Benefit Cosmetics is doing a most unconventional spin on the wedding season and bridal makeup. Instead of telling you just how pretty a bride can look on her wedding day, Benefit is taking to telling the guests just how much they can outshine the bride! I love the irony. You know why? That’s because Benefit knows that there may be 200 women in the bridal party and guests combined but there is only 1 bride! So, why target one when you can target many?
Here are the products Benefit Cosmetics recommends for a neutral look befitting a member of the wedding party or wedding guest. Love your Look!
For someone who doesn’t usually take two looks at Benefit Cosmetics, I suddenly have an urge to check these stuff out. After all, there’s nothing wrong in being prettier than the bride! 😉
I’ve got one of their creaseless eyeshadows in skinny jeans. It’s a lovely pewter colour. ANd, no, it’s NOT creaseless 😛
I’ve only done a review on the dr feelgood so far, but I must admit, the silky finish lippies are looking way tempting.. 😀
I certainly understand the impulse, but it is the bride’s day after all and looking prettier is a tad rude…
… unless you’re attending the wedding of your ex-boyfriend or a bitchy co-worker/boss. *unsheaths claws* There are aaaaaaalways exceptions. 😛
that makeup looks fun i wonder if its good were do u get it
My favorite look is BRIDAL look, as you look naturally glowing and super beautiful!!! I never used Benefit..but I may give this a try thanks for the post 😀
Geekchic: LOL That is good to know. I’m horrible with cream shadows anyway.
Beetrice: You and me both! I’m so tempted to try them.
shyrh: Yes I admit it isn’t nice to outshine the bride (but really, who could with that glow?) but its a good marketing strategy and as you said, there are always exceptions!
tasha: Online at or at your local Benefit Cosmetics counter.
Nikki: Thank you and do review the products if you check it out!
I LOVE Silky-Finish Lipsticks! I have 4 now and surely would like to get more.
i .to try it never new they were here. i love the doves on the products.