Last week, I asked for thoughts on the Longchamp Les Pliages tote bags and I received some interesting comments regarding the prevalence of fakes (especially in our part of the world – Asia). As with many designer brands or bags with popular designs, the Longchamp Les Pliage totes are heavily faked – I’d advise you to be careful if buying online.
Actually, I think anything from Louis Vuitton takes the cake for being faked but that’s digressing 🙂
I feel very strongly about fake fashion goods, whether clothes or bags. Fake goods make me sad. I live in a country where its possible to get fakes (and pretty good ones) for a fraction of the price of the real thing. I was told by a reliable source that a Grade A fake designer bag costs RM750 and up. I’d rather put that money towards a cheaper designer or brand or save up for the real deal. But that’s my take.
Still, leaving the debate of fake goods aside, does the large number of fakes or counterfeit products available in the market deter you from wanting to own or owning the real thing?
Do you feel that a product, design or brand loses its appeal because there are so many fakes out there? Or perhaps it just spurs you to buy the real thing knowing that you can?
My take: The prevalence of fakes do not affect me. If anything, it makes me happier to own the real thing. I speak from experience – there’s no use buying a fake because you’d know it is one and when you wear it, you’ll know. Of course, how you carry it will depend on the company you are with and I just felt like a “wannabe” and that I was “trying too hard” even though no one said anything (or even knew for that matter). Ok, so I was a much less secure in myself and less confident then than I am now 🙂 But when I could afford it, I hit up the real thing and there’s been no turning back. So I’d say no, fake products do not stop me from wanting and owning the real thing. I don’t end up eating instant noodles for a month, if you’re wondering. I only ever buy anything pricey when I already have the money firmly in hand or in the bank account.
What about you? Are your choices limited by the fake products out there whether of the design or of the brand you’d otherwise purchase? Do share your thoughts – I think it’ll be interesting 🙂
Paris B
Hanny says
Hmmmm, if I HAD the moolah to own a real one, it won’t be a problem at all, actually. Not many people can afford the real ones, hence fakes emerge. Anyways, a bag is just a bag IMHO, it carries stuff. However, RM 750 for a fake is rather exorbitant as you can get a Grade A fake in China for less than half the price, and they WILL come from the same source.
Like you said, how a person carries the bag would most definitely depend on the one who carries it. If I really DO get one, it would not be an LV, Coach or Gucci with all the monograms, hehehehe. Those are the ones that get faked too much, ehehehe. ^.^
Great post btw!
Serenity Gemz says
I totally agree with you. If I had to pay RM750 for a FAKE, I would rather either own a slightly cheaper designer brand or save up for the real thing. And even though there may be fakes of the bag that I use out there, I delight in the fact that I am using the real thing. I have tried many times using the fake stuff but somehow, I always come back to the real stuff.
But I discipline myself in that I am only allowed to buy one expensive handbag a year. Hahahaha. And I NEVER buy my branded bags from Malaysia. Have experienced and heard too many horror stories regarding fakes sold from the actual branded store and quality complaints.
irenekay says
“Do Not Support Counterfeiting! ”
I admitt i bought 1 fake before I venture to original but I don’t feel right. Its like something is missing, i felt so wannabe, cheap…and just FAKE!
With e $ i use to buy, i rather get those nice bangsar boutique bags or charles & keith or wateva nice bags non designer..
Sorry to be rude here but if you can’t afford plz don’t pretend u can & get fakes. Or if u think it’s too pricey to own one, get inspired version. Do u guys know its illegal & it support child labour?
Sam says
I carry real bags, but I too, like the subtle bags (eg. LV Epi, Damier). I know it’s real, I know what fantastic service I got from the boutique and the hard work that went into earning the money for the purchase! I hate fake bags that are not even copies of actual bags (eg. tote bags with the LV graffiti scribbled all over them).
Jessica says
I am with you on this one PB! Some people buy fakes for the sake of looking ‘impressive’ to others. I’m never the one who wanna show off to people of what I have, rather I buy for self-satisfaction. After all, isn’t that the most important thing to oneself? 😀
electronicfly says
I’m the opposite then. I love LV’s designs, but as long as I’m staying in Malaysia (or surrounding countries) I won’t buy one. Not because I can easily get a fake, but because everyone “has” it already =/
Shay says
Actually, I’m not really into buying designer bags. I got a few slightly branded bags. Think the most I spent is >S$400. 🙂
First, I think the money can be better spent on other things. Nice looking, stylish bags do not need to be expensive. Second, there are too many fakes around. So fake products kinda turns me off the real thing.
I rather have a unique bag that matches my style overall and doesn’t hurt the pocket too much. 😀
Shay says
Opps sorry. Shld be <S$400.
doriosity says
never been too too interested in famous designer bags, I go for the underground lesser known but equally as awesome designers. I find them to be more refreshing, and nobody else is carrying it. (limited amount of product you see 😉 so if someone says where’d you get your bag, you can say oh it’s one of a kind!!)
Nikki says
Same with you, I’d rather save up my hard earned money and spend it on the real thing as I know it lasts and I can always hand it down to my “KIDS” 😀 The only thing about fake is that, if there’s just so many fakes around like LV, I have a hard time purchasing the same design that has so many fakes….it’s just me though
Mabel says
One thing, I don’t understand why a bag costs a few thousand dollar since its just a bag, whether its made from leather, comes with diamonds, but still people thinks the trend & fashion & the pride of having them are priceless. !!! All this company are eating up our money ! however this is the ugly truth, when there is demand , there is a supply.. and the price got higher when there is higher demand.
For me its quite simply, if u can get a real designer bag, its good for you (of cos i also wish to have that every single real designer bags), if u cant afford it, then whatever bags u have whether its imitation, it doesn’t matter still a bag after all.. end of the day is the pressure from society/peer that you are worry that you are taking fake bags (which is still bags?) . but Rm750 for a bag .. some more a fake one is a big NO ( their profit probably higher than those ori one!)
Nancy says
Punchy & spot on! I for one will never understand the mentality of owning a fake. If one cannot afford it, a better way is just to spend on a cheaper, but not necessary less quality bag such as the equally gorgeous & fashionable charles & keith. When people says that it’s easy & obvious for a ‘real’ thing to spot the ‘not-so-real’ stuff, trust me, it is indeed very true. Call me a snob but I do feel disgust & distaste whenever I spot a ‘real’ fake.
Fairuz says
Well I do agree with you on this, coz for me, its the satisfaction of knowing you bought the real thing. I also don’t get people who pay so much for fake goods. There are other designer brands out there that aren’t as pricey as some of the fake goods, so why bother to buy fake?
Better save up that RM750 put it into the piggy bank towards buying the REAL LV!
klee says
I don’t let fake designer bags deter me from purchasing them as long as I know I am carrying the real mccoy. But I have once considered purchasing a fake just to ‘irritate’ those who act hoity toity when they carry an authentic designer bag as if carrying these bags elevate their standing somehow – I noticed this kind of attitude is more prevalent in developing countries. I have been guilty of having this type of feeling when I walked in the malls with my LV or Burberry until it dawned on me that it is dreadful to liken your esteem to a branded bag….so I have snapped out of it and I now I buy a bag because I love the design whether branded or not. I won’t judge if a person prefers a fake (you would be surprised that sometimes it has nothing to do with money or lack thereof), whatever floats their boat. But for me personally, I would go for the real thing or not at all although I suspect that as consumers we are being charged exorbitantly by some of these designers e.g. Coach bags that cost twice as much in Kl vs US (probably because the Valiram group need to pay royalty or something) but still. Btw, you have a great blog Paris B (not ur real name I know) and I have been an avid reader, though this is my first comment since its such as interesting topic.
Juan says
when i didn’t own an LV before, i always said i wouldn’t buy it because there are too many fake LVs around. but once i got a neverfull monogram as a gift, i realised that it was a different feeling when you actually own the real thing. i’m not the least bit concerned if people think i am carrying a fake because i know it is not and that is good enough to me 🙂
april says
As much as I love instant noodles, I’m happy that you didn’t end up eating that for a month.
Paying that much for Grade A, might as well top up more to get the real thing, with the overall satisfaction. It’s a happier experience going to the shops and getting it legit – provided the customer care and service is awesome, of course.
Qiqi says
Well, for me, I don’t care whether it is faked or the real thing, my only concern is about skincare products. This products I really buy the original one
Back to the designer bags, I don’t think people will know whether the bags we bought are the real thing or fake, because it looks almost the same! Except for certain people who really are in fashion and stuff, they may notice. I have original levi’s jeans my aunt bought for me, when she is in Las Vegas. When I wear it, nobody notice that is was levi’s original, so I don’t mind buying the fake ones .
Foong Jin says
If I really like a design (and not brand, slight distinction), I wouldn’t care if there are fake products out there. What other people think is their business, as long as I have the satisfaction of knowing mine is authentic.
Joanie says
Hello readers,
You should click the link above and read the article. It is very interesting.
ParisB says
Hmm… so maybe not everyone got what I was asking but hey! It was great to read all your thoughts anyway and since I asked for it, you’re all perfectly entitled to your views on this matter 😀 Thanks for leaving your comments.
beetrice says
I guess I’d have fallen into the “cheap fake” category during my younger days, simply because (a) as a student I couldn’t afford it and (b) I was rather rough and tumble with my bags – they never lasted long, so no point in buying something expensive.
A decade or so afterward, LOL…need I say more? *pats the tod’s* I’ll save for the originals, but would rather have something more subtle than one that’s been faked to death and too “in-your-face”. The “Prado”, “Lewis Vitton” and “Gucchi” are everywhere! 😀