Remember me moaning about how my skin hates zinc oxide? Well, apparently I’ve now found a sunscreen product that contains Zinc Oxide (and Titanium Dioxide) that does not irritate my skin, is a gorgeous primer and makes my skin feel wonderful! Glory Hallelujah!
Problem: It costs RM370/30ml *whimper*
This product is ZO Skin Health Oclipse sunscreen and primer. I was given a 15ml sample to try and you know, that’s the downside about trying all these wonderful stuff – when I actually know the price of the product, I go all pale and get the shakes from the shock.
But yes, I’ve been slapping on the ZO Skin Health Oclipse sunscreen for about 2 months now and its been very good. The sunscreen is lightly tinted – nothing dramatic, but just enough to even out skin tone.
I love the packaging – the way the nozzle swivels out as you turn the cap – its so hygienic and sleek!
The texture is velvety smooth and as a primer, its outstanding. If I apply this in the mornings, my foundation (whether liquid or powder) goes on like a dream… and stays that way! No oilies at all. But yes its silicone based as with most primers so do take note if you are sensitive.
As a sunscreen, its broadspectrum and contains SPF30 with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as its active blockers. I have dryish skin but this does not dry me out at all. Its supposed to contain antioxidants to fight free radicals but since its going on at a molecular level, I can’t tell if it works. I can say that its not making my freckles any darker so something must be working.
All I know is that this is an amazing sunscreen + primer combination that I’d love to keep in my skincare/makeup routine. I’ll pinch my pennies for this one 😉
Pros: Excellent primer, Does not make skin oily nor clog pores, Makes skin feel velvety smooth, Broadspectrum sunscreen
Cons: Expensive for many
ZO Skin Health is named after its founder Dr. Zein Obagi and there is a whole range of ZO Skin Health skincare for anti-aging which is supposed to help skin heal itself. I haven’t tried the rest of the products but if Oclipse is anything to go by, its going to be pretty awesome too!
ZO Skin Health is available at Parkson Pavilion, Metrojaya Mid Valley Megamall, Escentials Tangs Pavilion, Escentials Urban Retreat at Starhill Pamper Floor, Parkson KLCC, Parkson Bandar Utama, Parkson Penang Gurney. If you’re in the area, drop by and test Oclipse out for yourself and come back and tell me if you like it. 🙂
Off to the hospital…
I’m off to see the doctor. I stubbed my toe last week and although the bruising is gone, its still hurting and looks weird. I’m convinced its either dislocated or severely twisted so I’m finally going to see the doctor to figure out what the problem is. I need to be able to wear shoes and walk for miles pronto! Or I’d be in trouble.
I just hope they don’t tell me its to be amputated 😛
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
Hey Paris! Am really happy you’ve fallen in love with it too! Really good product, but painful price tag … sigh … on another note – hope your toe feels better after the hospital visit – take care!
Hey Yani
I know! I nearly fainted at the price but it makes my foundation go on so smooooth! My toe’s fine apparently – looks fine on the Xray anyway Thanks! 😀
ouch… You will be fine.. don’t worry… wow.. ZO is in high price tag!
Hi Synaesthesia
Thank you – Yep the price tag was scary.
Hi PB, I do hope that amputation will NOT be an option! By the way, I am looking for a good sunscreen and this review came at the right time. You mentioned that the product is slightly tinted – I must try this out at the counters to see if it alters the look of my foundation.
Hi JackieA
Thankfully amputation was not discussed 😉 The product is very lightly tinted but goes on the skin colourless. If anything, I find it helps my foundations go on smoother and more even – I look flawless! Sigh…
love the effect it gives, but not so in love with the price tag…*gulp*…will have to start saving lah!!
Hey Beetrice
Ya must save for this one – so nice leh…
very hefty price tag indeed! even more expensive than La Mer O_O but if it works, it works! 😀 at least it doubles as a tinted moisturizer too
Hey Connie
You’re right. If it works, it works! Its pretty awesome stuff but I can see why its not mainstream 🙂
“fainted” after seeing the price tag. I am positive you will find a dupe sooner or later, I will wait for that. Good luck at the doctor’s, I am sure no amputation is needed!
Hiya Reese
So did I m’dear! I’ll look out for a dupe though I’m thinking its going to be hard to dupe this one! The results were ok – no amputation – I had to prepare for the worst 😉
Glad to hear amputation’s out of the topic for u 🙂
I seriously am in shock at the price…wowser! But some great things in life come at a very high price I’m afraid…need to either strike a lottery(or two) to get this baby then! (i can’t seem to save, i’m attracted to things easily!)
Hiya Jessica
LOL I was quite surprised at the price too but then I guess everything comes at a price and in this case its lovely sunscreen and primer!
“it’s still hurting and looks weird” o_0 Eeeek! Good luck with your toe!
And yes the price on that sunscreen is rriiiiidicuuulous!
Hi Kahani
Thanks! I’ll just have to hope it heals quickly.
I hope your toe gets better soon!! Good to hear that it’s ok!! 😀
And yeah, the price is obscene!! >.<
Hiya Jenn
Thank you!
oWo OMG RM370 30ml??
lolz its super expensive T.T
at least for me =p
hope you toe recovery soon
wear the Crocs for extra comfort XD
Hi Eliza
I can’t even wear the crocs – closed toe.
That is very steep for 30ml SPF30 sunscreen! And I thought Dior and Chanel were expensive ^^;; With that said I would definately try it if someone gives me a free bottle(hint hint) and then discover I couldn’t live without it and just splurge away… sighs…
Anyhooo, my best wishes and prayers to your toe. Hope it recovers soonest.
Hi Saintangelius
Thanks! I’m so tempted to splurge too but am waiting to see if I can just finish up the rest of my sunscreens first haha… SPF30 is still a little light for everyday for me.