I read Vivawoman’s post on how green tea may help with slimming and then I thought – Wait a minute here, I don’t drink tea in any colour or form. I just don’t like tea. But I like my coffee. So, are there any benefits of coffee at all?
I undertook some research on this and found that although coffee gets a lot of flack because of the caffeine it contains, there are also benefits to coffee and caffeine in regular small doses.
Coffee Berries contain high antioxidants
Like tea, research has shown that coffee too contains antioxidants and may be instrumental in reducing the risk of certain diseases like diabetes and parkinson’s. BeyondJane has an interesting article on the anti-aging benefits of coffee that is worth reading. Apparently, it is shown that coffee berries actually have a higher amount of antioxidants than even tea!
However, the most common known benefit of coffee or caffeine is as a stimulant. If you have ever wondered why only a cup of strong coffee in the mornings can get you going when nothing else can, it is attributable to caffeine and its stimulating properties. Too much however can lead to headaches, migranes, heart palpitations, anxiety and leech calcium from your bones. Ooh that all sounds horrid! In fact, for some, just one cup might just be too much caffeine which might explain why some people get headaches after drinking coffee.
On the other hand, there is a report about using caffeine to help premature babies through their first few difficult days. I thought that was interesting although a dosage that large in an adult may be way too much! I do wonder if the preemies might get a little “addicted” to the caffeine though…
Coffee constricts blood vessels
Coffee is also a diuretic – it constricts blood vessels and can dehydrate. So, the known side effect of taking a lot of coffee is dull skin. However, if you limit your coffee intake and take lots of water after that, there is no reason why you should cut your regular cuppa out of your diet! (link)
However, the properties of coffee and caffeine in constricting blood vessels might prove to be a goldmine yet. Research has shown that using caffeine topically on the skin can help constrict the blood vessels, helping those with rosacea, and reducing dark eye circles or puffy eyes. Coffee is also a well known ingredient in helping reduce cellulite. In fact, Avon says that caffeine is crucial in a good cellulite cream! Now who said caffeine was bad again? 😉
Incidentally, the new Garnier roll on eye treatment pen contains caffeine to reduce puffiness around the eyes. So, it appears that the principle is sound.
Beauty benefits of Coffee grounds
If you drink ground coffee at home, don’t throw away the coffee grounds once your coffee is made. Coffee grounds can be reused for beauty benefits as well other uses. I know of one that I have tried:
Coffee grounds Exfoliant : Take the warm coffee grounds and mix with some olive oil into a paste. Rub the paste on your body or wherever you have cellulite. The scrubbing motion coupled with the roughness of the coffee grounds and the caffeine will help scrub away dead skin and leave your skin feeling smooth and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Plus it also smells good and is cheap! Coffee grounds are less abrasive than apricot kernals so there is less chance of you scratching your skin.
I’ve been for body scrubs in a spa where they use coffee grounds as part of their treatment. I loved the smooth glowing skin I left the spa with! Plus, it smells delicious.
So like everything we eat or use, there are benefits as well as disadvantages to coffee and caffeine. The key is moderation. So, if you are a coffee drinker like I am, don’t forsake your morning cuppa just yet. I know I won’t because my day never starts without a good shot of caffeine in the morning 🙂
Do you have any thoughts on this or any tips to share? Feel free to share below.
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
PB!!! SO true about the benefits of coffee especially using it as a scrub to reduce cellulite! It is true that’s why a lot of those Spas offer coffee scrub massages!!! It is great to include coffee in your lifestyle but of course not those creamy based that would make you go fat! LOL 🙂 The best ones are the natural ones 🙂 Oooohhh I just had coffee this morning and I want another cup!
Hey Nikki, LOL at cream based coffees making you fat. Stick to the plain coffees (no cream, no frappucinos) and I think it’ll be fine 😉 I only take a cup a day – just to jumpstart my engine in the mornings
hmmm im one of those who experience the ‘bad’ effects from coffee. if i have one cupful a day, i get heart palpitations, so, usually i am only taking half packet of those 3-in-1 coffee at one go. At one point, i took coffee daily and i have very frequent migraines so since then i stopped. now i am having half cup of coffee for about 2x a week and i am fine 😀 no more migraines and heart palpitations.
p/s: my colleague told me that she used to heat up the coffee beans in the oven and then just scrubbed on her thigh to get rid of the cellulite!
Hi prettybeautiful, Wow when I take 3 in 1 I ADD coffee! LOL… But if it gives you headaches, then you might need a substitute.
I can’t drink coffee. The acidity gives me a headache instantly. Even half cup does that too. 🙁 That’s why I only drink tea.
Hi Sesame, Wow that’s really drastic but I guess if tea works for you its great! Does it help you stay awake though?
1 cup isn’t enough for me PB! I need at least 2 to jumpstart my day! LOL Call that addiction? I don’t care! hahahah
Hey Nikki, Its probably a mild addiction but hey! coffee junkies unite! 🙂
Prettybeautiful – 3-in-1 or any instant coffee is pure caffeine which is why not many people can take it! Robusta coffee beans yield lots of caffeine but no taste so instant coffee makers dilute them in water, spray dry the liquid to get the instant coffee granules and then add artificial coffee aroma to it (because Robusta coffee beans tastes too yucky for consumption) – Source: “Starbucked : A Double Tall Tale of Coffee, Commerce & Culture” by Taylor Clark
I practically get a heartattack when I drink instant coffee…. but…. I love my expresso with a dash of steamed milk. Something that tastes so good and makes you feel so good can’t be that bad! But I do drink a cup of water (at least) with every cup of coffee I drink.
Hi Michelle, I didn’t know that about instant coffee but most times, I get a nice buzz with ANY coffee 🙂
now i know why im soooo addicted to coffee.. i simply cannot start my day without my coffee… i was a premature baby… maybe my mom gave me coffee… lol…
this is good read… its nice to take a while to read something other than make-up review.
a friend told me one of the disadvantage of coffee is that they make ur breast go smaller.. haha.. i havent check the facts out yet, but looking at mine, i don’t see them going smaller in any way.. haha
Hey lalala, I had to laugh at your friend’s comment about coffee. I don’t think there’s any documented proof of that 😉 Thanks for sharing.
I have a friend whose hands will go shaking if she does not have coffee, and she drinks starbucks double/triple shot expresso! Her absolute nightmare is during fasting time.
Hey Reese, Whoa! That is serious coffee addiction! I’ve weaned myself off it 🙂
I’m unable to start my day without my morning coffee. I’m an addict! I started drinking when I was a kid (thanks to my late grandma! But was only allowed to have a small cup). I tried to skip the habit a few times but I felt so strange – like something was missing. I’ve cut down to a small cup in the morning.
I’ll make sure I keep the coffee ground next time I make my morning espresso. Thanks for the tips 😀
Hey Amanda, I wouldn’t call one cup a day being an addict. 🙂 Research has shown that coffee might be good for productivity!
I’m a tea drinker who occasionally drinks the odd frap or instant or two. I need two a day just to keep the withdrawal headaches away. So yes, I’m an addict and dependent on caffeine. Sigh.
Though I’ve never tried it for cellulite because there aren’t any in the house.
Caffeine is also supposed to help constipation – how’s that for “get up and go”? LOL. Instant has that effect on me…
Hey synical, most of us coffee drinkers do need at least a cup a day. When I don’t, I can’t function LOL… I didn’t know that about constipation though
Is coffee good for me? Heck yea. LOL.
I can’t make through my day without my cuppa(s). But thanks for that tip on using ground coffee as an exfoliant on cellulites. I might just try it out. Hehe…
Hey Syen, only if you are lucky enough to have lovely ground coffee!
sesame: There was one time I had a very bad gastric, I couldn’t take coffee nor tea, but you must becareful coz english tea is also very acidic. Try very very old (more than 15yrs) “Pu Erh” or “Bou Lei” Tea which will balance the acidity in your stomach. A chinese herbalist ask me to take that and also helps your bowel system and slimming too =P
I love our local Coffee!!! Especially Malacca Aik Cheong coffee =P The Best! I can’t take Espresso it gives me a headache instantly and sometimes a gastric. Too strong… For sleepy mornings I take Ipoh White Coffee and after the 2nd sip I’m so wide awake! Wow… for so many yrs I’ve been sleeping through coffee’s and this reli keep me awake!
1 thing I know for sure that young children shouldn’t drink coffee coz it will stop them fr growing taller… I know bcoz I’m the example. I found out from a health channel long long time ago… So I quite drinking coffee when I was 10 and started last yr =P hehehe I simply cannot resist the nice smell of coffee when I prepare for my dad in the morning =P
Hiya notcute, Yep, I love local coffee too! Nothing beats it strained through a “sock” hehe…
you know how i used to drink my coffee? black and balck only. and i was a super addict! it’s not good. it’s NOT NOT NOT good! too much of a good thing is never good!
i started drinking water. just plain old water. lots more water and much less coffee. now i am about 2-3 cups a WEEK from like 5-6 cups a DAY.
Girl, my skin is so much better. treat yourself with a nice cup of coffee but don’t become an addict like i used to. water still is the best! Nothing beats it.
Hiya jojoba, Definitely, water is really important. I wash down my coffee with mugs of water everyday and true – don’t go overboard with anything. Too much water can lead to water retention too!
I love the aroma of coffee, it lift up my spirit whenever I pass by Starbucks or San Fransisco on my way to work. Sadly my stomach is intolerant to coffee and I could only breath in its aroma. 5 years ago I was coffee addict which lasted me for 6 mths. I did not develop intolerance that time and I mostly consume up to 6 cups of coffee per day ( I had to attend many meetings and seminar, every breaks I whip a cupful to keep me awake). That time I was just out of university and still young so that could explain my high tolerance to 6 cups of coffee! Now I will have stomach upset whenever I drink just 1 cup of coffee. I have successfully stayed away from coffee for 3 years.
Hey Sylvia, Sorry to hear of your coffee intolerance. I cut down a few years ago to a cup a day and thus far, I’m ok with it.