You know, I am a voyeur as much as you are when it comes into peeping into other people’s travel makeup pouches. I’m always curious what people carry with them when they go on holiday, and it often sparks a want or two. In fact, I’m as guilty of packing a nice little makeup pouch whenever I go on a holiday, just to be “in” – you know what I mean?
But at the same time, I do wonder. How much of that makeup that you packed do you actually, hand on heart, use? How much of it is just for Instagram 😛 and how much of it is just to say “Here’s my travel makeup bag!” Go on then, be honest! 😀
To be perfectly honest with you, I barely use any makeup when I’m on holiday.
So often, I’ve carefully curated a “travel makeup bag” only to find that I barely even take it out of my suitcase. Well, unless I travel for work, in which case, I do take a little more care with how I look. But when I’m on my own holiday, I tend to be sans makeup most of the time.
At most, I’d dab on a little concealer and do my brows. Often, I don’t even bother.
I think it’s mostly to do with the way I travel. I am a casual traveller, who dresses down, and I tend to walk a lot. Being a foodie, my stomach tells me where to go, which means that I tend to plan my trips around places to eat 😛 I also try to see as much as I can if I’m in a new place, which means that I’m out and about a lot, with no time to look all prettied up and instagram-worthy.
In fact, I’m just usually a sweaty mess, if it’s hot LOL! Oh yeah, try as I might, I just cannot be a glamorous traveller, decked out in a party dress, hair choiffed to within an inch of my life, and made up to the nines, posing coquettishly in front of the Eiffel Tower in Summer. I’m usually that typical tourist you see – jeans, tee, sneakers, backpack, hiding under the shade of the Tower, mopping the sweat from my brow, because I’m too cheap to take a taxi or Uber, and just walked in the blazing summer sun from the nearest Metro stop, which isn’t all that near, dammit! 😛
Rather than risk racoon eyes from runny eyeliner, and a sweaty mess from sliding foundation, I’d rather not wear anything at all. When I’m by the beach…. who wears makeup on the beach?! 😛 But when it’s cool, then I may put in a little more effort, because it just looks better. But just a little more. Maybe base and brows.
I was away with the family last week for a few days (just cuti-cuti Malaysia because everywhere else is so damn expensive, thanks sinking RM!) and I didn’t pack a makeup bag nor did I put on a slick of makeup. Yep.
I can just hear you thinking “And you call yourself a beauty blogger?!”
Why yes I do! 😀
How much makeup do you wear when you travel? Be honest!
Indulge me, I’m curious! How much do you pack and how much of it do you actually wear? 😀
Paris B
When travelling, I will never neglect my sunscreen (sunscreen is a must for my everyday’s routine). Since I have already put on my sunscreen, I will tell myself :” Okay, why not just layer up the foundation?”. After doing so, it will be my natural reflex to top the foundation with powder and blush. Lastly, I will do my eyebrows. Before zipping the makeup pouch, I always think it will be good to bring along a lipstick, and also my highlighter…
And basically, I am wearing my full makeup already -.-
Hahahaa For me, I stop at sunscreen, and then think, damn I’m lazy 😛 So I skip all the rest! Basically I guess it’s because I don’t treat my sunscreen as makeup. Ok, if I’m on a city break, I might do my brows. But otherwise, malas LOL! 😀
VERY little. Tinted moisturiser for base, concealer, compact powder, liquid blush, brow pencil and whatever lipstick. That’s pretty much what I wear on a daily basis anyway haha!
Wah that’s already more than what I usually wear LOL! Ok, if I’m holidaying in a city, I put in a wee bit more effort, like you. But quite often, I find as the days go by, I wear less and less LOL!
I’ve recently posted a photo of my travel makeup bag in Instagram. I usually strip it down to my base which includes: cushion, concealer, powder. Then top it off with mascara and lipstick. Just have a habit of bringing 3 lipsticks!
If I do carry, I’ve learned to just carry the bare minimum too! For eyes I sometimes bring a stick shadow “just in case” but often I end up not using it. Or anything for that matter. Not even lipstick! I might look a fright on holiday LOL!
It depends on the kind of holiday i’m going on. If beach holiday, no makeup at all and SPF130! If just somewhere nearby (eg. BKK), then light, natural makeup. All other holidays: full warpaint complete with a strong lip and falsies.
*crawls back into hiding* XD
LOL Hello Jenn!! 😀 Wah you’re hard working! The most I’ve done on holiday is a base, brows, maybe cheeks and lipsticks. I leave my eyes bare. In BKK I don’t wear any makeup at all, cos so hot!!
I’m guessing moisturizer & sunblock doesn’t count?
Nope, that’s skincare 😛
Listen. I took a big ole bag with me to Barbados the other day and I sure none of it. NONE! It was so hot and I spent so much time at the beach, I just didn’t see the need. When I went to Paris was the same thing. I BARELY used anything from it. I mostly used foundation, eyebrow pencil and lip balm.
That’s what happens to me too, so these days, I sometimes carry a pouch, but just a tiny little one with the bare minimum 😛 And they still barely see the light of day!
I’ll do my sunscreen and fill in my eyebrows definitely. If i’m out hiking or something mildly athletic I won’t bother with any more makeup. If I’m going to tourist sights in a city or dinner with friends than pressed powder foundations and/or concealer, maybe eyeliner.
If I happen to arrange to meet people then yes, I’ll make a little more effort. But if I’m on my own or family or travel companions then they’ll have to live with my no-makeup face LOL! But most of them are used to it anyway 😀 Sunscreen is a must of course – but for me that’s skincare so it’s not counted!
I’m pretty much the same! Unless I’m attending an event (example: a wedding) during the trip, I wear hardly any makeup. In fact, the only makeup I wear is lipstick as I look with death without some colour on my lips. But since I need to use lip balm anyway (and which I categorise as “skin care” cos without it my lips peel like crazy), a tinted one doesn’t feel like a separate makeup item? Haha! Add to that a BB cream and sometimes, if required, a concealer.
Even if I have an event to attend, I bring and wear the barest minimum. Lipstick, blush (I prefer stick blushes for travel), a single neutral shade of eye shadow, eyeliner (some times I don’t even wear this!) and mascara.
Of course, skin care is in a different category altogether la.
LOL same! My travel bag is BURSTING with skincare options. My makeup I keep to the minimum. I usually carry stick type products just coz it’s easier and take up less space. More space for skincare! 😛
Believe it or not, none. Zero makeup. Not even tinted moisturiser. I always bring some makeup with me (minimum really) if I’m going to be meeting up with people but if it’s just Tim and I or just me, I don’t even bother with makeup. I like to be bare faced and fancy free! No one’s going to judge me and if they do, I don’t care because I’ll probably never see them again. Hah! ?
YAY!! Someone who’s the same as me haha! And yes like you I figure, no one knows me anyway, so there’s no need to put on a face 😀
i pack pretty much everything i use on a daily basis, nothing excluded. yeps, holiday or not, it’s business as usual for the face 🙂
You’re one hardworking girl Jo! 😀
No makeup, hot greek summer, sea and salt do not fit, but I carry my makeup with me… weird?
Not weird Amalia, I carry them sometimes – like for back up LOL! But a hot greek summer sounds amazing 😀 I hope you’re having a good one
I wouldn’t say I go on holiday often, but I do travel often to see family (domestic & abroad). And every time without fail, I carry a train case full of skincare products plus an extra cosmetic bag just in case. I cannot bear to be apart from my products and routines. As for makeup, I can’t live without bronzer (so I look like I have a perpetual holiday glow) and mascara (can double for brows) so those are the 2 things that I will always have on me. I keep tinted lip balms in every bag I own so that doubles as my lip colour. While I am always partial to a good strong lip, on holidays it is not a priority.
Wah you’re hardworking Lezel 😀 But I understand, if you’re visiting people sometimes, putting that good face forward is important. If I know I’m meeting people I make sure I bring some makeup too. Basics usually and I usually skip the eyes altogether because it’s too much work. So, base, brows, cheeks and lips will have to do!
For travel makeup, I usually pack a tinted moisturizer or CC cream, a blusher, a strong red lip color and a colored lip balm. I’ll probably pack a concealer too just in case but won’t use it as much.
Skincare is another story. My skin needs regular maintenance and can never take a holiday so I still bring everything and a bit more since I will have more downtime to experiment with product samples or masks.
My skincare pouch is HUGE! I have all sorts of things in there, and doubles because I want to try everything haha! Also, I find hotel rooms very drying so I up the moisture and hydration and oils. I go light with makeup if I travel and I know I’m meeting people. But my family and friends have to see me bare faced LOL!
sunscreen, bb Cream and blusher. Will apply mascara and lipgloss if i go somewhere more atas 😛
LOL That’s still 2 more items than I’d use YY! 😀 Sunscreen is of course, non optional but I consider it skincare so it doesn’t count towards my makeup quota! 😉
For me it depends.
In the day time: Sunscreen, BB cream, concealer and eyeliner. ( I don’t use eyeshadow or lipstick) My brows I don’t care about them
In the night time: Primer, Foundation, Concealer, eyeliner and highlighter.
I have to wear makeup wherever I go LOL
Wah you’re hardworking Evan! 😀 Good on ya!
I think it depends of the kind of holiday, but I have to admit that almost every time I’ll pack enough to get a good face because you’ll never know when will you have an important meeting or party; that’s the main reason I always carry a nice shirt and a pair of trousers.
Also take in mind that most of my trips are for seeing relatives so I try to give a minimum good face (brows at least). The last trip I made (only a weekend) I went with only five makeup products: brow set, bronzer, blush, silica powder and tinted lip balm; enough to make you look healthy but without looking like you’re wearing makeup. If I knew I’d stay longer or it was for a family party I’d add foundation and or concealer.
Haha you’re so well prepared Efrain, I love it! I do usually know what I’d be doing or going on my holidays, so if it’s a nice place or restaurant then yes, a little makeup comes along with me and some nice clothes. But if I don’t plan any, then I don’t carry any (gives me an excuse to buy something if I really need it I guess? LOL! ) I’ve learnt that my family doesn’t quite care coz they’ve seen me grow up, so meeting them bare faced is nice. Helps when my cousins barely wear any makeup or care about skincare *gasp* and won’t listen. So…. their loss I guess? LOL!
I generally wear the same type and amount of makeup wherever I go. It makes me feel like myself and presentable.
You’re hardworking Kay! I guess I”m one of those who wants to “let it all hang out” when I’m away haha! But in cities I make a little more effort 😀
sunscreen, foundation, brown eyeliner and lipstick.
Although I look decent maybe for the first hour before sweats descend.
Which is why I don’t like close up picture and always wear sunnies to hide my eyes in pictures.
Yes! It’s the sweating part that I can’t stand, especially when you wipe the sweat and your base comes off. Ugh! But sunnies are a life saver! Look glam and hides a multitude of sins. Oh and good lighting too of course and no close ups LOL! 😀
As with clothing, I over-pack makeup, but usually only wear tinted lip balm. At most I use concealer, eyeliner, and tinted lip balm.
You know, I was a chronic over packer for clothes too. Now, I pack by outfits, and you’d be surprised at how little you actually need! No more “what if” because I’d already settled upon an outfit 😀
I should try that!
Yes, it really helps keep things light, and for me, leaves more space in my luggage for holiday purchases 😛
Let’s see, uh… sunscreen aside there would be bb cream (well, it’s a bit of a chest cause it multitasks and has decent coverage), a setting/blotting powder, tinted brow gel, bronzer and tinted balm. Helps that most of them are travel-sized 🙂 though I do abandon the powder and bronzer sometimes.
Unless it’s the beach, nobody’s got time to worry about looking pretty when getting slapped silly by waves!
Oh wow, my autocorrect. I meant *cheat not chest!
I hear ya about the beach! LOL! Even if I don’t usually go into the waters (I’m just kinda weird like that) I’m too busy reapplying my sunscreen 😀 But that’s a nice little compact travel makeup routine 🙂