Last week, I asked for thoughts on the Longchamp Les Pliages tote bags and I received some interesting comments regarding the prevalence of fakes (especially in our part of the world – Asia). As with many designer brands or bags with popular designs, the Longchamp Les Pliage totes are heavily faked – I’d advise you to be careful if buying online.
Actually, I think anything from Louis Vuitton takes the cake for being faked but that’s digressing 🙂
I feel very strongly about fake fashion goods, whether clothes or bags. Fake goods make me sad. I live in a country where its possible to get fakes (and pretty good ones) for a fraction of the price of the real thing. I was told by a reliable source that a Grade A fake designer bag costs RM750 and up. I’d rather put that money towards a cheaper designer or brand or save up for the real deal. But that’s my take.
Still, leaving the debate of fake goods aside, does the large number of fakes or counterfeit products available in the market deter you from wanting to own or owning the real thing?
Do you feel that a product, design or brand loses its appeal because there are so many fakes out there? Or perhaps it just spurs you to buy the real thing knowing that you can?
My take: The prevalence of fakes do not affect me. If anything, it makes me happier to own the real thing. I speak from experience – there’s no use buying a fake because you’d know it is one and when you wear it, you’ll know. Of course, how you carry it will depend on the company you are with and I just felt like a “wannabe” and that I was “trying too hard” even though no one said anything (or even knew for that matter). Ok, so I was a much less secure in myself and less confident then than I am now 🙂 But when I could afford it, I hit up the real thing and there’s been no turning back. So I’d say no, fake products do not stop me from wanting and owning the real thing. I don’t end up eating instant noodles for a month, if you’re wondering. I only ever buy anything pricey when I already have the money firmly in hand or in the bank account.
What about you? Are your choices limited by the fake products out there whether of the design or of the brand you’d otherwise purchase? Do share your thoughts – I think it’ll be interesting 🙂
Paris B
stellarvixen says
arming the real deal of fake fame battle hahaha
seriously don’t we all realize it has nothing to do with anyone?
why get so judgmental over ladies who wanna impress others or those who pamper themselves with luxury living
end of the day we are feeding those bagmakes 300-500%
oh yeah the fakes in KL is ridonculously priced! rm7500 to 1G~~nutcase!!
anyway for me, i tend to lean towards classic designs for its re-sale values lol & higher cost per wear..
you see even if i do hand them down to my next of kin, my girls wont find the design out of era hahahha
i’m done and over with LE designs* its sooo last-season
biggest wishlisht is the chanel 2.55 >:D
but to pay for 5 digit classic handbag~those moolah better be returns from a good investment
~Reena~ says
I’d rather buy authentic but cheap/affordable brands like Charles & Keith than fake designers! 🙂
Amanda says
I don’t buy fakes. If I can’t afford to buy a designer, I’ll go for something cheaper but authentic! I only splurge on designer handbags when I’ve more than enough money to spend. I believe in what you pay is what you get. I own a few cheaper bags like those from Esprit, Mango and UCB. They’re cheaper but they don’t last. My everyday bag is the Coach Poppy tote I got last year. I’ve been using it almost everyday to work and it’s still in perfect condition.
Tine says
I did an experiment once where I bought a fake LV wallet at Batu Ferringhi just to bring to Japan with me on of my business trips years ago. It was in the usual monogram, and when you carry it just right, no one knew it was a fake. And let me tell you, the treatment I get from sales staff was impeccable. Not that it was terrible before (Japanese staff are never rude, always accommodating), but you can tell the subtle differences.
I’ve never carried a fake designer bag anywhere else but in Japan (the experiment lasted a year). And when I wanted to get one here, my husband was strongly against the idea as he thinks that everyone would think it’s a fake, since he always questions the authenticity of designer bags he sees the ladies here carry (especially if they’re *ahem* Chinese). Although I think he’s probably just using that as an excuse to not let me buy. Tsk tsk 😛
Anyhoos, to answer your question, definitely. I wouldn’t buy any of the usual monograms by LV because they’ve been copied to death. Basically any sort of monogrammed designs, whether it’s Coach or Gucci. So that pretty much only leaves me with the plain leather goods. More expensive, but I reckon they look better anyway.
Evelyn says
Although there are many fake Lv/Gucci/Coach around, especially the monograms design, but it will not stop me from buying the real thing because when you own a real designer handbag, the feeling is really different, I don’t mind the fact that there are many fake items out there, I will be more than happy as long as mine is Authentic. 😉 That is my point of view.