A while ago, I was invited by Amway to try their then new Artistry Intensive Skincare Renewing Peel, which is essentially, an at-home facial peel. I was a little worried about peels – who isn’t right? But I was assured that this one is gentle so I bit the bullet.
This slim bottle houses about 12 uses or 6 weeks, twice a week. The reason you see is that each time, you have to use 8 full pumps of product, spread over your skin. We are told that this renewing peel is formulated with natural mushroom enzyme, from a mushroom too small for anyone to see (which prompted me to query how it was discovered :P) and what it does is to gently peel and renew the skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and improving the skin texture. Big question of course is, how does it fare? And here’s where we come in 🙂
Before that, here’s what 8 pumps of this product looks like. Do not skimp or it will not work! At least that’s what I think. It always pays to follow instructions for products like these.
Spread it all over your face. I found personally that 8 pumps was a lot so it was quite a thick layer of opaque serum on my skin. Then leave it on for 8 minutes for it to work. As 8 minutes is the recommended time, I do not leave it for longer – I’m more obedient when it comes to things like peeling serums – I don’t want my face peeling right off 😛
After that, you can clean it off with warm water. I did find that the product did not dry on my skin, so it took a while to wash off and it felt a bit “oily”. The best way to wash this one off is not to rinse it all at one go, but to wet your hands and then pat your skin with water and slowly massage it off and then rinse. It washes off much more easily then. I also follow up with a cleanser because my skin felt cleaner that way.
The instructions warn you that you might experience some tingling on your skin or it might turn red. I did not experience anything like that. I actually felt nothing while it was on. Maybe my skin isn’t that sensitive.
Immediately after washing off the peel, I did find that my skin felt markedly smoother. I did not break out, nor experience any side effects with this serum. However, what I did find was that the smooth feeling did not last. I used up the whole bottle in 8 uses – 2 times a week. The smooth feeling of my skin lasted about 2-3 days before it went back to normal. I’ve stopped using this for almost a month now, and my skin isn’t much better nor is it worse *shrugs*
Pros: Skin felt smoother immediately after use
Cons: Pricey, No lasting effects on my skin, strong fragrance
Here is the ingredient list for those of you who might be interested.
I must say I’m quite ambivalent about this product. Whilst it did not cause my skin any problems, it did not do much for it either, that a regular facial scrub and/or mask is already doing. It might have been better if the effects had lasted longer on my skin. We were told that it was doing very well in Korea and although I must agree that Korean ladies in general seemed to have flawless skin, I’m not sure how much of it is attributed to this product and how much to others like snail cream and BB creams 🙂
Have you tried this? Or know someone that has who likes it? You could also read Xin and Juan‘s take on their experience with this peel.
Paris B
The Amway Artistry Intensive Skincare Renewing Peel retails at RM312 for 20ml and can be purchased from Amway distributors or go here for more info www.amway2u.com.my
RM312 for 20ml???? Excuse me while I go and pick up my jaw. Haha…
Not to worry,I felt the same way 😛
I guess that’s the deal (the lack of lasting effects part) with most peeling products (or at least those that I’ve tried)? Since our skin is constantly generating dead cells. In fact when I use the Clinique Turnaround Mask the smooth (actually, incredibly baby-butt smooth) feeling lasts for about 1 day – the next morning my skin seems to pretty much go back to normal. So I would be all game for trying this if not for the price tag – that’s almost RM40 per use! YIKES!
That said, how did it perform in terms of reducing fine lines? Any results at all?
Oh pardon my terrible terrible maths – it’s RM26 per use. which is still pretty hefty. gawd.
Nope. Nothing I noticed actually 😛 Perhaps our environment is making our skin cells die faster hence less results from peeling products? 😛 I haven’t used a peel in a long time. I prefer using physical scrubs
I don’t have fine lines but it is reducing my acne scars 😀 I’m not sure if that is the same kind of action or not…
Woah.. that’s really pricey!
I’m using another salon brand peeling serum. Have to go check the brand again tonight. It costs around RM 130 .. i think it’s around 30 ml.The tingling sensation and peeling effect.. hmm..really peels off my skin around my nose and chin area… I’ll only do it on Thursday / Friday. The actual peeling action will only take effect the 2nd day after usage. But what puzzles me is that I see no improvements for my blackheads problem. 🙁 Any recommendation for blackheads trouble?
I don’t think a peel will solve a blackhead problem actually. When I had problems, I found that products like Cellnique Skin Sebum Gel helps or its sister brand B.Liv Off with those heads .. or something like that.
Never heard of this brand before though 🙁 Anyhow, it’s too pricey and not worth it though as it seems to be
Its one of the brands by Amway – you know the direct sales company? 🙂 I unfortunately didn’t think too much of it either. It did smoothen, I didn’t break out but it just did not last.
I remember back when Amway was famous for vitamins and washing machine detergent! 🙂 Oops.. feeling my age! 😀
Not to worry dear, I remember those days too!!
Using this at the moment, 6 pumps only for the first few uses now back to 8 pumps – i do get compliments about my brighter skin after usage but do agree with Paris that the effects are not lasting and nothing to rave about. Not going to repurchase as quite pricey!
haha…i am doing the 2nd treatment now….which means, the second bottle…for amway distributor price…it’s RM250…for those that used it for first time, 100% will do 2nd treatment!
Artistry is going seriously into Intensive care series…new item coming – Anti-wrinkle serum in July!
My husband had a lot of old brown and black spots on his cheeks and forehead and after 4 weeks of using the peel his forehead was as clear and young as a teenager. He’s 40yrs. The tranformation encouraged his boss and work colleagues to buy too. Its an awesome product.
I have a pimples problem which product you suggest me to use my skin is oily skin tell me
Clear.Now and to keep using it until your skin in cleared 🙂
This is amazing stuff!! and no it does not last because if you truly want your face to stay that way it is after you used it once, you have to keep treating your face! is not a use a whole bottle once a go thing. I encourage you to ask the people that showed you this product to show you more of Artistry which are just wonderful products, 100% organic so they have nothing that would damage your skin. i just love Artistry!! (btw, have you try the new Youth XTEND? its like the Time Defiance, but 4 times bettered lol)
Ya u r absolutely rgt. Really Amway products are excellent.I just studied alot about skin and beauty and i even did certification.our skin iz really getting damaged day by day due to dis polluted environment.so guys let u know dese artistry products repair ur skin nd prevents from further damage without any sign of side effects.guys only thing i wanna say u iz know ur skin type,problem ur facing and den choose the right product for the particular problem.guys u must even take internal care for ur skin to look more glorius.every1 must hav skin consciousness nt nly externally but internally even.dese r excellent products guys.make use of dem in a rgt way.dat iz wat i always say.
hi I have acne scars do Artistry Intensive Skincare Renewing Peel will work on my scars and my skin is very oily , please share your comments if anybody using it for oily skin as well 🙂
Cristine , I am really worried because of the pimples and the post acne dark spots on my cheeks since 7 months. i never had these, until i shifted to a diff place with extremely hot climate. can you tell me if these would give me the desired results and in how many days. would this cause any side effects, as i still have pimples but they are lesser than before.