I’ve gone from posting once a day (twice a day even!) to weekly, and now, we’re 15 days into a new year, and I have not graced these pages with a post.
I almost feel ashamed at my tardiness LOL!

The truth, and reality is that much has been happening in real life, that has impacted my online presence. I wish I could say that I am learning to juggle it better, but the truth is, I haven’t. If anything, I’ve let the ball drop far more often than I’ve been keeping it up in the air.
While life slowly begins to go back to normal for many of us after the last 2 years of limbo, I have to say that it’s not been so for me. For me, it’s gone off on a tangent, and at this point, I’m not quite sure where it’s heading! Not all of it is bad though! 😀
I skipped sharing my thoughts on my birthday last year, as well as my annual year-end recap. I had much I wanted to say, yet there was much I did not want to say. I know some of you look forward to those sort of ramblings, as you’ve shared with me, and I’m sorry that I did not indulge in self-reflection. The last time I shared one was this one, and much of how I felt in April 2021 is how I’m feeling now.
A lot of it has to do with wanting to take a little step back from the online life.
I’d been doing that for a few years, but last year, I hit a tipping point. Realistically, there is very little you need to know about me, and I mean it in the nicest possible way! 🙂 What you really want to know (if anyone’s still even reading) is what I think of a product or service. Maybe not even that, as I’m never going to be half as interesting as many other bloggers or what are commonly referred to now as ‘influencers’. Again, I say this in the nicest possible way with no malice.
The influencer life, living your life in front of people, is not for me.
That said however, I do enjoy the interactions I have on Instagram, as much as I detest that platform. People on my feed are just nicer and maybe just less judgmental than on other platforms I’m on. I consciously took myself off other platforms, as I felt that it was turning me into a person that I would not like at all. I was allowing myself to wallow in negativity and to indulge in petty sniping. It was getting ugly, and I caught myself just in time, before I morphed into someone I could no longer recognise.
Perhaps, despite my advanced years, I am still very naive to think that people actually care about others, or that they value relationships and maturity. The reality is that it’s just a children’s playground out there, with cliques, gangs and bullies who prefer a sensational tabloid story to a more mundane fact. All’s wonderful until someone takes against you and then, it’s open war – if you’re not on my side, you must be the enemy!
It’s interesting to observe, but troubling to see what society has turned into – vigilantes, for the most part.
Still, as they say, your online experience is what you make of it. So that’s what I’ve been doing – making it generally a more positive space, spending less time with strangers, and living more in the moment. I check in a few times a day to catch on the news (it cannot be denied that it’s quicker to receive news via social media!) but that’s about it these days.

I am of course still growing my little business that’s focused on dogs. It’s been such a challenge, as so much of it is new to me. I’m now a baker for dogs, who seem to enjoy what I churn out, even if I’ve never been able to bake anything fit for human consumption LOL! 😀 It’s been an interesting ride over the last year, and almost gratifying that it’s gotten so much support from people who understand and appreciate what we make. Sure, there have been hiccups and people who spout nonsense from their rear-ends, but we’ve been encouraged for the most part by the positive reactions and response to the dog treats that we make.
If there’s one major reason I’ve been lax about updating my blog is the time I’ve spent and invested in learning about canine diets and how we can make a better, more beneficial treat. My little pup is of course, the most willing taste-tester of them all! 😀
But what I hope to do this year, is to find a little more balance in my life.
I’d like to find a little more time to spend blogging – be it about beauty or just a general musing. Blogging and writing allows me to keep in touch with a part of me that is just me. I miss that, and it feels like if I don’t write, my ability to speak and think regresses a little LOL!
But yes, balance would be good. A little more yin and yang.
The last 2 years has been quite a ride in more ways than one. I’m glad many people I know are still here, riding that wave of life. If you’re still reading my blog, or reading this at all, thank you for sticking by 🙂
If there’s one wish I have for you too, it’s that you too find balance in your life this year.
I’ll be back soonish 🙂
Paris B
Dear Paris,
I wish you all the best for 2022 ! I always love reading your posts, be it about beauty (ok, that I like a lot ?), travel, this and that, your thoughts and experiences. There will always be nasty people somewhere, but you have friends all around the world caring for you!
Hi Anna, thank you so much for this comment. It means the world to me especially at this time, when fewer and fewer people bother to comment on blogs (or even to read!) anymore! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
Hi Sue, understand your thoughts perfectly. The past two years have brought unexpected changes to many people, not just the external circumstances but their thoughts and being as well. That explains the great resignation that we are experiencing now, for better or for worse. I do hope these changes, most of them stressful and challenging, will bring about a better world for all in 2022/23. Keep the faith.
Hi Terry, thank you for sharing your thoughts! It must have been quite a challenging year for you too. But you are right. We can look at our challenges and see what we can do with it that helps us improve and grow, not just wallow about it in. There are opportunities to be found even in the depths of gloom and doom 🙂 Wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead!
Dear Paris,
Happy New Year!
Still reading all your posts. A good thing that came from the effects of pandemic in our day to day life is, we realized what/who really matters. We also realize that actually we don’t need a lot to get by in the first place.
We can never please everyone. Our happiness is our own responsibility.
Cheers to a wonderful year ahead of us!
Hi ML, thank you so much for letting me know I’m not shouting into the ether! haha! And you are right about this self-realization about only needing what is absolutely necessary. That realisation cannot come soon enough! Wishing you a wonderful and healthy year ahead!
Hi Paris,
Been awhile i did not pop by.
Tough year for me too. My dad was hospitalised due to pneumonia (not covid related) and he is still alive today with trachy and tube feeding.
Yeah, we need to seek help to share the burden. I am thankful for my siblings, helpers,nurses etc.
I wished you a good year ahead.
Stay safe and take care.
Hello Jackie! Thank you for dropping by and sharing your experience. I’m glad to hear your dad is well, and I hope that you’re all being strong about everything, because really, in these times, we all need all the help we can get! Here’s wishing you nothing but love, happiness and health all through the coming year
Still reading, still learning (from you and my daughters), still hanging on, still laughing and goofing around. Still hoping one day to meet you in person, my kids can babysit your dog ? happy new year Paris.
HAHAHA I hope your kids won’t be absolutely petrified by my rambunctious pup! But it would be fun wouldn’t it? One day, when things are safer, why not? 😀 Thank you for still reading and commenting. It means the world to me!
I do very much enjoy your product reviews. You do a great job of including many details and especially, honest pros and cons.
Thank you Anna! I look forward to returning to what I do (and love) best this year! Fingers crossed! Wishing you an amazing year ahead!
Your blog still is and always will be one of my favorites! I often go back to old posts, I just love the way you write.
These past two years have been pretty crazy and little things like reading something that you like make all the difference 🙂
Sending lots of love from this site of the world x
You’re too kind Suhrya, thank you! 🙂 I do still check out yours too (albeit with Google Translate) just so I have different perspectives on things. Wishing you health and happiness!
Hi Ms. P,
Not going to lie, this is the annual post I always look forward to in your blog. Always so relatable and comforting.
Happy to see you have a better work/ life balance.
As they say, the (fur) kids keep you young.