Here’s the deal. I thought the Benefit Cosmetics Crescent Row 2011 Planner was cute. In pictures that is. In fact, I thought it so cute, I was sure a billion girls would have posted pictures of their planner online. But I scoured the internet looking for real actual photos of the product or details on size but there were none.
Can you believe that? Evidently not one single girl who got this planner blogged about it, or thought of putting photos of it online. Sigh. The Muse did but hers came after I’d ordered mine.
And yes, I got it 🙂 And now you can see actual photos of it 😛
I told you that my resolution for this year 2011, was to stay organized. I started out with the L’Occitane planner. Its very useful although I have to whinge that there are no days printed next to the dates so I wrote them in by hand. Its also rather big and bulky with the hard cover.
But I later made a Benefit Cosmetics order and I got the Crescent Row 2011 Planner free as a GWP so I decided to use this one instead 😀 The reason I did was because its small and dinky! See? It fits nicely in my hand and doesn’t weigh a ton. Slips right into my bag nicely too!
I will whinge about the fact there’s no where to put a pen. I’m still trying to work that out, but I will probably just carry it separately as I already carry pens in my bag anyway.
This is a weekly planner, with space for a week on one side and a pretty page for notes on the other. Paper quality is good and it looks like it’ll hold up for the year without falling apart.
Oh and I like the pink ribbon book mark that makes it easy to flip to the current week. I know January is nearly over by the time I received this, but well, there’s another 11 months to go 🙂 Oh and there’s a pocket in the front and back cover that makes it very handy to keep little scraps of paper like the reservations for the comedy I went to yesterday, the ticket stubs I kept, receipts etc. Quite handy.
I checked with Benefit Cosmetics but they do not carry this planner locally. Its still available online at for US$20 which is pretty pricey considering you could probably get just as cute planners for less elsewhere. But since I have it, I’m going to make full use of it 🙂
Do you by any chance have this one? I might be able to get into this planner thing yet! Next year might see me actually shopping for planners to continue staying organized 🙂
Paris B
The Benefit Cosmetics Crescent Row Planner 2011 is limited edition and retails at for US$20
Never used planners of any sort… ^.^ Just put everything down into me phone ahahaha ^.^
I used to do that but woe betide the day your battery goes flat or the phone gets lost. I guess I’m still old school. I like my pen and paper 🙂
I thought this was adorable when I first read about it online and still do, but I wanted a bit more space to write in. I usually use Moleskines but for this year I got the Starbucks planner 🙂
I wanted to get a moleskine this year but chickened out because I wasn’t sure how long I’d last 😛 Also I use it more like a daily note of things I should be doing and I try not to fit too much in a day 🙂 I didn’t see the Starbucks planner here this year. The one last year was nice!
i’m currently using Loccitane’s planner, and it’s working very well for me in the office. i think planners are awesome! never in my life would I thought using them, until this year, to be more organized and more efficient 😛
at least i don’t need to worry not getting my work done!
eh wait, but i think i sometimes forget to jot down things i need to do… so that’s equally silly eh?
The L’Occitane planner is awesome provided you don’t have to tote it around LOL I did it for a month and I’m turning into the hunchback of Notre Dame 😛 I didn’t think I’d ever get into the planner thing too but I’m glad its working out for me. Helps me remember things too because I jot them down as I think of them and that’s where a small portable planner comes in useful. Too many things to think about these days.
Sooooo sweeet lookin 🙂
Isn’t it? 🙂
I’ve been buying monthly planners for years. I only use monthly planner format coz’ it’s so much easier to oversee and organize at a glance. There are so many variety nowadays especially at kinokuniya etc towards the last quarter of the year.
Gosh you’re way more organized than I am 😉 I used to use monthly planners but it was always the boring corporate ones. Dull! Hopefully a cute one will inspire me to greater organization hehe
That’s such a cute planner, love it! 🙂
Teehee… so do i 🙂
I used to entrust my appointments/scheds/reminders/etc to my Palm Top. At first, it did work..But grew tired of it. It’s frustrating when the batt runs low right when I most need it. You’re right..nothing beats the more reliable way of “immortalizing” our affairs with ink and paper. =)
I’m glad you agree! Pen and paper are the best way to go for me now. I like my gadgets but I trust the important stuff to the traditional methods 🙂
That’s a nice planner. I got the one from L’Occitane but gave it to my Mom instead coz’ I know I won’t be fully utilising it. I need an “occasionally” planner or diary and I finally found one at I know it’s a little girly but I love cats & have 2 of my own so I also bought the stickers 🙂