Last weekend saw me spending 4 hours with 6 other girls at my regular Kanebo salon learning the rudiments of proper skin cleansing and the basics of putting on makeup. I’m pretty used to using makeup on a daily basis, but it was a good refresher course for me, to pick up some new tricks, and try some new things like liquid eye liner (which I can’t get the hang of using) and mascara base (oh what a difference it makes!).
It being a DIY workshop, after listening to the theory and demonstrations, we had to then put on the makeup ourselves. Pretty fun, I’d say because there were people on hand to guide you along the way if you felt lost or if you were not quite sure what step came next or how to use something like eyeliner. All the testers were available for us to test and play around with which was super fun because I then got to test loads of products I’d been curious about. The other fun part was the skincare section when we had a little mini facial (DIY again) to prep the skin for the makeup.
And of course, what is a workshop without some lovely door gifts? 🙂
There were 2 T’estimo eyeshadow singles, 1 T’estimo eyeliner pencil, 1 Coffret D’or Fluffy Shine Eyes Mousse Eyeshadow (Fall 2008) and 1 Coffret D’or Combient Rouge lipstick/lipgloss (Fall 2008) in a nice bright orange bag for us to take home. I paid RM120 for the 3 hour workshop and got products worth over RM300 + some makeup tips – not bad for a weekend eh? 🙂
Anyway, beauty being a topic central to my blog at My Women Stuff, I talked to the manager to try to arrange a similar DIY Makeup Workshop session for readers of My Women Stuff because I thought it would be beneficial for anyone wanting to learn the basics of using full face makeup.
UPDATE: Nov 14 I have been informed by the manager that due to requests and feedback from interested parties the workshop is no longer being carried out in a large group at The Westin. Instead, it will be conducted in smaller groups over different times at the Kanebo Salons for a more intimate session with better personal attention, pretty much as per my experience above. Price and door gifts remain the same with a lunch voucher provided instead. Details can be obtained from Kanebo or by emailing me below. Apologies for any inconvenience but I happen to agree with their move as a smaller group will have better focus.
I was told by the manager that Kanebo presently has a Beauty Workshop scheduled for 29 November 2008 at Westin Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Kanebo Makeup Workshop – RM180 – 9.30am – 4.30pm including lunch
Venue: Westin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 29 November 2008
You purchase a voucher for RM180 from Kanebo International and you will receive:-
- door gifts worth over RM300 (Coffret D’or Combient Rouge, T’estimo Serumdrape Rouge, Highlighter, Eyeliner pencil + refill, complimentary Radiance Energylift Facial Treatment – I use this as my regular facial treatment and am happy with it)
- DIY skincare and makeup lesson
- lunch
I’m told that there may be some special priced discounted items to purchase on the day as well. They only currently have space for about 25 people and places are very limited so it is first come first served. I have about 6-8 places reserved for readers of My Women Stuff who are interested in this workshop.
If you are interested in the beauty workshop above, please email me at paris (dot) beaverbanks (at) gmail (dot) com with your name and contact number and how many people are attending. I will then pass it onto the organizers so you can check details with them on how to purchase the vouchers etc
Just to be clear – I am not affiliated in any way to Kanebo, and I don’t get paid. Once I pass your contact details to Kanebo you will liaise directly with them for purchase of the vouchers and I’ll fade out of the picture 🙂 As spaces are limited, I would appreciate if you could be very sure of your interest and availability on the date above so as not to cause inconvenience.
Feel free to let your friends know or to include your friends. If interest is really high, I might be able to work out another workshop for those who missed out on this one 🙂 I can’t do it unless I have the numbers so email me!
paris, i’m interested! 😀
emailing you ya!
Sounds good! I will email you separately.
Sounds interesting! But I’ll have to give this one a pass cos it’s too near year-end and I’ve already budgeted my fun money for a holiday… 🙁
@plue @christine: Will keep an eye on my mailbox
@rinnah : If you are really keen, let me know anyway and we’ll see if anyone else is interested for a different session later.
Aww it all sounds like fun!
*grumble grumble* can’t believe I’m missing this *grumble grumble* 🙁
Sounds lovely, but can’t make it on that date.
Also wondering if I will need a nap halfway through the session, given my current state!!
hmm…it sounds interesting enough, but I vaguely remember having something else planned for that day. also rather broke after the previous couple of sales! :s maybe the next one lor…sigh…
wow that sounds fun!! i want to join!!! 😀
i guess i have to pass this time too. looking forward to the next one 😀
that’s very thoughtful of u to ask the manager for the makeup workshop specifically for your reader ……. thanks 🙂 regretfully have to pass lah
hi there – anymore seats available? do let me know. thanks
Those are very generous door gifts! 🙂 And wow, you received the new cream e/s from CdO!