I was recently away for an overnight trip to Bangkok. It was super fun and I got reasonable shopping done and ate myself silly. I also walked my legs to death – they were so tired even after I got back! How that relates to this post is that I chose to go with just a backpack on my back. I wanted flexibility of time and I wanted to challenge myself to pack and move light. I managed with my clothes – I kept it down to the basic minimum but I knew skincare and cosmetics would be a different story. So, here’s what I did.
I hauled out all the sample sachets of products I had. I spread them out on the bed and picked out one of each for hair, cleanser, moisturiser etc even down to foundation and lipstick! The best part is that I got to test some products I’d been meaning to, but never got round to it.
The products I took along with me that I had wanted to try were:-
Aesop Fabulous Face Cleanser
After a 2 hour flight, washing my face with this Aesop cleanser was wonderful. The aromatherapy smell was very calming and helped soothe frazzled nerves. There was minimum lather but it cleaned well. My face did feel a little tight after cleansing though.
Aesop Primrose Hydrating Cream
I only used this at night. It was thick and oily and worked well in a dry air conditioned environment. Since it was so thick and I only had 1 night, I used the rest on my elbows. Very nice! I’d find it too thick and oily for everyday though. Its formulated for normal-dry skins.
Shiseido Maquillage 2way powder #20
This was a sample pack a friend got from Japan. It came in a plastic pack with a resealable cover, and a little sponge. Perfect for travel! I tested in the morning and it was medium coverage. Enough to hide some minor blemishes. I was surprised it did not melt away in the heat and after sweating from walking all over the city. #20 was half a shade too dark though. Still, there is enough product in there to last me a little while actually.
Shiseido Maquillage Lipstick
Why don’t we get these awesome samples here? This is a sample of Maquillage lipsticks in a range of colours. The lipstick samples come in a pack like aspirin or panadol. Just pop and apply. There’s surprisingly a lot of product in there and it applies sheer as most Japanese lipsticks do. I did not have a brush so I used fingers. It looked like a lip balm on me.
La Casta Hair Shampoo and Conditioner
I’m not sure where I got this from, but eeks! This shampoo and conditioner is awesome! It came from Japan and it left my hair wonderfully soft and manageable. It also smelt really nice. One sachet was enough to use twice which was great. It was just nice for my needs!
And there we have it! How I packed for 2 days and 1 night and travelled overseas with just a backpack on my back! The next time I travel for just a short time, I’d probably do the same thing with different samples. The best thing about travelling with sachets is that you just tear open, use up and throw! No hassle with customs, no flouting the 100ml rule on international flights and no worry of having to cart back half used bottles.
I’m sure you’ve seen them, but Cargo sells these lipglosses that come in foil packs similar to how they package pills. They also have foil pouches of foundation which would probably be useful for travel too 🙂
@blu3 : I’ve seen them only online. We don’t get Cargo here – boo! Majolica Majorca does foundation in sachets too – would be useful for travel too!
I do that too Parisb!!! When I travel, I pull out all the sample sachets and use them!!!! I love how light they are and it’s a great way to test on new products, yOU ARE RIGHT!
i use those samples, but honestly, they just don’t work as well. maybe i’m travelling, so my skin is acting up a little.
instead, i usually decant my usual stuff into smaller containers. 😛
hehe…I’m a lot like you as well – out come the samples to use…unfortunately, I’m a bit careful especially if it’s a product I haven’t tried yet – don’t want to be breaking out/ having an allergic reaction halfway through my holiday! 😀
Lucky you, PB! My skin’s too temperamental to attempt anything funny/out of the ordinary.
I was just thinking of my Tasmania-getaway and how I just want to fly and not deal with checking in luggage, etc. Because we’ll be doing a road trip, I just want a cabin bag that we lug in and out of the rental car-bed&breakfast and go. So, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of shorts for the entire trip. Tshirts and ONE light cardigan (crazy Tassie summer = Melbourne spring), decanting skincare into bottles and bringing just 1 makeup palette which has everything. (THe Dior palette I bought on my flight back to Melbourne). Wearing a pair of canvas shoes.
Let’s just hope we don’t go to any fancy restaurants 😛
That’s a fantastic way of using all those sample sachets we get 😛 Unfortunately, when it comes to my face, I very rarely use the samples lest I get a break out from them. And you know lah, holidays are the times when you gotta take lotsa photos and zits on me don’t look good. But for shampoo, conditioner, body lotion and shower gel, I’d hoard them as much as I can.
For my next trip back to Malaysia, I’m going to try going light. After all, I want to haul as much stuff back as I can, and so I can’t be bringing lotsa bottles back now, can I? 😉
@Nikki : Yep! I love how convenient it is to use up and throw.
@plue:I used to decant but I find it just too troublesome.
@beetrice: Yep, I’m careful with new products so I only stick to products which are less likely to react.
@geekchic : Sometimes, my samples are of my regular skincare. When i buy, I ask for additional samples 😉 I love Tasmania – its gorgeous and so relaxing! I’m sure you can pack light – maybe a simple dress in case a fancy dinner pops into the itinerary?
@Tine: Just don’t try coming back with a backpack hehe… I usually have a case of crazy skin on holiday even with regular skin care – sometimes its the air, sometimes its the stresses. But never in a temperate country 🙂
i pack light but NOT that light!!! i hate samples! plus most samlpes are not my HG so i can’t risk bring them along instead of what i am used to. you are so brave. i always carry a backpack and a carry-on for a trip fo less than 1 week. mind you, that includes my son’s stuff too. so i think i am doing well without using samples… 🙂
but i must say that you are one brave lady.
Wow… that’s super light! I wouldn’t mind travelling with samples for makeup, but not for my skincare. I treasure my relatively break-out free skin too much. Hurhur. 😛
@jojoba : I guess I have skin like an elephants 😛 I travelled this time WITHOUT a carry on – scary thought but I loved the freedom. I’ll be doing it again!
@rinnah: Samples aren’t for everyone but you can always gets samples of your regular skincare and not breakout! 😉
hey, i changed my mind about packging light and samples! i linked your fabulous review to my post here.
you are one smart beauty! thanks girl!