A confession – I was not a fan of the Lancome Tresor perfume because I found it too strong. It also smelled it like would suit an older more mature woman better.
When I saw the Tresor In Love version, I was surprised because Tresor comes in a short squat bottle but Tresor In Love comes in a tall elegant bottle marked by a satin black rose around the top. It somehow brought to mind a flamenco dancer.
The thing is, I really like Tresor in Love! It is light and not too floral, sweet without being cloying and fruity while just offering you a hint of sensuality. Its a fragrance for falling in love.
The fragrance is lovely and because its light, dries down to just a hint of a scent on me. Fortunately, the scent does not change too much on my skin – fragrances do sometimes do that so I start out the day smelling fresh as a daisy and end the day with a fruity floral scent with a hint of musk. Quite perfect for me.
I love the packaging and it sits prettily on any dresser with the pale peach-pink liquid filling the heavy but elegant glass bottle. The only gripe I will have is the cap. It looks like cut glass but is, I believe, a heavy clear plastic. Not very cool.
If you like the original Tresor scent, think of it as a fragrance for long sensual evenings, and Tresor In Love for the day or casual weekends.
Its not hard to fall in love with Tresor In Love 🙂
Pros: Light sensual scent that I like
Cons: Cap was plastic
Tresor In Love fragrance comes in 3 sizes – 30ml, 50ml and 75ml. Not sure of prices but I think the 50ml bottle is RM200.
So because I love perfume ads, here’s the official Lancome Tresor In Love TVC in original French, because that’s the language of love ma cherie! 😉
Isn’t it so … French? 😀 Did you notice the white dress worn by Elettra Rossellini (daughter of Isabella Rossellini)? I love it!
Paris B
Lancome Tresor In Love perfume retails at RM200/50ml and RM260/75ml at all Lancome counters
IMHO, I think the mother looks waaaay better than the daughter. Must be the blue eyes that make the difference. 😛
But seeing the commercial makes me want to go sniff at Tresor In Love at the counters! 🙂
Doesn’t it make you want to see if a whiff of the perfume would reel in that hottie across the room? 😉 unfortunately the scent isn’t that strong but up close mmmm 😉
I like Tresor because it smells quite unique but it is a tad strong at times like you mentioned. I have the miniature but never got around to getting the full-size since I got Magnifique instead. That just finished so Tresor in Love may be going to the top of the list now 😀 Thanks!
Hehe I hope you like it – I really do! Its a lot lighter than Tresor the original
I love her dress too! I have a belt that’s exactly like that. Vintage. Got it from dressforyesteryear.blogspot.com. Came with a “stepford wives”-ish polka dotted dress. I thought Rosselini’s daughter is quite pretty. In a more doe-like sort of way.
Paris – So is the perfume attracting any hot french guys from across a crowded room? As hot as the one in the ad? Hehe. Oh wait…. there aren’t any hot french guys in Msia. Sigh.
Sadly as I told Rinnah above, the scent isn’t so strong as to attract hotties across the room but its a pretty scent and I love the dress sigh…
J’aime bien la pub! C’est tres sensual xxx
Tresor is a bit too strong at time. Never able to finish the whole bottle. Only use it occasionally. I’ve received a sample of Tresor In Love and I like the smell a lot. Well, I plan to purchase a bottle and will use it on a daily basis. As for the bottle, didn’t look attractive enough.
I love this fresh clean smell! The ad is like Armani’s Code though..
Hi Paris! Tresor In Love is more towards fresh or sweet smell? I’m looking for a fresh smell perfume (fresh+sweet is ok,but not fresh+fruity-at least for me :p) but I can’t seem to find THE fresh perfume(like really fresh), if you get what I mean. Or maybe you can recommend me a perfume? Thanks for your review btw! Have a great weekend! 🙂
p/s: I finally bought the Meteorites Loose Pearls in 02 and I’m loving it! 🙂
Does anyone know what dress it is that she’s wearing? And where I can get it please?
Carla, I tried to find the dress in the internet but there is nothing said how the advertisement was created and what designer made the dress!
i love this dress too
so, if someone find it tell me please!!!!!
So im getting married on feb 14th in hawaii and i am looking for that dress everywhere! Cant find it! Please help.
Hi,I’m also looking for that dress. If Anyone finds it, can you please let me know? Thanks