Pure Vitamin E Oil as a moisturiser is a recent re-discovery for me, as well as being a recommendation from a friend. I used to use it many years back to heal acne scars but along the way, it got forgotten.
I have been using it for slightly more than a week now, and the results have been amazing! I only use it at night because its terribly sticky, and the box recommends it be left on overnight. The oil is thick and clear and its hard to spread on the skin, and be careful of your hair, if you have long hair. It sticks. The box has suggested to warm it up and apply on moisturised skin, but I haven’t gotten round to trying that.
The next morning, my skin feels soft and moisturised. by then, most of the oil has been absorbed into the skin. I usually lay a towel on my pillow so the oil doesn’t stain it. The immediate result I noticed was the lightening of the lines around my mouth, what is known as “laugh lines”. I had quite prominent laugh lines, but after about a week, they are now barely noticable. The slightly deeper lines will take longer, but any fine lines I have seem to have evened themselves out a bit.
Vitamin E is supposed to make a good natural anti-oxidant for the skin, and its good for lightening scars, acne marks and fine lines. I have some old pitted acne scars which I am hoping this Vitamin E oil will help even out with time.
I don’t intend to use it everyday all over my face (its too sticky), but only twice a week. I’m not sure if this oil will be too much for those will oily skin so if you have oily skin or combination skin, you might want to be more careful when trying it in case it causes more pimples.
For application purposes, I go for the highest IU (International Unit) I can find, which is Colonial Dames Vitamin E Oil.
The highest they have is 35,000 IU. The stickiness and viscousity gets less the lower the IU. I like this one as it comes in a pump bottle which makes it easy to dispense and to control. This is 100% Alpha (Vitamin E) and there is no smell. This retails for RM59.90 at Guardian and some other pharmacies (but not Watsons). You only use a little so it will last a while.
The other brand I’ve tried before this is Organic Aid.
This one comes in a glass bottle without a dispenser. The highest IU I’ve seen is 28,000 IU and the Vitamin E is derived from wheatgerm. I used it a long time ago which I started but I opted not to go back to this brand as I did not like the open mouth of the bottle. The oil residue will collect around the mouth and it goes rancid so it smells bad even if the rest of the oil is still good. This one is cheaper at about RM39.90.
I have also seen Vitamin E oil by Fruit of the Earth and The Body Shop. I’ve never tried them so I will not comment on them.
Opinion seems to be divided if Vitamin E has any benefits for topical application, but while it works for me, I’ll keep on using it.
UPDATE: Try not to use it to often as it could possibly clog pores if you have oily skin. I use it only once a week but nightly on scars.
technorati tags: Vitamin_E, Vitamin_E_oil, face, skincare
Interesting! I was just reading this morning if Vitamin E is good for scars and some have said no. But I believe as in every product, the experience varies with individuals. I’m going to put your recommendation under BloggerTips if you don’t mind. Not the full article, just the part that it works for you and then of course link back.
Hiya – yes I have found that it works for me, but as you said, not for everyone. I don’t mind you linking – thank you!
I do find help Vit E. I usually use it in cream form. Whenever Clayton or myself is recovering from a scarred tissue, I will apply a little on it during the healing process.
Another great product for scars and acne is Rose Hip Oil. I recommended it to a friend who had undergone some reconstructive surgery to her face and it helped her face heals well. It’s a little costly but a little drop goes a long way.. wah, I think these people should pay us for reviewing their products hor??
Doris: I used to use rose hip oil too at a stage. More expensive I agree but I found it stained my sheets something terrible. Pretty effective stuff though and I think it works a tad faster (and is less oily) than Vit E. Vit E is just easier to get (and cheaper).
I heard it works really well on chicken pox scars too…my friend used a mixture of Vit E & Cocoa Butter when she got chicken pox a few months ago, and she healed really fast…=)
Hi my name is Dominique I recently had chickenpox and I have a few scars on my face I was wondering if your friend had and tiny holes left over from the scabs falling off, and how many months did it take to fade? Also once they fell off did she atomatically start pitting vitamin E and coca butter on her face please let me know you can email me at [email protected] thanks
I been using Colonial dames Skin care for years and years ever since I was 14 year old but i start get into this product few year ago you could still order on Colonial dames website
That stuff works
i’ve been using vitamin e oil, the organic one, on my smile lines and yes, it works… and it’s much cheaper than brands like strivectin. applying the oil all over the face i do once a week, and although it’s a bit sticky, i find the next day, face has a nice glow. but just one point though – if you have oily skin, vitamin e oil is good for you, as it is an antioxidant that will clear away the oil. another tip – you can apply vitamin e oil to acne spots, they disappear after a day, and it’s milder than oxy and other benzoyl peroxide based products.
I just purchased a vitamil e oil at longs and it has 30,000 IU. It a clear bottle you can use it on your skin and also you can consume five drops daily. Its not sticky at all. It’s oily. My skin is dry so I use it everyday. I’ve been using it for over a week. My skin feels really good. I put a little bit on before I put on my make-up. It makes my face look radiant. I love it. Especially, because its natural.
Elizabeth, if it is not sticky, it may be combined with other oils. Check the label. I have one vitamin e oil 30,000 IU from nature’s bounty and the fine print ingredients are also soybean oil, corn oil, wheat germ oil, sesame oil, and lemon oil. I still use it and I like the smell from the lemon oil
Hi, i purchase the Organic Aid Vitamin E cream – non greasy & non sticky. It comes in brown container. It’s good on after pimple pick. Good for oily skin too! pleasant smell : ) overall, good. Affordable price of RM1+.++ forgot actual price : )
Where do i get Rose hip oil? I was recommended it , for my surgery scar which is quite bad..
You can get rose hip oil from any Cosway outlets.
I have very dry skin and I use CVS brand viatmin e oil on my face. I love it. It doesnt clog my paores. The only downside is that it has no spf. I am african -american. Many of us dont think we can get skin cancer, but we can. My mother was told that she could die from melanoma that she had. I usually mix my a little vitamin e oil with a drop of my mac liquid foundation, which has spf. This oil is great in moisturizing my face without clogging my pores.
Hi, I just bought Organic Aid Vitamin E Oil and Moisturizer cream (got free gift Organic aid soap) at Guardian last 2 weeks, my skin is so dry and dehydrated, during the first week i apply the Moisturizer cream with drops of Vitamin oil, used it every night only since its too sticky. The second week until now, my skin becomes more elastic and some of my ‘ stubborn’ scars has been reduce, but it doesn’t help my pimples that pop out, probably because i used it every night, right now i just used it 3 times every week. And i think mixing the Vitamin oil with foundation is a nice idea especially for dry skin 🙂
I have very sundamaged skin and have been using Vitamin E oil on it for about a week. I used it years ago for chicken pox scars and they all disappeard. It is sticky after I put it on, however by morning it is fully absorbed into my skin. I find it is hard to spread on the skin but I am hoping for good results.
may i know whch one is better btw that 2 vit oil??and is it really works 4 acne scars??
I have just purchased a bottle of equate Vitamin E oil. 30,000 IU for about $ 8.00 dollars. I have damaged my skin under my eyes from using a burn ointment, thinking that it would help with my very dry skin from working in very cold conditions. In fact it made it worse. So far,I have only had it on a hour, very thick layers of the oil, and the skin is already feeling very relieved. I will keep you updated in two weeks. I also had used this product years ago, and it always had help with looking younger, but had forgotten about using it as new aged products had come forth.Just goes to show you that simple is best!
Yeah..I also use this Vitamin E oil 38,000 IU and it’s already nearly 1 month. the result s super beside the sticky substance. I was fooled by a Miracle Soap named M**R which I bought through web and from the usage , I suffer a lotzzzz of pimples..scars..(and I totally depressed since my original skin is actually OK-no pimples).
So, to manage the scar, I decided to try this oil. So far, teh result is okay, but I need extra time to get it dry before applying my sunblock and compact powder.
em..I thnk I wanna try Eucerin SPF40 cream (commented in this forum)..and hoping for a good result!
i love vitamin e oil and you know that. but your post here was the reason why i tried out Organic Aid Vitamin E Facial Wash.
will review it soon. beeing using it for white a while now.
my friend had suggested me to used Organic Aid Vita E that extracted mostly from wheatgerm oil.together with its facial cleanser .i felt a better skin after 2 weeks.but the moisturiser is quite sticky making my face oily.i just use it as a base of my make up…i heard about a new product,BIO OIL.i didnt try it yet.i have (burnt scars) at my right leg.i hope one day ill get the real solution for it….erm,could anyone here tell me what is the best product for the cellulite problem at hips .sometihing which is easy to be used like soap
Use Vita e oil and coco butter both. IT will help
Bio Oil is great! I discovered it after I’d had an elective surgical procedure and was looking for something to aid in scaring. I was pleased with the results when used on my incisions. I now apply Bio Oil after showers and occasionally on my face prior to bed. It is not oily at all. And it is light and smells fresh. A great body moisturizer!
Bio oil here is sooo expensive!! Do you know any cheap website?
Im using Organic Oil Vitamin E almost a 2 weeks is awesome my skin look more glowing is good as my make up base and also at night. when woke up I can feel my skin more soft. I can see my wrinkles a little bit gone away and i will keep using.
i use vitamin e oil also on my face…and it works great …makes your skin soft and smooth …and noticeing less wrinkles..i swear by it …been useing several months now and will continue to use it ..also great for scars…
I have two item- Pure Vitamin E Oil Organic Aid(as pic above) and Vitamin E Mosturiser Organic Aid(in brown package)
Is it both applicable for face only?
and what is the difference btw these 2?
Thank you all:)