When a bottle of Gucci Guilty fragrance landed on my desk, I could not stop a wry ironical smile.
Quite a while ago, one of my first fragrances that I purchased with one of my early paychecks was Gucci Envy. I don’t know if anyone remembers it. It was a tall thin square bottle with green liquid – Envy = green – and I liked it so much, I repurchased twice because I actually finished up every drop. Then, they came out with a Gucci Envy in a black bottle, that was supposed to be more intense. But it did not sit well with me and after that, for some reason, I decided I did not like Envy anymore.
Enter Gucci Guilty. Was it to guilt me into remembering an old fragrance love? One wonders at these sort of kismet.
Gucci Guilty comes in a highly reflective gold bottle with golden liquid. I never quite associated Guilt with gold so I can’t quite make the connection the way I did with Envy. Its very bling but sleek. Is that even possible? Even the signature interlocking GG on the front is big, bold and bright. I love it and the in-your-face style it embodies. One of those times I don’t mind having logos decorate my products 🙂
The scent suits me, thank goodness. It has a floral fruity scent with a hint of spiciness, that enables you to wear it in the day or layer it on to transition into the night. I like the smell – its a strong spicy sexy sort of scent but it isn’t very unique. Its not a scent you smell and go “Aha! Gucci Guilty!” Its more like “Mm… nice fragrance. It smells familiar…”
I wear this one on days when I dress up a little for the office. I like wearing Guilty with a string of pearls or a statement necklace and a black wrap dress with a bright bag. 2 spritzes, one behind each ear does it for me. Its enough to trail a waft of scent, but not so strong that when people enter the office lift with you, their eyes start to water.
I can’t wear this one with a casual look though. It just doesn’t go. This is a fragrance that calls for you to dress up and look like the sexy lady you are, because you already smell like one! 😉 Being an Eau de Toilette, the scent doesn’t quite last the day. But at the end of the day if someone were to lean in, they’d still catch the rather alluring scent. Its quite appropriate I think. And very sensual 😉
Now quick! Does anyone remember Gucci Envy? Did you like it as I did? 🙂 Or how about Guilty? Have you gone and taken a sniff? Its been out quite a while now, sexy ad and all.
Paris B
Gucci Guilty retails for RM217/30ml, RM272/50ml, RM355/75ml for Eau de Toilette at fragrance counters that carry it or at airport duty free
Don’t know about Envy but I took a whiff of Guilty and didn’t like it that much 🙁
Aww but fragrances are that way. No one fragrance that suits everyone and isn’t that a good thing? 😉
agree wit paris.. fragrance are that way, its not suits everyone.. and it make’s us feel special when ur ‘smell’ not like others..
I’ve never take a sniff of Guilty before, but i might… right now am still in love with my Loewe Quizas, Quizas Quizas even though its 2,3 years old.. 😀
That is such a pretty name for a perfume! I must check it out next time 😀
i really like this perfume..but its rather pricey just for EDT 🙁
Yup its a little pricey but I think its reasonable for the brand and the scent 🙂 I remember Envy was considered expensive for its time too 🙂
I LOVE Gucci Envy! I remember when I was a teen, my sis had a bottle of this and I used to sneakily spritz this on myself when she wasn’t around. I wonder why I never got around to getting a bottle for myself now…hmm…
The problem is, I’m not even sure if Envy is still available now! Wonder if anyone knows…
The two things I love Gucci are their perfumes and shoes 😀
Shoes! 😛 I used to be into their leather bags but the latest designs are all so meh I’ve lost interest
Never tried Guilty before, ehehehe ^.^ Wasn’t into perfume that much until I got me Red Delicious, but that’s because it’s freakin’ cheap in HK ahahahah
Hey you’re young yet! LOL… lots more time to get into fragrances. I was into perfumes at one time but less so now.
i’d only use guilty at night when i go out, prefer fruity/floral during the day ^_^
Yeah its a great night perfume 🙂 But I have this knack of pushing the boundaries between night and day for fragrances LOL! I think I just don’t care 😉
Parisb i need ur help . Lol . Sorry if i sound ignorant to u . i read ur phrase “Being an Eau de Toilette, the scent doesn’t quite last the day . N it actually answered a question i have been longing to ask but Paiseh to do so . Is there a different i mean between Eau de Toilette and others ? i got a present recently its issey miyake limited edition wood flower n it doenst last . n there i am wondering is it a fake then i saw ur post , could u be so kind as to explain the differences to me , LOL . Y is it sm perfume last loger than others n sm do not . Thanks a millonth !!
Eau de Toilette is a lighter, more watered down version of perfume which is why it is more affordable. One step up is Eau de Parfum which lasts longer but is pricier. The ultimate of course is pure Parfum which is pure perfume oils and cost the earth. If you prefer something that will last longer on the skin, go for the Eau de Parfum (EdP) but if you prefer something lighter on the nose and not as strong, Eau de Toilette (EdT) is the way to go. That said, how long scent lasts also depends on their formulation. Lighter floral or citrus scents don’t last very long while muskier heavier scents last longer. Issey Miyake from my experience doesn’t last very long at all. On me, it stays a maximum of 2-3 hours before fading.
I loved Gucci Envy as well! I think i went through several bottles of the stuff before my fickle mind got diverted elsewhere. I have Gucci Guilty too, your description of how it should be worn is really apt, i don’t think Gucci Guilty is for casual days. If the bottle was alive i think it would refuse to spray out the fragrance if you went anywhere near it with a casual ensemble. it’d probably slap you too!
LOL!! Yes you are absolutely right! Gucci Guilty will never go near you in a T-shirt and Jeans 😀
I first bought Gucci Envy about 9 years ago. Like you, I loved it so much that I used every drop and rebought it 3-4 times. Do they not have it anymore??? Oh NO?!
Actually I don’t know! I totally lost interest after the black bottle didn’t hit the spot. I’m curious now so I’ll go and check out the perfume counters the next time to see if they still carry Gucci Envy 😀
I love the bottle and love the fact that it is liquid gold! Must go and smell this one 😉 Thanks for sharing ParisB!
Take a sniff! You might like it 😉 You’re welcome!
I just bought Issey Miyake wood flower yesterday. Love the smell, but yup it doesn’t last very long. Slightly dissapointed cos it was RM335.. faint..
Eeks! That’s pricey for a scent that doesn’t last very long 🙁 The Issey Miyake I had was the original one but that didn’t last so I never really looked at the brand again
I love Envy! This is one of the few perfume which I use to the last drop too. Now that you mention, sure makes me want to smell the scent again. Wonder is it still available. It is quite a unique scent.
Teehee… I made myself curious too 😉 It was quite unique then. I wonder if it still is now
There are several discontinued scents which I really miss. The scent I miss most is lancome’s aroma tonic. And also several Shiseido tessera hair cologne. Nothing come close to these despite all these years of hopeful search. I really wish these companies will bring back the scents.
Thanks ParisB for the fast reply . Now I know why some of my perfume last so log and some doesn’t last at all ! Thanks !
You’re welcome 🙂
Hmmm we must be around the same age LOL. Gucci Envy was the first fragrance gift I got and it was around the time I started working. Ah hostalgic memories….
I’m not big into fragrances and Envy wasn’t love. A little bit later in life though, I did fall for one in a purple apple bottle – Lolita Lempicka. Till today, I always still keep a bottle on my bottle though I almost never ever use fragrances. But it’s still love. I’d say the kind that you grow old with. No Guilt involved 🙂
I used to be intrigued by the Lolita Lempicka bottles and the ads. They were so whimsical and fairy tale. I don’t think I ever smelled it although I might have and did not like it 🙂 I go without fragrances most days now unless I remember. I always seem to forget that!
*five* I like this Gucci Guilty too! 😀 It’s like meant for the sweet and sexy us 😛
Of course it is! 😀
Not yet smelled 🙂 Didn’t take to the packaging.