Pure Vitamin E Oil as a moisturiser is a recent re-discovery for me, as well as being a recommendation from a friend. I used to use it many years back to heal acne scars but along the way, it got forgotten.
I have been using it for slightly more than a week now, and the results have been amazing! I only use it at night because its terribly sticky, and the box recommends it be left on overnight. The oil is thick and clear and its hard to spread on the skin, and be careful of your hair, if you have long hair. It sticks. The box has suggested to warm it up and apply on moisturised skin, but I haven’t gotten round to trying that.
The next morning, my skin feels soft and moisturised. by then, most of the oil has been absorbed into the skin. I usually lay a towel on my pillow so the oil doesn’t stain it. The immediate result I noticed was the lightening of the lines around my mouth, what is known as “laugh lines”. I had quite prominent laugh lines, but after about a week, they are now barely noticable. The slightly deeper lines will take longer, but any fine lines I have seem to have evened themselves out a bit.
Vitamin E is supposed to make a good natural anti-oxidant for the skin, and its good for lightening scars, acne marks and fine lines. I have some old pitted acne scars which I am hoping this Vitamin E oil will help even out with time.
I don’t intend to use it everyday all over my face (its too sticky), but only twice a week. I’m not sure if this oil will be too much for those will oily skin so if you have oily skin or combination skin, you might want to be more careful when trying it in case it causes more pimples.
For application purposes, I go for the highest IU (International Unit) I can find, which is Colonial Dames Vitamin E Oil.
The highest they have is 35,000 IU. The stickiness and viscousity gets less the lower the IU. I like this one as it comes in a pump bottle which makes it easy to dispense and to control. This is 100% Alpha (Vitamin E) and there is no smell. This retails for RM59.90 at Guardian and some other pharmacies (but not Watsons). You only use a little so it will last a while.
The other brand I’ve tried before this is Organic Aid.
This one comes in a glass bottle without a dispenser. The highest IU I’ve seen is 28,000 IU and the Vitamin E is derived from wheatgerm. I used it a long time ago which I started but I opted not to go back to this brand as I did not like the open mouth of the bottle. The oil residue will collect around the mouth and it goes rancid so it smells bad even if the rest of the oil is still good. This one is cheaper at about RM39.90.
I have also seen Vitamin E oil by Fruit of the Earth and The Body Shop. I’ve never tried them so I will not comment on them.
Opinion seems to be divided if Vitamin E has any benefits for topical application, but while it works for me, I’ll keep on using it.
UPDATE: Try not to use it to often as it could possibly clog pores if you have oily skin. I use it only once a week but nightly on scars.
technorati tags: Vitamin_E, Vitamin_E_oil, face, skincare