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Dior’s Summer Collection for 2009 has been known by a few names – Bronze Collection, Pop Art collection and Cristal Collection to name just 3. The reasons are clear. Bronze collection because summer is a time when bronzers come out to play and this year, Dior has come up with the bronzer-blush of the year!
2009 will be remembered forever as the year Dior launched the prettiest Bronze Harmonie blushes we have ever seen – Rose Brazilia and Coral Riviera (RM142) – both limited edition. Rose Brazilia is a pink bronze color while Coral Riviera is a warm peach bronze shade. Expect them to sell out quickly.

Rose Brazilia is still in the testing stages for me, but it looks less warm than Coral Riviera and shows up peach-rose. Can you get lovelier than that? I’ll try to post up a review next week.
The Cristal Collection is so named because Dior’s limited edition star item for their Summer 2009 collection is called Cristal Shine – a lipbalm/lipgloss palette (RM185). More pics if you keep reading!
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