A couple of months ago, I had a terrible breakout especially along my chin and jawline area. I tried all sorts of pimple creams but the spots persisted. Then, I suddenly remembered this concoction that I used to make weekly with Apple Cider Vinegar.
Be warned – it smells! So, if you are sensitive to the strong smell of apple cider vinegar, make it with green tea. I’m not too fussed by the smell so I used to make it with just plain water.
This is what you need:-
- Small glass bottle – vinegar is acidic – use glass. I use an old toner sample bottle
- Steep a bag of green tea (any brand) in a cup then when its cool, pour out some into another cup/measuring cup and mix with equal parts of apple cider vinegar i.e. 20ml tea to 20 ml apple cider vinegar
- Use as you would a toner after cleansing and before moisturiser.
- Keep in a cool dark place (my room is usually dark and cool so I keep it there).
My skin has cleared up dramatically since I re-discovered my old staple, and in fact, I’ve found that using the green tea seems to be beneficial for my skin too. My skin is clearer and any budding spots are nipped in the bud (no pun intended). I’ve also stopped getting cystic acne (the hard painful bumps under the skin that sometimes never erupt) and my pores seem smaller and finer too. The smell is masked somewhat by the green tea, but not totally so. As I said before, I’m not bothered by the smell.
I’m using it twice a day now, but you can use it only at night if you’d rather. I use a strong facial sunsceen everyday, so I feel alright using this even in the day.
I was told that Braggs is probably the best brand out there for the apple cider vinegar as its unfiltered. Filtered vinegar doesn’t work as well. However, if you know of other brands that are unfiltered you can use them too.
This is natural and chemical and preservative free which should be good for the skin. Also, as its preservative free, I make mine on a weekly basis. I hope this helps someone!
There are some fibers in the apple cider. So… Should I shake the container before mixing it? Or do I need to filter them out? Haha. I’m still new at this.
PB says: Apparently, those fibers or “mother” are what make Braggs or any organic apple cider vinegar effective so, I read once that you should shake it up and then put some on the cotton pad, and use the other side of the pad to wipe over your face, if the fibres bother you. I personally just use it as is and its fine. Hope that helps!
Haha. Thanks so much. I’m using Solana Gold ACV. Hope it’ll clear up my stubborn spots because most of the toners I’ve tried don’t seem to work. You’ll definitely get an update from me.
PB says: Apparently, so long as its unfiltered it’ll work. Do let us know how it goes.
I’ve been using the apple cider vinegar toner for a week now. And I say, I’m impressed by the results! I stopped getting rashes on my face. You know, those little itchy bumps that appear on places like your forehead. Also, my acne seems to be clearing up. New spots stopped appearing for like…. 5 days now. And my existing spots are starting to heal.
That’s the downside of having fair skin. I don’t have much acne. But when I do have them, it is very obvious. Little red dots on white face. Haha.
I mixed it with cooled down boiled water last week. So now, I’m making my new batch with green tea. It took a little getting used to. Because the smell is so strong. But look on the bright side. The smell cleared my blocked nose.
Also a little recipe for your insides:
– 1 teaspoon of ACV.
– 240ml of water/8oz
– 1 teaspoon of honey [best if it’s an australian brand]
Drink it in the morning when you’re having breakfast. A great way to start your engine.
Oh… and by the way, thanks so much for the tip! I won’t be using any other toner from now on. 🙂
PB says: Yay! I’m glad it worked for you. Its pretty awesome eh? And thanks for your recipe for drinking it too!
I will start using acv toner for my clogged and open pores. I usually use grape seed oil as a night serum. Can i use it after the acv toner?
I’ve used BRAGG ACV for a while. You take a shower and dry yourself. get a basin and fill it halfway with warm water. Add a half cup of ACV (shake it first) and mix. Take a face cloth and dip it in the basin and scrub your whole body, go light on face, is important to dry yourself with your hands (don’t use a towel) by rubbing them against the body until you are dried. You are going to see your skin peeled off when you start to dry up. Do this, and you will see that after a while your face and body will shine like an apple. It works.
thanks for the recipe on how to make ACV as a toner and morning drink. I will make my own toner tomorrow, hope I can find an organic ACV. Wish me good luck!
Suddenly I have Alipicia and after all the blood work has come back negitive( Auto-immue,thyroid,hormones) I have been told to take organic ACV and with sage tea( still looking for that) I should use it as a rinse to even the PH of my scalp.Anyone ever use ACV for that?
I’ve heard that ACV can be used as a clarifying treatment for your hair (2 ways – mixed with black tea as a rinse, or add a tablespoon to your shampoo or conditioner). I personally shy away from using it in my hair because I think it makes my red highlights jump out, and man, I hate those red highlights…
But it does really make your hair feel clean and soft.
lynda: I never thought of using it to balance scalp PH but since vinegar is acidic I’m sure it’ll work. Besides if you go for organic apple cider vinegar, its probably better for your hair and scalp than using chemical shampoos. Do let us know if it works for you after you have tried it.
I tried the no-poo routine where you replace your shampoo with baking soda and ACV and it did wonders for my hair and I haven’t bough shampoo in 3 months now.
Check it out here
Hello everyone, I just had an idea to use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with a cotton pad straight on my face. Have been doing it for 2 days. My dark spots on either side of my face and my dark circles under my eyes are clearing up. I did not mix it with anything. Just straight out of the bottle. Try it, this stuff is awesome. To God Be the Glory for his all natural cures. In Jesus name!! Stinks like all get out but it leaves my skin terribly soft and the pigmentation problems are being corrected.
I use Bragg ACV and Emu Oil daily and my face is clear. I apply the ACV directly on my face with a cotton ball, let it dry, and apply the oil. I have suffered with cystic acne for over 15yrs. and have seen many dermatolgists so believe me this stuff works. You have nothing to lose but your acne and the ACV costs less than $3.00. It’s way cheaper than an office visit and medication. Also, remember this is all natural so it might take longer for you to see improvements.
Hi, I just wanted to ask, would you just take it straight from the bottle with a cotton pad, wipe it on your face and leave it there? Or would you wash it off afterwards? Do you use moisturizer afterwards? Haha, I just want to know if I do it right ’cause I haven’t tried it yet…
I’ve tried straight from the bottle when i first started using acv. It dried my face so bad. It was peeling off, mostly in sensitive areas. I diluted some. And my cystic acne cleared within 2 weeks. I no longer have little whit heads or painful polyps. But the acv will bring all your pimples and “gunk” to the surface. So be prepared for a purge of the skin. Its so worth it and satisfying in the 32nd
Um.. but would’nt it make your face… sticky or ‘sweety-sourish’ after using the Apple Cider Vinegar??
i wanna give it a try, but should I use a moisturizer after that?
@Abby : Actually, no it doesn’t leave the face feeling sticky. Just very clean. When I use it, I do use a moisturiser after that. It can be drying.
I do this too. I actually use a face cloth soaked in some super hot water and rung out. I gently scrub my face with the hot water then dip the corner of the cloth in the little jar of braggs acv I keep near the sink. I gently exfoliate in circles with that. I allow my skin to dry (no rinsing). Gives a fresh “tightening” feeling when it drys. Then I use a dab of Unrefined Shea Butter and moisturize with that (focusing on my cheeks, nose and lips). It appears as though my blackheads around my nose are diminishing as well. I do this in the morning and at night before I go to bed and my skin looks So GOOD!! I also drink 2 tablespoons in an 8oz cup of water each morning on an empty belly. Amazing stuff! God Is Great :o)
ooooh~~ thks for the reply! XD
i just bought a bottle today! and i think it smells.. okay… O_O
and i think it’s tasty! :p hehee… but too much will make your throat feel wierd.. ‘tingly’ is the word to describe it i think!
the sudden humongous break outs has really ruined my teenage life.. people would stare at you like you’re some alien.. =_=”
i even STARED at myself like “oh my… this is really wierd..what’s happening to me..”
I thougt i had a disease or something… i scared the day lights out of myself. So then i turned to the internet and i ended up here~! This is awesome~ malaysian women who have gone through the same thing.
oh ya, i was at this website fatfreekitchen. And it said that sodium chloride and some isopropyl can cause acne??? But when i see the ingredients on stuff, and facial wash, most of em have it! =_= … so i tried to find something that doesn’t have those stuff in it… then i found Organic Aid vitamin E foam wash that say it’s hypoallergenic & non-comedogenic… has anyone used it before?
hye there,
is it really working? this ACV..?
is it suitable for any skin type?
i have bumps on my forehead [i don’t know what it is called]
and it should only be worn at night?
@lilac : It works for me. It is not a miracle though so don’t expect immediate results. I only use it at night because it stinks otherwise. Good luck
where can i purchase the Bragg ACV?
i would like to try..
@lilac : Try any organic food store or even supermarket.
Honestly I’m a little skeptical of trying this. It just seems like the acidity from the apple vinegar would burn and irritate your skin, making it worse. I’ve just broken out on my forehead and I used to have really nice skin. I don’t know what the cause of it is but will this help?
It might burn a bit with the first application but you will not regret what this stuff does for your skin. Apply at night before bed if your hesitant. Greatly appreciate all the posts, comments and recipes that people freely share to help others. I’m one that tried almost everything, spending way to much on overrated products. Dont hesitate, try it you will like it, so thankful I did. My skin looks great again !!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone !!!!!!!!
@Rebecca Hubbard : Actually you are recommended to dilute the vinegar with water – 1 part vinegar to 1 part water. It has helped me and many other girls.
I can’t believe it. I’m going through the same thing. I’ve all of a sudden broken out on my chin. I’m skeptical about trying acv toner. Although I was thinking about doing acv w/ water, and then using a moisturizer that has green tea in it. Hopefully it’ll work. Thanks for the advice.
“This is what you need:-
1. Small glass bottle – vinegar is acidic – use glass. I use an old toner sample bottle
2. Steep a bag of green tea (any brand) in a cup then when its cool, pour out some into another cup/measuring cup and mix with equal parts of apple cider vinegar i.e. 20ml tea to 20 ml apple cider vinegar
3. Use as you would a toner after cleansing and before moisturiser.
4. Keep in a cool dark place (my room is usually dark and cool so I keep it there).”
Paris B, when you say to keep it in a cool dark place, i’m guessing that “it” is referred to the mixed concoction of the ACV and the green tea right? So you’re saying that i can use a portion of the mixed concoction and keep the rest in a glass bottle right? And for how long can i keep it up til? I’m really tempted to try this coz i’ve been having these small acnes for a long time and can’t wait to try on your method! 😀
Erm its bugging me too can i make it once n use it for the week or longer?
How long generally can we keep tis?
Once you make it you can keep it up to a week. Preferably not longer and it is best made and used fresh.
hey, ive got a question?…would ACV work as well with men…?plz need an answer friends..
I don’t see why it shouldn’t.