… and letting you do the talking!
Alright Ladies, fact is, I’m feeling burnt out and am not quite “on the ball” as it were. So I have nothing planned for today or even tomorrow so if you don’t see a post in your inbox/feed reader don’t freak. Its not for want of content (heaven knows, there’s heck lot to talk about!), its just everything …. *flaps hands* y’know…
I really wanted to spend some time telling you about the new BB Creams I’ve been trying. I know right? PB? BB Creams? Gotta be joking!
But yes, I’ve been trying out a few BB Creams from MAC, Dior and Sunplay <- one of this things just don’t belong here… 😉 but have just been too exhausted to come up with a coherent post. Rather than let you read something incoherent, I’ll defer it but I’ll bring it soon, promise.
So instead of pushing it and imploding, I decided to mellow down and open up a MWS Open Cafe session 🙂 Come on in ladies and let us have a chit-chat and get to know one another.
Have a question to ask? Now’s a good time – If I can’t help you, someone else will. Want to know something about me? I’ll tell ya… within acceptable limits 😉 If your complaint is about that blasted Libresse ad, believe me, I’ve been working to get rid of it for the better part of a week, ever since I learnt of it. I hope to see the end of it soon because it bugged me too. And no, I don’t use Libresse sanitary pads. Also, will put an end to those full page banners – I wasn’t aware they were running. If you still see them, be patient coz I’m working on it 🙂
Are you new here? Pipe up and introduce yourself! If you’ve never left a comment, now’s a good time because the comment box is open to pretty much anything – just keep it clean and family friendly. Previous Open Cafe sessions have always been tons of fun. I love reading your random comments in the giveaway posts but I can’t reply there so here’s your chance to be random AND get a reply.
I’ll be hanging around for most of the day. Catch y’all in the comments! Don’t be a stranger! 😀
Paris B
p/s If you’d rather not chat, don’t be a stranger nonetheless. I hope to get back into the groove soon 🙂
Thank you everyone who stopped by to chat. The comment section is now closed but you can still read all the comments, questions and answers. It was lots of fun and I’ll open up a similar session again soon 🙂
i hope you’ll feel better soon *hugs*
it’s friday and i don’t feel the friday vibe. the constant ding-dong-ing with mood driven bosses just leave me feeling pretty much drained.
i’m looking forward to a holiday trip soon too, but not sure if it’ll recharge me >_< but once the letter is out, i think i'll be so relieved, but i guess the stress starts again when i am looking for jobs lol!
Ooh a trip after your letter goes out? That’s perfect timing. You can recharge while thinking about what else you can do 😉 A stressful job that isn’t rewarding isn’t worth hanging around in IMO
nope am going before the letter. i fear the damn bosses will reject my leave if i have given the letter first >_< my colleagues also warn me of the same thing… so… sigh.
am still thinking what i wanna do, but i guess my priority now is to earn and support my sis' studies. results aren't great, chances of getting a scholarship n such is quite low 🙁 even with ptptn, without my mom's support, my dad's gonna die in just maintaining my sis, sigh. $$ is always the biggest problem.
Yes money’s always an issue for big things unfortunately. Hopefully you get a job with nicer bosses next time 🙂
Maybe perk up the spirits with a yummy lunch later 🙂 Pamper yourself.. eat some happy food.
That usually works for me. Hope it does for you too!
Happy food! I like that 😀 Tummy hasn’t been feeling too good too lately which is such a bummer coz I love to eat 😛 What would you deem to be your happy food? 😉
Hmm.. i don’t have a quick fix. My happy food would be whatever i feel like eating at the moment. But most times rice and a good bowl of chicken curry is good enough for lunch. Especially when they give lots of potatoes, better yet if the potatoes are slightly deep fried before it goes into the curry. Wa.. salivating..
The other day i had this weird craving for loh-egs. Loh as in cooked in soya sauce. Not sure they have it in the west. I found it during lunch, it really made my day 🙂 Hehe
Now you have ME salivating! I don’t usually like eating curry outside but you’re right. When they fry the potatoes before putting it in the curry, its divine! And I love loh eggs! 😀 My gran makes amazing ones – I better learn her recipe. During CNY we gorge on it hehe…
Maybe you can try plain porridge, with peanuts and some pickled veggie (choi sum is it?). Plus some bonito flakes and spring onion on top. 😉
I sound like a glutton.. haha
No you’re not a glutton – you just love food as I do! 😉 Ahhhh I do feel like having some good ol’ plain porridge. I just hate paying the teochew porridge places that give you measly portions and charge you an arm and a leg! Perhaps that’ll have to be homecooked dinner tonight! 😀
I’m Teochew but I don’t dig Teochew porridge.
I like porridge with fried fish, drenched in the soya sauce the fried fish came with!
I’ve been commenting quite a number of times now~~ hahahha… Your blog is bad bad bad… WHY?? Cuz it got me hooked onto cosmetics!! lol… I read it almost everyday!! Learnt lots of new things and how to take care of my face better…
oh, I don’t fancy teochew porridge either… I find it tasteless, no offense…
Bet u guys haven’t heard of Fried laksa before… it’s the BOMB!! Only one shop in Subang Jaya sells it… well, they invented the dish ~~ hehe…
Golly Fried Laksa?! That’s new to me. Gotta remember it the next time I’m in Subang… Which is like never 😛 Teochew porridge is meant to be tasteless… So you can have all the salty accompaniments 😀
Hi Paris!
haven’t leave a comment on your blog for quite sometime but i do read your blog almost daily.it’s like a morning cofee for me hehe!!
actually i was waiting for your review on Burberry lipstick. i have read quite good review in few blog..and for chanel coco rouge and guerlain kiss kiss , it is a bit drying or its just me?
Hi Lina! I’m getting round to Burberry too 🙂 So you can expect it to show up soon. Need good lighting for photos and that’s posing a challenge 🙁 I do find by comparison to others that Chanel Rouge Coco can be a little drying but I’m alright with Kiss Kiss. That said I do find both those textures quite similar so its entirely possible they could be a little drying for you 🙂 Try a thin layer of lipbalm before the lipstick and see if it helps
it’s been a rough, extremely rough, week for me and i wish the earth could open up and swallow me up.
Aww… So sorry to hear that Rudi. But take heart, its nearly the weekend so you can kick back and relax soon!
but your posts and giveaways bring me cheer!
So, not going to the 14th floor, yet!
Aww thanks for the uplifting words and the 14th floor is never an option y’hear?
Hello Paris,
Happy April’s Fool! I haven’t left a message for a long while (but still reading religiously everyday)…
Anyway, how’s it going?
I forgot to ask, did you enjoy your trip back in London? I went back in Christmas and of course, the Boxing Day sales was unmissable!
Else, it’s been pretty quiet…I’m waiting for a few summer items but that’s about it…
I have a few questions:
1. How many lipsticks can one have?
I haven’t got a lot but I think buying more doesn’t justify it because I hate reapplying and for the weather here in KL, the shelf life of lipsticks definitely reduces…
Hence I am forcing myself not to go near the DIOR counter! I have currently 4 to 5 on my list to get from DIOR Addict range. 🙁 I’m probably passing Rouge Coco Shine, it’s too sheer to my taste.
2. Do you think in general makeup (I meant high end) are more expensive here?
I have done a calculation…lipsticks are the cheapest to buy here, some are on par but most are overpriced (yes I am talking to you Guerlain)…the days with the currency advantages are well over 🙁
3. What is your latest splurge in a handbag?
Mine would be a Fendi Peek-a-Boo Selleria. In return, no new handbags in 60 months. I think that’s fair. But a Prada wallet doesn’t count as a handbag does it? *Hint hint to the Mister*
4. Have you heard/gotten your hands/had any interests in the brand Le Metier de Beaute?
I think I can declare that the eye shadows are my HG. They are awesome niche products if you ask me.
5. This might be a bit personal, you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel like it. I will however tell you mine, well, just to be fair.
What’s your profession?
Mine…kinda complicated. Have a background in Maths/Stats, ended up in Public Services, then Investment. Now I am out and decided to go back to do Art (mostly Fashion Design). Currently brushing up my French so I am able to settle in Paris (well of course, not you darling ;)) without much disasters.
This is a long one. I am sorry I couldn’t help you last time with your trip but still hope you wouldn’t mind to meet up for a tea and macarons soon :p
Hello Lee!! Tea and Macarons sound ideal! Let me know when – think you have my no? My London trip was fun and I was all shopped out!
1. How many lipsticks is enough? You gotta be kidding right? 😉 seriously I’d say maybe 3 – a red for the glam days, a sheer glossy rose/neutral for everyday and a pink for when one’s feeling flirty and young 😉
2. On a money value I think highend makeup is more expensive here but after conversion (at today’s exchange) we aren’t too far off on a price comparison. But it depends on the brands and who brings them in.
3. Hmm… The Mulberry Bayswater… I think 😉 I’m on an enforced ban but looking to the Miu Miu Matelasse for one last fling. Do you have that one? The Fendi Peekaboo is delish!!!
4. No I can’t find a way to get Le Metier de Beaute yet but I want to! There’s nowhere that sells them online that ships here right?
5. I have a boring fuddy duddy sort of profession. Nothing quite as exciting as yours! And I love your long term plan. Paris is a beautiful…. place hehe. And if you do settle there, I’ll have someone local tell me where to indulge in gastronomic delights! 😀
Seriously let’s make a point to catch up soon 🙂
Hello Paris,
On the MIU MIU, I had that one, the red metalasse coffer, bought it for my graduation then…lost it 🙁 Sigh, after that I got the one with bows but it didn’t last very long…on quality-wise, MIU MIU is okay, it’s not a bag for rainy days as the water leaves marks on your bag. It’s a very pretty bag, I think the new slightly varied design is nice *sigh in content*
After these years, I think I will settle on more practical bags (like Peek-a-Boo or Bayswater) but stir away from more seasonal stuff. Bags like these are meant to be used for a long while…
At the mean time, I’m happy with my Lanvin and Miu Miu plus a more durable Tumi Q Tote 🙂
P/S: I killed my lemmings for 2.55 and my wallet is thankful for that!
Lipsticks…thanks, because I was so confused what to pack! One once told me, there would be never enough lipsticks for a woman!
Le Metier…so far no, Nordstrom does deliver to SG but not MY…I have a few items (three kaleidoscopes in particular) if you are interested? 🙂 With the Valentine’s Day special, that’s so far the best smoky eyes I have every created!
I personally think Paris is a beautiful lady too! Gastronomic delights would be in my kitchen 😀
I’m usually in Bangsar Village every Saturday, thought it might be convenient for you?
Side note: you know the shop which sells shoes and bags opposites of BRICS? There were moments when I stood in front of the shop, telling Mister “this is a mock of x, this is a copy of y…” and it always led him to drag me away from the shop XDDD
Ahh you see, I’m trying to kill that bloody Miu Miu lemming. Went to the store and was convinced the Coffer is too big but you know that niggling thought? Yeah its niggling 😛 I’m not into the bow version though. Possibly a good thing. Miu Miu despite being Prada’s younger sis can be quite demanding in terms of pricing! I’m also headed towards the more timeless designs and ease of use. No point having a nice bag that takes you a day and a half to get into and out of! My Chanel lemming never died. Sadly. Hehe.. 😉
For me, there really are never enough lipsticks. We can always justify a new colour “Oh it looks different! This is rose pink the other one I have is pink rose” erm… 😉
Did you actually buy 3 of the Kaleidoscope eye colours? Wow! They sure do look good though based on the online swatches I’ve been seeing. Oh and the lip stuff get raves too! In fact I haven’t come across anything that doesn’t get raved about from this brand. Eeps!
I’ll drop you a note soon re: Bangsar Village always good to have a nice chillout session 😉
I love Matelassé but I think it’s too small. Btw I forgot to tell you how adorable your Prada is 🙂 I confess I really love the one in red!
The latest 2.55 apparently will incorporate the original design, i.e. double flap which doesn’t give a lot of space but makes the bag heavier.
Exactly, even the same colour of lipsticks have different sheens or shimmers and all!
Yes I bought three of them, one from Fall 2010 Le Cirque collection, one from Holiday collection Splendid Frost and the last one is Bergdorf Goodman Valentine’s exclusive Smouldering Embarkment.
I have the Framboise lip creme (actually, two of them) and I think you as a red lippie lover you love it 🙂
I can really spend hours and hours talking about my love for Le Metier you know *sigh*
Please let me know so I can pack all my Le Metier de Beaute stuff for you to play around during tea time 😉
Hmm… you must be tall then because the Matelasse Coffer (reg size) looked HUGE. Less so in the light beige but gigantic in black. Very odd. I’m still tempted though by a lovely dove grey colour… Oh the Prada Saffiano Lux in red is gorgeous! But it looked odd on me for some reason. Black just fit better (and was the only one available where I bought it).
Oh I think I got confused for a moment. I prefer the Classic flap actually. I’m less into the 2.55 because I like the CC lock 😀
I’ll def let you know – not this weekend though but soon. Can’t wait to actually check out Le Metier! 😀
Hi Paris! Yesterday, my baby brother graduated from high school! I wasn’t able to attend though, since they only gave out two invites per student. What kinda pissed me off was during the graduation proper, they basically let everyone in without checking invites or anything, so I *could have* gone! I mean he’s my only baby brother, and I am kind of sad that I missed it. I used to go to his awarding ceremonies and stuff with my mom when he was younger, and I went to his elementary graduation. It would have been a good excuse to bring out all my make up and play around with color too!
Aww Denise, that sucked!! 🙁 I’m sure your bro would have wanted you there too. If it was me, I’d have gone along anyway just in case and if not, I’d just hang around outside till it was over 😉 Still, congrats to your bro for his graduation, and you can still go for his grad when he grans from uni! 😉
You almost got me with the Dior BB Cream, but than I saw the “Diorsnow” and realized what day is today,but nice try 😉
Strangely, I am feeling great today as I had a wonderful sleep last night and it’s Friday, yay!
Hi Marina! The Diorsnow BB Creme does exist! No April Fool’s joke, scout’s honour 🙂 It might be Asia only, but I’m not sure. Glad to know you had a restful sleep. I’ve been having trouble sleeping for a few days now. Tonight, I shall have to try to get some rest 🙂 Yay for Friday!
Love your reviews Paris, if not for my monetary limitations I prolly be buying loads of stuffs that you review. 🙂
Thank you Iza 🙂 I know exactly how you feel. I feel the exact same way when I read other blogs, especially if its brands we don’t get here. Argh!! 😀 Have a good weekend ahead!
Hello there again! I’m getting a new laptop! YAY!! This old bug’s going DOWN! Finally I can work with ease. Haih. And I can go back to Batu Pahat for Cheng Meng, provided if I finish my essay by tonight. ^.^
Ooh nice one! I don’t like working from a laptop myself but I’m trying to upgrade my desktops at work and at home to be faster 😀 Great to know you may get those yummy hometown food after all! Now scoot! Go finish your essay 🙂
PB I’m done!!! YAY!!! ^.^
Yay! Now go enjoy your weekend 😀
I guess I’m not the only one feeling a bit exhausted. I’ve been ill with the flu and fever. Only just recovered but can’t taste food. Everything taste like gravel 🙁 Hope you get your much needed rest 🙂
Aww I hate that part of falling sick – when you can’t taste food 🙁 on the plus side, what an opportunity to lose weight (if you feel you have to) hope you get well soon!
heylo Paris!
I need a recommendation of a good eye cream for wrinkles and firming!!!
anyone has one?? many fine lines have appeared under my eyes even though I dun rub them and tap on my eye cream 🙁
think it’s age + the way I smile… sigh
using Dior antiwrinkle eye cream now, used to work but now no effect…
thank u!!!
Hiya Jayie! The only eye cream I’ve really used that I liked is the EL Advanced Night Repair Serum for eyes. Some people find it doesn’t work though. Perhaps see if you can get a sample and try it out? 🙂
Hey Paris,
Were you at Coffee Chemistry at Sunway Giza last Saturday afternoon? I thought I saw a lady who looked very much like you 🙂
Hope you’re feeling better. I haven’t been going online daily these days as I want to get some studying done. But definitely look forward to seeing your posts during ‘break’ time 🙂
I’m quite keen with trying organic face care (thinking of trying Madara) after i finish my current products. And when I came across http://www.feelunique.com in one of the comments in your posts, Madara on this site were much cheaper than in Malaysia! So excited! But before i click buy, better do some research so i hope you can help…
1. Have you tried this site before? If no, do you have any to recommend?
Also i’m concerned with ageing. I’m quite keen with the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Serum but have been hearing about rose hip oil. What are your comments between the 2? Is the former a blend of different oils while the latter just one type? Have you used any rose hip oil?
Thanks for your time 🙂
Have a good weekend!
Hi May, yes I was incidentally! Lol! Were you there too?
Thanks for making MWS your break time. We’re like a kit kat! 😉
I liked what I used of Madara but I have to agree its a little pricey. I haven’t bought from feelunique before though so I’m not much help there. I’ve only dealt with Bodybar.
However for something a little more accessible and cheaper, you might take a look at Esmeria Organics. They’re available at Justlife and Caring and Vitacare pharmacies. I’ve been trying some of the line and its really not bad plus they’re a local brand with Ecocert 🙂
I used rose hip oil many years ago in an attempt to fade scars. It helped to a degree but I found it too thick and sticky. I haven’t used it recently but these days formulation might have changed. I’m told Trilogy is quite good. I’ve seen it at Vitacare. The Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery is a blend of oils but its very light. I sometimes mix it into my thicker creams and it feels great on the skin 🙂
Hope this helps you 🙂 Enjoy the weekend!
Yes i was there with my husband using one of those deal coupons. It was RM7.90 for a hot drink, wrap and appetizer. It was really good and the price we paid made it all the more worth it 🙂
I have seen Esmeria before at Justlife but the product size is quite small don’t ya think? I’ve asked you about organic products before and you did mention Esmeria. Been waiting for your review before i finally decide which way to go 🙂
As for the serum, in that case I think I’ll go with the Kiehl’s then. I get more types of oils in one bottle. Love the smell and was hoping I could try a sample first but they don’t have it at the store!
I was there using the deal coupon too! 😀 Definitely one of the better deals I’ve gotten 🙂 I do have some Esmeria products on hand but I haven’t had the chance to put them to the test. It will be soon though,because I’m also very curious to see how they fare 😀 Hope you like the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery as much as I do 😀
Hey paris!
Have you ever tried goats milk? If you have what do you think of it?
My sister’s boyfriend accidently picked some up and today I tried it not knowing that it was goats milk and was like O.O “blerghhh!”
It has that um…unpleasant lamb-like taste to it to me.
Hi Rebecca, I tried goats milk a long time ago and my reaction was like yours 😛 I am however keen to try some of those goats milk body products though 😀
Right now I’m just enjoying the Restaurant Week – but the feast ends tomorrow! By then I’ll have gone to 7 restaurants and so I shall be left bereft of money.^^ There’s nothing like going to fancy restaurants and trying different kinds of food! Is there something similar in Malaysia?
Oh my! Where do you find the stomach space to put away all that food? 😀 We do have something similar towards the end of the year usually. They usually have a set menu and its always nice to go and try something different in a fancy restaurant. I didn’t go to many though, because they are pretty pricey unless you manage to snag a discount 😉
Hi Paris! Erm, I have a burning question to ask. May I know where to get YSL lipsticks here in Malaysia? I heard they moved out but can I get it in SG? I really wanted to get one as a self-reward for accomplishing something recently but couldn’t locate their counter in Pavillion. So sad. 🙁
Aww… you’re out of luck Neegee! YSL pulled out about a year or so of this region. The brand isn’t dead though. There’s been a change of ownership (YSL’s now owned by L’Oreal) so I’m expecting them to come back into the scene in time to come. You can still get some YSL at KLIA if you happen to be going through there but otherwise, there are no more counters for now.