ParisB says
Yay good girl! 😉 I haven’t tried using olive oil on my brushes though – maybe I should try that, although I don’t have many natural bristle brushes.
Amanda says
I lately just purchase lot of sigma brush also, the full set pretty purple handle and the synthetic one :D. I also wash them 3 times before use it coz it’s kinda stink, but for the synthetic bristle I only wash it once.
I found out wash it with dishwasher soap is more effective but I dont feel it’s good for my brush, so I switch to J&J but I dont feel its very effective 🙁 . I bought MAC cleanser but its very expensive to use everyday.
Anyway I agree with you NEED to wash it before use it for the first time, and dont forget spot cleansing for every after use 😉
ParisB says
I tend to slip on the spot cleaning after use because I’m always in a rush in the mornings, heh… that might be why I keep a few brushes on hand so I can rotate LOL! I have read about people using dishwashing liquid to wash their brushes. If its a synthetic brush, its probably alright, if the dishwashing liquid is properly diluted. But if its a natural bristle brush, I personally would not do it because dishwashing liquid can be very abrasive. My rule of thumb is – if I can’t use it on my hair or face, its not going on my brushes! 🙂