I don’t know about you but I feel terribly sad when I see the elegant Nicole Kidman walking around like a train wreck. I don’t know if she does it to herself or if her makeup artists have something against her (in which case she should fire them) or if she should just look in the mirror before going out on the red carpet.
In December, Nicole Kidman stunned the world when she walked out onto the red carpet for the “Nine” Premiere looking like she fell face first in a bowl of flour. The makeup malfunction was eventually traced by intrepid makeup artists to possibly silica powder for which I tried to dupe 😛
This year, Nicole Kidman sure opened up 2010 with a bang by sporting a smudged orange oompa loompa look on the red carpet of the Golden Globe awards 2010 🙁
I personally believe that the Chanel In Love blush used on her was just too dark and orange on her fair skin and her overzealous makeup artist might have taken things too far by dusting the blush all the way to her jawline.
I do like what they did with her eyes and though I’m not a fan of the wine coloured lipstick used on her ( Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Santal) I’ll live. A lighter pink or maybe even red lipstick might have worked better though.
I do think a pinker blush too might be better for her – something like Narcisse maybe? I think that would have given her a more fresh faced look as opposed to the tired bronzed look she’s sporting.
But that’s just me. What do you think is up with Nicole Kidman? Are you as disappointed with her current makeup looks as I am?
Paris B
p/s Nicole’s makeup breakdown for the Golden Globe Awards 2010 was courtesy of Temptalia
Well, I watched the Golden Globes but she looked stunning… Perhaps her makeup looks good in real life, but not so in photoes…. Anyways, her makeup artists should have known the effect her makeup would produce in print so yeah, i would support you in saying that she should fire those incompetent dumb@$$es. hahha.
Yeah – the makeup artists should be experienced enough to know how the makeup will look in photos. Many of the other stars looks amazing – Drew Barrymore and Sandra Bullock come to mind.
I was surprised to see Nicole’s makeup when I saw her picture recently too.
Anyway, the lip color looks just wrong on her. I own Chanel Rogue Allure Laque in Santal and it’s actually a peach colored lipstick.
I think the one used on her lips is Chanel Rogue Allure Laque in Imperial.
or in Dynastie. lol
Well her makeup artist said it was Santal – maybe she SHOULD be fired if it wasn’t 😉 I only have Mandarin so I’m not an expert on the Chanel laquer lipsticks.
Same with you, I don’t like her makeup even on the 2010 Golden Globes. I think the makeup artist made her look even older! I agree with you that there are so many great makeup artists out there who can make ordinary girls look wonderful on tv or prints! she should sought after them 🙂
Or maybe Nicole touched up her own makeup? Its hard to say sometimes 🙂